Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Ukraine asks US for more Javelin anti-tank missile systems

    Ukraine has asked the US to sell it more Javelin anti-tank missile systems, William Taylor, US chargé d’affaires in Ukraine, told Radio Liberty in an interview.

    He said that Ukraine wishes to acquire more Javelins “for defense purposes” through the US Defense Department’s Foreign Military Sales program.

    US Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker said recently that the US has opened the way for Ukraine to purchase defensive weaponry.

    In spring 2018, Ukraine obtained its first batch of …

  • Ukrainian President Zelensky appoints new commander of military operation in Donbas

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky dimissed Alexander Sirsky from the post of the commander of the Operation of United Forces and appointed Volodymyr Kravchenko to this position.

    The decrees were published on the website of Ukrainian President on August 5.

    Lieutenant General Kravchenko was the commander of the Operational Command North of Ground Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces since 2017.

    Sirsky, who was dismissed from a position of the commander of United Forces Operation, is now …

  • Trump may get involved in Donbas negotiations

    US President Donald Trump could take part in talks to resolve the conflict in eastern Ukraine, said US Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker in an interview with The Ukrainian Week (Tyzhden).

    Volker observed that the US president could get involved if Russia had a constructive stance. The format of such talks is not yet being discussed.

    “If there are signs that [Russia] is serious and is prepared to really put an end to the conflict, I am certain that this is very important to …

  • European Commission steps in to save Russian gas transit through Ukraine

    The European Commission has proposed a 10-year contract for the transit of Russian gas through Ukraine as of January 1, 2020. The initiative will be discussed during trilateral ministerial negotiations that the European regulator intends to hold on September 16, reports TASS news agency, citing a diplomatic source in Brussels.

    The source claims that Maros Sefcovic, Vice President of the European Commission’s Energy Union, sent the relevant letter to Moscow and Kyiv last week. “Both parties …

  • Kyiv: most of Donbas residents who received Russian passports have been identified

    Most of the residents of the Donbas who received the Russia passports have already been identified, Ukrainian Chief Military Prosecutor Anatoly Matios told news outlet. According to him, more than 13,000 people have already received the Russian passports.

    "We have a complete picture. We have, during the investigation, identified all those who received such citizenship in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions - these are big numbers. ...... At the moment, we have information about more than 13,0 …

  • Ukrainian Defense Ministry receives seized Russian surface-to-air missile system

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) together with the Main Military Prosecutor's Office, Ukraine’s national defense corporation Ukroboronservice and the Mykolayiv Customs Service have handed over the Russian anti-aircraft missile system S-125 Pechora to Ukrainian Defense Ministry, reports SBU press service.

    During the investigation,  SBU established that between 2007-2010, the officials of Russia’s national defense corporation Rosoboronexport , with the help of other individuals,  illegally …

  • Media: 'President' of self-proclaimed Transnistria is Ukrainian citizen

    Vadim Krasnoselsky, the President of unrecognized Transnistria, is a citizen of Ukraine, and he has visited Ukraine using a Ukrainian passport, reports Rise Moldova news outlet.

    State Border Guard Service of Ukraine confirms this information.

    Major-General Krasnoselsky was the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Transnistria until 2016. For the last eight years, he was on a wanted list in Moldova. At the same time, almost every month he entered and left Ukraine using passports of …

  • Ukrainian ambassador: Jewish organizations facilitated US’s recognition of Holodomor as genocide

    For a long time, opposition from Jewish organizations prevented the US from recognizing the Holodomor as a genocide of the Ukrainian people. However, Ukrainian diplomats and the diaspora have succeeded in convincing them peacefully, said Ukrainian Ambassador to the US Valeriy Chaly in an interview with Ukrinform.

    “The idea was primarily to explain the significance of this matter to our partners from Jewish organizations in the US, from other diasporas. You know that at the time, they were wary …

  • Lobbyists in US report on Zelensky’s spending to improve his image

    The lobbyist company Signal Group Consulting has published a report on the work that it did for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Washington between April 3 and May 21, 2019. According to documents presented to the US Justice Department, the company received a fee of $60,000 for its services and $9,371 in compensation for its expenses.

    The services were rendered between the first and second rounds of presidential elections in Ukraine. At the time, Zelensky’s team categorically denied …

  • Russian Transneft pays compensation to Ukraine for contaminated oil

    The Russian oil company Transneft paid the Ukrainian oil pipeline company UkrTransNafta a compensation in the amount of €2.3 million for the poor-quality oil supplied through the Druzhba pipeline, reads the statement of the UkrTransNafta on Facebook.

    Such compensation will cover the company's lost earnings due to the temporary suspension of transit in April, the company stated. The company specified that the amount of payment is determined under an additional agreement to the current transit …