Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • European Investment bank provides 200 million Euro loan to Ukraine

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) granted the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a long-term loan with low interests in an amount of 200 million euros as part of the project “Emergency Credit Program to Restore Ukraine,” reports Interfax-Ukraine.

    These funds will be invested in the restoration of key infrastructure in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, as well as to provide proper living conditions for internally displaced persons.

    The corresponding financial agreement between Ukraine and the EIB …

  • IMF confirms readiness to cooperate with new Ukrainian government

    IMF representative Gerry Rice confirmed that the Fund is ready to continue cooperation with a new government in Ukraine as soon as it is formed.

    "When the government will be formed following the elections, we will be ready to continue the discussion about our further partnership with Ukraine," said Rice.

    He also confirmed that the IMF mission, which came to Kyiv for two weeks to assess the reforms, continues its work and will not return to Washington ahead of schedule, as several media …

  • Kolomoisky advises Ukraine to default on its debt

    In an interview with the Financial Times, Ukrainian businessman Ihor Kolomoisky stated that the new president of the country, Vladimir Zelensky, should default and write off the state’s foreign debt. Hromadske Radio reported on the matter.

    “In my opinion, we should treat our creditors the way Greece does,” he said. “Ukraine should follow its example,” added Kolomoisky.

    He believes that Ukraine should not be afraid of defaulting on its debt. “How many times has Argentina defaulted on its debt?” …

  • US prepares to impose sanctions on Nord Stream 2 construction companies

    Washington is preparing to impose sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project.

    According to the relevant bill, which was published on the US Senate website, sanctions will be imposed on a number of foreign construction companies that are involved in laying the pipeline on the bottom of the Baltic Sea.

    The “Protecting Europe’s Energy Security Act of 2019” was authored by republican senators Ted Cruz, John Barrasso, Tom Cotton and democrat senator Jeanne Shaheen.

    The senators stipulate …

  • Kazakhstan suspends liquefied gas supplies to Ukraine

    Kazakhstan company Tengizchevroil (TCO) stopped the supply of liquefied gas in the direction of Ukraine, reports enkorr information resource, citing several sources in the Ukrainian companies, holders of Term Contracts with Tengizchevroil.

    According to the sources, the Kazakh trader is afraid of potential problems with the passage of wagons through the Russian-Ukrainian border due to Russian sanctions against Ukraine that enter into force on June 1.

    "There is no permission to cross the …

  • Ukrainian Prime Minister Groysman will not join Poroshenko in parliamentary elections

    Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman told ICTV in an interview that he will participate in the upcoming parliamentary elections through his own party, “Ukrainian Strategy”, and will not unite with anyone, not even former president Petro Poroshenko.

    Groysman said that he has already received such offers from Poroshenko, and that “many politicians” have been discussing possible mergers. “I have decided to run independently, and for me this decision is final. I think we are simply …

  • NATO: Russia must immediately release Ukrainian ships and sailors

    Russia must immediately release the Ukrainian sailors and ships that were captured in the “Kerch Incident”, a NATO press representative told the media.

    Citing a statement released by NATO on 28 November 2018 and one by Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on 4 April 2019, the source emphasized that the alliance has repeatedly made it clear that there was no reason for Russia to use military force against the Ukrainian soldiers and vessels.

    On Saturday 25 May, the UN’s International Tribunal for …

  • Media: Kolomoisky fled Israel fearing extradition to the US

    The Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky left Israel in a hurry, fearing prosecution and subsequent deportation to the US, reports the Telegram channel The Newsroom.

    “Two unrelated sources have told us that Kolomoisky returned because the FBI had him pinned in Israel. The amount of information on the oligarch’s schemes is supposedly so large that the local Mossad had already gladly made plans to hand him over to the Americans, despite the fact that Israel does not extradite its own citizens to …

  • The UN Tribunal orders Russia to release 24 Ukrainian sailors

    The UN International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea ordered Russia to release three Ukrainian ships and 24 sailors of the Ukrainian Navy who were captured in the Kerch Strait in November 2018, reports Interfax-Ukraine.

    "Russian Federation shall immediately release the Ukrainian military ships Berdyansk, Nikopol and Yany Kapu and return them to Ukraine", — stated in the decision of the Tribunal, which was read out in Hamburg by the judge Jin-Hyun Paik.

    Nineteen judges voted for this decision. …

  • US Embassy in Kyiv:since 2014 Washington has provided 11 billion dollars for Ukraine's defense

    Since 2014, the U.S. has allocated more than $1.1 billion for military training and equipment to help Ukraine boost its defense capability and protect its borders, reported the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv on its Facebook page.

    It is also reported that Colonel Bob Peters on behalf of the U.S. Embassy and the United States European Command, along with the General Mykola Malkov who is a commander of the Ukrainian State Special Transport Service planted a tree in commemoration of a strong partnership …