Contents tagged with turkey

  • Russia suspects Turkey of preparing to invade Syria

    According to Igor Konashenkov, a representative of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, there are “more and more” signs of covert preparations for an armed invasion of Syria by Turkey.

    Konashenkov stated that Moscow has “serious grounds” for suspicion.  “We are finding more and more signs of covert training of the Turkish Armed Forces for future military actions in Syria,” he reported.  He also noted that on a previous occasion, the Ministry of Defense presented video evidence of self-propelled …

  • Erdogan: Syrian Negotiations are Meaningless unless Russia and Syria Cease Attacks

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stated that inter-Syrian negotiations in Geveva are meaningless as long as the troops of the Syrian President, Bashar Al-Assad, and Russia continue hostilities in Syria. “Russia continues to kill people in Syria. How is it then possible to hold peace negotiations?” he rhetorically asked, speaking during his visit to Peru on the 4th of February. “In a climate when people are killed, such efforts make no sense. They just ease the conditions for the tyrant,” …

  • Turkey Refuses Russia's Request to Conduct Observation Flight along Syrian Border

    Russia accused Turkey of violating the International Open Sky Treaty. A representative of the Russian Ministry of Defence, Sergei Ryzhkov, stated that Turkish servicemen refused to allow inspectors to conduct an observation flight over regions bordering Syria and the area where the airfields for NATO countries are located.

    According to Ryzhkov, the Russian observation mission was denied prior to its members’ arrival in Turkey. Meanwhile, Turkish servicemen deferred to the instructions of the …

  • Russian Freight Carriers No Longer Allowed In Poland and Turkey

    Russian labor permit agreements in the cargo business with Poland and Turkey have expired. Negotiations to renew them have been unsuccessful for different reasons. Cargo transportation between Russia and the two nations has consequently stopped completely. 

    Poland has not yet renewed permits for Russian freight forwarders from Kaliningrad due to dissatisfaction with Russia’s new legislative requirements. According to them, conditions for foreign freight companies appeared to be seriously …

  • Turkish PM: Russia Continues to make Mistakes in Syria

    The Turkish Prime Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, said “In Syria the regime that allowed their people to be victims of genocide are just as responsible as terrorist organizations like Daesh. Turkey and Saudi Arabia are going to continue to support Syria’s moderate opposition. At the same time we will pursue our efforts to restore stability in Yemen, Lebanon and Libya.”

    The Prime Minister, who was in Saudi Arabia on a visit, held a press conference at the Royal Palace. Ahmet Davutohlu discussed his …

  • Klimkin: Turkey's Response to Airspace Violations is in Accordance with International Law

    The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Pavlo Klimkin, criticized the violation of Turkish airspace by Russian airplanes. “The situation is clear. Turkey, as a member of NATO, has never intended to violate Russian airspace. On the contrary, Russian aircrafts have violated Turkish borders. Then, who is it that is threatening whom,” said the Ukrainian Minister during an interview with a reporter from the Anadolu Agency.

    Klimkin noted that the same situation relates to Ukraine, which carries …

  • Turkish Air Force at Highest State of Readiness

    All military airbases in Turkey were placed on an ‘orange’ alert level, meaning that pilots can act immediately without the consent of command.

    The ‘orange’ alert was issued for all Turkish Air Force bases on Sunday, January 31st, so the Turkish Air Force is ‘fully ready’ and pilots have the right to immediately open fire without prior coordination with command, the Anatolian News Agency reported.

    Previously, Ankara accused Russia of violating Turkish airspace over the border with Syria. As a …

  • Turkey Accuses Russia of Violating Its Airspace

    The Russian Ambassador to Turkey received a note of protest regarding Turkish airspace violations caused by Russian aircraft, as reported by the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Ankara. Turkey made the accusations on Saturday, January 30th, on the website of Turkey’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    It is reported that on January 29th at 11:46 local time an Su-34 Russian bomber crossed into Turkish airspace. Before exiting Syrian airspace the pilot was warned repeatedly both in English and Russian. …

  • Dzhemilev: Turkey Supports International Effort to Return Crimea to Ukraine

    The Minister of External Affairs of Turkey, Mevlut Cavusoglu, supports the creation of an international group that will work on freeing the Crimea from Russian occupation.

    This initiative was requested by Ukraine and was discussed in Strasbourg at a meeting between the Turkish Foreign Minister and the Commissioner of the President of Ukraine on the Affairs of Crimean Tatars, Mustafa Dzhemilev, on January 26th.

    According to Dzhemilev's Facebook page, the meeting was also attended by Ukrainian …

  • Ukraine and Turkey to Strengthen Cooperation in Black Sea Region

    The Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Oleksandr Turchynov, stated that Ukraine and Turkey have a unique opportunity to pool political, diplomatic, military, technical and economic resources for an effective and coordinated response to the destruction of the balance of forces in the Black Sea region.

    On January 21st, Turchynov met with the Secretary General of the National Security Council of Turkey, Seyfullah Hacimuftuoglu. “The development of bilateral …