Contents tagged with turkey

  • Mayor of Ankara: Pilot who shot down Russian plane last year participated in coup attempt

    According to the Mayor of Ankara, Melih Gökçek, one of the participants of the coup attempt in Turkey was the pilot of the F-16 fighter that shot down a Russian Su-24 frontline bomber over the Turkish-Syrian border in November of last year, RBC reported.

    While many of the details of Friday night’s coup attempt in Turkey remain unclear, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has insinuated that Fethullah Gulen, a powerful US-based Muslim cleric, is behind the coup attempt.

    At least 161 people …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Ministry reaffirms its support for the Turkish government

    The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement in which it reaffirmed its support for the democratically elected government in the Turkish Republic following an attempted coup in the country on Friday night, Evropeyskaya Pravda reported.

    "We hope that the President and the government quickly restore social peace and stability based on respect for democratic values ​​and the laws of Turkey," the statement read.

    Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin also expressed his condolences for …

  • Turkish MFA: Putin and Erdogan could meet before G-20 Summit in China

    The Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, spoke about the possibility of a meeting that will soon take place between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to him the negotiations between the two Presidents could take place before the G20 Summit in China.

    Çavuşoğlu said in his interview with NTV Channel on July 3rd that such a meeting could take place in late July or in early August 2016. According to him, the Foreign Ministries …

  • Medvedev: Russian sanctions on Turkey should be lifted gradually

    Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said the lifting of sanctions against Turkey should be done gradually so as not to detrimentally affect Russian manufacturers and business partners, RIA Novosti reported.

    "According to the order [to lift sanctions on Turkey], we have to prepare proposals to amend the relevant decisions, that is, an adjustment of the decree and the government resolution. We will act in stages,” Medvedev said.

    “Here it is necessary, on the one hand, to lift these …

  • Russian tourism in Turkey fell by 90% since last year

    Only 41,000 Russian tourists visited Turkey in May 2016. This is 91.82% less than in the last month of spring 2015, as indicated by the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

    Usually, the flow of Russian tourists to Turkey increases dramatically in May. For example, in 2015 the country was visited by over 501,000 Russians, in 2014 – by almost 695,000. However, the bans on selling trips and the cancellation of charter flights has led to an almost complete block of tourist flow. In May 2016, …

  • Turkish PM: We will not pay Russia for the downed Su-24 bomber

    Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım has said that Turkey will not pay Russia for the Su-24 bomber that was shot down over the Turkish-Syrian border in November of last year, Rosbalt reported.

    According to Yıldırım, Ankara has only expressed its regret over the incident and has not agreed to pay compensation.

    On Monday, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov announced that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan apologized to Russian President Vladimir Putin for the downing of the frontline bomber. …

  • Ankara: Turkey and Russia have agreed on the need to improve relations

    Turkey has confirmed that its President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has sent a letter to his Russian counterpart, President Vladimir Putin.

    “In the letter, he stated that he wanted to inform the family of the deceased Russian pilot that he shares their pain and that he expresses his condolences. Perhaps they will forgive us,” this was said on the 27th of June by Erdoğan’s representative, Ibrahim Kalin, who was quoted by Turkish media.

    “Turkey and Russia have agreed on the need to take immediate …

  • NATO sees TANAP and TAP pipelines as particularly important for Europe

    The head of the Energy Security Section in NATO's Emerging Security Challenges Division, Michael Rühle, believes that the projects of the Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP) and the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) for the delivery of Azerbaijani gas to European countries are particularly important for Europe's energy security. According to him, the issue of implementing the projects will be discussed at the Warsaw NATO Summit July 7-8, Trend reports.

    “TANAP and TAP are of particular …

  • EU Council has not come to an agreement on visa-free regimes for Georgia, Ukraine, Kosovo and Turkey

    During a meeting of the EU Justice and Home Affairs Council on Friday in Luxembourg, Ministers of the EU countries were not able to reach an agreement on the liberalization of the visa regime for Georgia, Ukraine, Kosovo and Turkey, Interfax-Ukraine reported.

    "We’ve talked about the liberalization of visa policies, noting the progress made by all countries, including Turkey. But we have not made a decision yet, because some EU countries still see a number of problems and are not able to agree. …

  • Turkey considers using Ukrainian company to aid construction of nuclear power plant

    A group of Turkish nuclear energy experts toured the facilities of the unconventional equipment and pipes plant, Atomenergomash, which is a separate division of EnergoAtom, the National Nuclear Energy Generating Company of Ukraine.

    According to Energoatom’s press service, the purpose of the visit of the Turkish delegation was to explore the prospects of involving the Ukrainian company in the construction of Akkuyu nuclear power plant in Turkey.

    "The Turkish experts were also interested in …