Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Ukrainian Security Service asks Google and Apple to block banned Russian apps

    The Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) has requested that Goggle and Apple block banned Russian applications, reports the SBU’s press service.

    "The Security Service of Ukraine has appealed to companies "Google, LLC" and "Apple Inc." about the presence on their services "Play Market" and "App Store" of mobile applications, including Russian social networks, developed by legal entities, which are subject to economic and other restrictive sanctions" the statement reads.

    In addition, the SBU asks …

  • Kyiv: Our approach is not to blame Russia for all our misfortunes

    The approach of the Ukrainian authorities to achieve peace in the Donbas is not to blame Russia for all the troubles, but to use all possible platforms for negotiations and reduce tensions, stated the head of the Presidential Administration Andriy Yermak during a speech at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House.

    According to him, the strategy of the President's team is not to glorify military efforts, not to organize touching speeches and large military parades.

    "Our …

  • Ukraine wants to buy fifty more Bayraktar TB2 drones from Turkey

    Ukraine and Turkey agree on the setting up of a large-scale assembly line for Turkish Bayraktar drones in Ukraine, said Vadym Nozdr, CEO of Ukrainian state-owned arms trading company Ukrspetsexport, in an interview with

    According to Ukrspetsexport CEO, now the sides are choosing a place for the production of drones. He specified that the Ukrainian Defense Ministry is going to purchase 6 to 12 such comat systems in the near future. Each system includes 4 drones and 1 base station. …

  • Baku praises Ukraine for supporting Azerbaijan in conflict with Armenia

    Baku is pleased with Ukraine's position on Nagorno-Karabakh, said Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Ukraine Elmira Akhundova, as quoted by Ukrinform.

    According to her, Azerbaijani authorities are very pleased with the statements of Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba that Kyiv supports the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and with Kuleba saying that "frozen" conflicts can "explode" at any moment.

    "The position of the President Zelensky, who also stated that Ukraine supports …

  • Ukraine eases entry and work permit process for Belarusian IT specialists

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has signed a decree which allows the Ukrainian Government to extend stay of IT specialists from Belarus in Ukraine.

    The Decree No. 420/2020 "On some measures to attract entrepreneurs and highly qualified professionals who are citizens of the Republic of Belarus," outlines the new process, stated the press service of the Ukrainian President.

    "The Cabinet of Ministers should extend up to 180 days per year the period of temporary stay in Ukraine for …

  • Russia's attempt to induce artificial rain over Crimea fails

    After Russia's annexation of Crimea, the peninsula's water supply became a serious problem, especially during the dry seasons. This year, many artificial freshwater reservoirs have dried out in Crimea, and in many reservoirs water levels decreased to 37%. Many city administrations have introduced an hourly water supply schedules for the residents.

    To solve the problem of fresh water, the Russian authorities decided to resort to artificially increasing precipitation from the clouds. The Russian …

  • Ukraine refuses to address Lukashenko as President of Belarus

    Ukraine has not recognized the legitimacy of the elections in Belarus and, accordingly, Alexander Lukashenko's victory. So from November 5, when the term of the presidential term expires, the Ukrainian authorities will specify the current Belarusian president in official documents only by his name, stated the Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba.

    "Lukashenka already hasn’t any, and the opposition still lacks legitimacy. When the question arose, with whom Ukraine is - with several hundred …

  • Kyiv: probability of isolated fighting in Donbas still remains

    A full and comprehensive ceasefire has been in place in Donbas since July 27, but the likelihood that isolated fighting may resume still remains, stated the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Colonel-General Ruslan Khomchak, during the meeting of the commanders of the armed forces of the Visegrad Group, which was held in Warsaw.

    "There is a full and comprehensive ceasefire along the line of demarcation in the Donbas. Its introduction has significantly reduced the enemy's fire …

  • Ukraine refuses to recognize Lukashenko as president of Belarus

    The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, after additional meetings and consultations, has formed a position in assessing the inauguration and the political status of Alexander Lukashenko, announced on Twitter Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba.

    According to him, Ukraine does not recognize Alexander Lukashenko as the legitimate president of Belarus despite the so-called inauguration in Minsk on September 23. Kyiv has made this decision because of violations during the election campaign and further …

  • U.S. strategic bombers fly over Ukraine

    Two U.S. B-52H strategic bombers once again entered Ukrainian airspace, reported the press service of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.

    The ministry said that the American warplanes were accompanied by Su-27 and MiG-29 fighters from the tactical aviation brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

    According to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, such flights are a demonstration of support for Ukraine's security by the United States.

    "U.S. pilots together with Ukrainian fighter jets create collective …