Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Merkel to visit Ukraine for talks with Zelensky

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel will visit Kyiv for talks with President Volodymyr Zelensky, reported Ukrainian Presidential Spokesperson Serhiy Nikiforov on his Facebook page.

    According to him, Merkel is expected to arrive in Ukraine on August 22. During the visit, the Chancellor intends to discuss with Volodymyr Zelensky regional security, bilateral relations between Germany and Ukraine, as well as a number of other issues.

    On August 4, the Head of the Ukrainian Presidential Administration, …

  • Russia: Black Sea is becoming a zone of ‘dangerous military confrontation’

    The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the Black Sea is turning into a "zone of dangerous military confrontation."

    Director of the Fourth European Department of the Russian Foreign Minister Yuri Pilipson, answering a journalist’s question about the security situation in the Black Sea region, said that he believes that "military drills" in the Black Sea do not prevent, but provoke conflict situations. Pilipson pointed out to the joint military exercises of Ukraine with NATO member …

  • Lukashenko: Ukraine is a threat to Belarus

    At a meeting with the heads of law enforcement agencies, self-proclaimed president of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that the policy of the Ukrainian authorities began to threaten the security of Belarus.

    "The people are close, the people are related, but the leadership of Ukraine, pursuing an anti-people course, has taken a path to confrontation. We cannot say where they are going, to the West or the East, to the South. It does not matter, it is their business. But their policy is based on …

  • Zelensky instructs Ukrainian Security Service and Interior Ministry to provide protection to immigrants from Belarus

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky instructed the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to provide protection to immigrants from Belarus who need it.

    "Every Belarusian who can become a target for criminals due to his or her public political position should receive special and reliable protection. The SBU and the Ministry of Internal Affairs should work out a clear algorithm for assessing possible risks, as well as a system of responses to these risks in …

  • Lukashenko's main opponent found hanged in Kyiv

    The director of the public organization "Belarusian House in Ukraine", a citizen of Belarus Vitaly Shishov, who earlier disappeared in Kyiv, was found hanged in one of the parks near his home.

    According to Kyiv’s Police, the investigators removed Vitaly's mobile phone and personal belongings from the scene.

    "The police have begun criminal proceedings under Article 115 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (premeditated murder) and will check all scenarios, including murder disguised as suicide. The …

  • Gas prices soaring in Europe as Russia's Gazprom refuses to increase transit through Ukraine

    Gas prices in Europe, after a month of respite, are soaring again. On Thursday, the cost of gas futures on the London ICE exchange exceeded $ 500 per thousand cubic meters amid growing demand, a shortage of LNG supplies and Gazprom's refusal to increase transit through Ukraine.

    Contracts for August, pegged to the price of gas at the EU's largest hub TTF, reached $501 per thousand cubic meters (€40.87 per thousand kWh), showing an increase of 3% per day and 10% since the beginning of the week. …

  • Ukraine to provide Lithuania with barbed wire for construction of fence on border with Belarus

    Ukraine will provide Lithuania with barbed wire for the construction of the fence on the border with Belarus, according to the decision made at a government meeting.

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said that Ukraine has decided to provide Lithuania with “humanitarian aid” in the form of barbed wire due to the critical situation on the border with Belarus.

    According to Kuleba, Lithuania itself asked Ukraine for barbed wire.

    The number of illegal migrants who enter Lithuania from …

  • Zelensky appoints new Commander-In-Chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces

    Ukraine is going through major changes in its power structures. After new appointments in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the SBU and the Foreign Intelligence Service, the changes have reached the Army. Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Ruslan Khomchak has been replaced by Major General, Commander of the Pivnich (North) Operational Command, Valery Zaluzhny.

    Khomchak headed the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces for two years. He says that during this time, the …

  • Ukraine and Poland vow to jointly fight against Nord Stream 2

    Ukraine and Poland will work together with their allies and partners to counter the launch of Nord Stream 2 until solutions are developed to overcome the security crisis, support countries in their aspirations to become members of Western democratic institutions and minimize threats to peace and energy security, reads a joint statement by the Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba and Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau, published on the website of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry.

    The …

  • Kremlin: Russia does not intend to annex Donbas despite issuing passports to its residents

    The distribution of Russian passports to residents of the Donbas does not mean that this region will be annexed to the Russian Federation, said Russian Deputy Prime Minister and the Kremlin’s chief negotiator on Ukraine, Dmitry Kozak in an interview with Politique Internationale.

    According to him, about 470 thousand residents of Donetsk and Lugansk regions which are not under Ukraine’s control became citizens of Russia using a simplified process. However, this is not considered as a sign of …