Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Head of pro-Russian militants announces general mobilization in Donbas

    The head of the unrecognized Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), Denis Pushilin, has signed a decree ordering general mobilization of the male population.

    "I call on all compatriots who are in the reserve to come to military conscription centers. Today, I have signed a decree on general mobilization. I appeal to all men of the republic who are able to hold weapons in their hands, to defend their families, their children, wives, mothers. Together, we will achieve the victory we all desire and need. …

  • Russia to hold exercises of its nuclear forces

    On February 19, the Russian Armed Forces will conduct exercises of of the "nuclear triad" (strategic aviation, intercontinental ballistic missiles and missile submarines) under the leadership of President Vladimir Putin, reports the Russian news agency TASS.

    "During the exercises, ballistic and cruise missiles will be launched," the Russian Defense Ministry said. The exercises will involve the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation, the forces of the Southern Military District, the …

  • Russia builds military pontoon bridge in Belarus shortening distance to reach Ukraine

    Russian military has built a pontoon bridge across the Pripyat River in the Chernobyl exclusion zone near the abandoned Belarusian village of Vepry, reports the news outlet the Insider. Satellite images show that the construction began on February 10, 2022. There was nothing at that site before. The distance from the Pripyat to Kyiv is about 150 km.

    The work of the military in this zone was also confirmed by the Ministry of Defense of Belarus. According to the official version, the joint …

  • Putin refuses to guarantee withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian border

    No one knows how Russia will continue to act on the border with Ukraine, said Russian President Vladimir Putin after talks with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in the Kremlin.

    "How Russia will act further? According to the plan. And what will it consist of? It will be based on the real situation on the ground. Who can answer how this situation is going to develop? So far, no one," Putin said at a joint press conference with Scholz.

    "It depends not only on us," he said, answering the question …

  • USA and UK: No signs Russia is moving troops away from Ukrainian border

    Western countries do not see signs of withdrawal of Russian troops from the borders of Ukraine, which was announced by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

    Statements from Moscow that the troops of the Southern and Western Military Districts, after completing their exercises, are being sent to places of their permanent deployment need to be verified, said US Permanent Representative to NATO Julian Smith.

    Russia "made similar claims" about the de-escalation in December, but they turned out to be …

  • Russian parliament calls on Putin to recognize self-proclaimed Donbas republics

    Deputies of the Russian parliament, the State Duma, adopted a resolution calling on the Russian President to recognize the independence of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People's republics. During a vote on Tuesday, February 15, the Russian MPs approved the declaration prepared by the Russian Communist Party, which is expected to be sent directly to Vladimir Putin. 351 deputies voted in favor for the declaration, 16 were against and one abstained.

    The deputies also considered a …

  • Ukrainian Ambassador to UK: Ukraine may choose not to join NATO to avoid Russian invasion

    Ukraine may abandon its goal of joining NATO if it helps to avoid war with Russia, said Ukrainian Ambassador to the UK, Vadym Prystaiko, in an interview with BBC radio.

    "Especially under threat, we can be pushed to do this. We are flexible in finding the best way out. If we have to make any serious concessions, this is what we could do," Prystaiko said.

    The diplomat stressed that Kyiv has been pushed towards making such a decision for a long time, including by "voices from NATO." "The …

  • Air traffic over Ukraine shutting down as Russia prepares to invade

    Western insurance companies are refusing to insure airlines flying over the territory of Ukraine, practically closing the sky over the country.

    The Ukrainian news outlet reports, citing sources in the insurance market, that on Sunday the largest British insurance companies, which reinsure other insurers, sent out a notice that within 48 hours insurance coverage for flights going to and out of Ukraine will not be provided.

    "Not a single plane will fly to or out of Ukraine starting …

  • Russia begins large-scale naval drills in Black Sea

    Russia has begun large-scale exercise of the Black Sea Fleet in annexed Crimea.

    The press service of the Black Sea Fleet said that 30 ships are taking part in the naval exercises to practice the defense of the annexed peninsula.

    "More than 30 ships of the Black Sea Fleet left the ports of Sevastopol and Novorossiysk according to the exercise plan," the press service of the Black Sea fleet said in a statement.

    Frigates, patrol and small missile ships, missile boats, amphibious and small anti- …

  • Russian diplomats begin leaving Ukraine

    Diplomats and employees of Russian consulates began to leave Ukraine, an informed source told RIA Novosti. According to him, Moscow is taking such a step "amid the evacuation officially announced by a number of Western countries."

    "Ukrainian citizens report that Russian diplomats and consular officers in Ukraine began to leave for Russia. This is evidenced by the difficulties when making an appointment at the consulates and the embassy," he said.

    TASS reported that diplomats in the Russian …