Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Kyiv: Russia demands lifting of sanctions as condition for ceasefire in Donbas

    At a meeting of the UN Security Council on the protection of civilians in armed conflicts, the Russian Federation stated that without the lifting of sanctions there would be no global ceasefire, said the speaker of the Ukrainian mission to the United Nations Oleg Nikolenko, commenting on the statement of the Russian delegation.

    "In this regard, we consider the Secretary-General's call for a global ceasefire of 23 March 2020 to be very relevant. But his call will be incomplete outside of his …

  • Merkel: Sanctions against Russia should remain

    Sanctions pressure on Russia must be maintained. However, the EU needs to communicate more intensively with Russia, said German Chancellor Angela Merkel, reports RBC-Ukraine.

    Speaking at a forum organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, she noted that fundamental violations of international law should be called by their names. Thus, anti-Russian restrictions will remain in force until progress is made in the situation in the Donbass.

    "If there is no progress in the Minsk process, we will …

  • Ukraine plans to upgrade its Air Force with NATO fighter jets

    Kyiv intends to purchase multi-role warplanes produced in the West as part of the modernization program of the Ukrainian Air Force. Thus, the new aicraft will replace the planes made during the Soviet era, reports Rzeczpospolita.

    According to the newspaper, Kyiv’s plan to upgrade military aviation, which will also include the replacement of helicopters, training and transport aircraft, will cost up to $12 billion dollars. But, given the needs of the Ukrainian army, this amount is too small to …

  • Ukraine to launch group of reconnaissance satellites into space

    In the next five years, Ukraine plans to create and launch the Falcon reconnaissance satellite group, which will include several high, medium and low-resolution vehicles, said Vladimir Usov, head of the State Space Agency of Ukraine, in an interview with

    "It will be a satellite constellation for remote monitoring of the Earth. It can be used for both military and civilian purposes such as fighting illegal deforestation, land registry, illegal amber mining. With the help of our …

  • Captive Ukrainian escapes from DPR prison

    Police of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic announced the search for Ukrainian Grigory Sinchenko, arrested by militants in October 2019 in Donetsk, his mother Tatiana Gulevskaya told the Ukrainian news agency Ukrinform by phone.

    "According to the local TV channel, the reports about the escape are shown in the video news of the DPR Interior Ministry. Those who provide the information about the hiding place are promised a reward. Representatives of the special services were at my mother's …

  • Completion of wall on Russian-Ukrainian border postponed till 2025

    The Ukrainian State Border Service proposed to amend the plan for the implementation of the Wall project and to move the date for the completion of the fences on the border with Russia until 2025, said the Ukrainian  State Border Service in response to the inquiry by the public organization StateWatch.

    According to the State Border Service such a delay is caused by the lack of financing and also the increased cost of the construction material and labor. At the same time, the budget for the …

  • Ukraine files lawsuit against Russia in International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

    The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has handed over to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea a memorandum with claims to Russia for the incident in the Kerch Strait.

    "Memorandum of Ukraine to the Arbitration Tribunal in The Hague with evidence in the case of the seizure of our sailors and ships in the Black Sea in November 2018. Signed and sent. Russia must answer for violations of international law," Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said in a statement. Kyiv …

  • Kyiv: DPR and LPR leaders with Russian citizenship will not be able to take part in Donbas elections

    All the leaders of the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics have received Russian citizenship, which means that under Ukrainian law they will not be able to participate in the elections if they are held in October, deputy prime minister for the reintegration of temporarily occupied territories Oleksii Reznikov said on the talk show " Savik Shuster’s Freedom of Speech"

    According to him, Russia is no longer hiding and confirmed on their TV channels that about 200,000 Ukrainian …

  • Ukraine argues that LPR and DPR representatives at Donbas talks have Russian passports

    On Thursday, May 21, during a meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, the Ukrainian delegation showed copies of the Russian passports of the head of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic, Denis Pushilin, and representatives of the Donbas uncontrolled territories which were invited by Russia to participate in the Trilateral Contact Group on the resolution of conflict in the Donbas, stated the Ukraine’s Permanent Representative to the international organizations in Vienna, Yevhen Tsymbalyuk.

    " …

  • Kyiv wants to send recorded interview with Girkin to International Criminal Court

    The Office of the Ukrainian Prosecutor General plans to transfer the obteined evidence of war crimes committed by the former DPR Defense Minister,Igor Girkin (Strelkov), to the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. Among the evidence will be a video recorded interview of Ukrainian journalist Dmitry Gordon with Igor Girkin, reports Ukrainian news outlet with reference to a source in the Office of the Prosecutor General.

    "The Office of the Prosecutor General plans …