Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Head of Ukrainian Security Services: Another separatist republic nearly emerged in the Odessa region last year

    There were attempts last year to establish a separatist “Bessarabian Republic” on the territory of 9 districts in the Odessa region, as stated by the head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU), Vasyl Hrytsak, during the opening of the Service's Public Recepton Office, Ukrainskaya Pravda reported.

    According to him, the attempts were facilitated by “the secret services of the foreign countries... By April 2015, they were planning to begin an operation to establish the separatist republic by …

  • Russia says construction of new military facility is meant to defend the country from Ukraine

    A Russian diplomat believes that "a time of war is beginning to prevail in our country again" but Putin and his associates "don’t want it to prevail."

    Alexander Surikov, Russia's Ambassador to Belarus, stated that a new Russian military facility in Klintsy is allegedly needed to be able to defend themselves from an attack by Ukraine.

    "What does that have to do with Belarus? As far as I understand, we have a problem with the Minsk Agreements. Radicalism in Ukraine is intensifying again. More …

  • Bulgarian President: Russia is trying to destroy the foundations of the EU

    Russia is trying to destroy the foundations of the European Union, as stated by the President of Bulgaria, Rosen Plevneliev, on Wednesday, June 8th speaking in the European Parliament, EurActiv reports.

    According to him, the crisis in Ukraine shows that Russia "does not support the principles of international order. The Kremlin is trying to destabilize the situation in the EU. He tries to destroy and bring down the foundations of the European Union, such as unity, solidarity and the rule of …

  • US: Separatists are trying to 'blind' OSCE observers in the Donbas

    The U.S. Representative to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Daniel Baer, stated during an OSCE Permanent Council meeting that the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine has been subjected to a deliberate attempt to ‘blind’ it by blocking or destroying the Mission’s means of surveillance in the Donbas.

    “Within one week, militia forces shot down two of the SMM’s long endurance UAVs near Horlivka and threatened to shoot down the other UAVs which were looking for the …

  • Kiev calls on France to refrain from easing sanctions on Russia

    The call of the French Senate to gradually ease the sanctions against the Russian Federation may indicate that its senators have not understood the depth of Russia’s violation of international law. This information was mentioned in the comment of the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning the resolution of the French Parliament on June 8th.

    “We understand that this document is declarative and non-binding. At the same time, we should note that respect for sovereignty and territorial …

  • The United Nations believes that conflict in the Donbas was called an anti-terrorist operation in vain

    The United Nations believes that the interpretation of the conflict in the Donbas as an anti-terrorist operation has resulted in considerable confusion, as mentioned in the report of the Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary and Arbitrary Executions, Christophe Hynes, following his official visit to Ukraine in September 2015.

    According to UNIAN, the report was submitted by the UN General Assembly Secretariat to the UN Human Rights Council. The 32nd session of the UN Human Rights Council …

  • Belarusian Ambassador in Kiev: There will be no aggression against Ukraine from Belarus

    Valentin Velichko, the Ambassador of Belarus to Ukraine, stated that there will never be aggression against Ukraine from Belarus. According to him, the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, has repeatedly stated this, Radio Svoboda reports.

    “An unambiguous direction has been given to the heads of our state: there will never be aggression from our country. Moreover, any third party will not be allowed to commit aggression against Ukraine. Belarus has repeatedly shown support for Ukraine’s …

  • Report on crimes in the Donbas region was presented in the Polish Sejm

    On Wednesday, a report about Russian crimes in Donbas in 2014 was presented in the Lower House of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. The report was based on over 60 interviews of prisoners, conducted by Ukrainian and Polish volunteers. UKRINFORM reports that the document was presented by the Deputy Head of the Sejm Commission for Foreign Affairs and one of the initiators of its creation, Małgorzata Gosiewska.

    "I hope that criminals will be punished as the war crimes have no statute of …

  • Transparency International calls for trying Yanukovych in absentia

    The Executive Director of Transparency International, Yaroslav Yurchyshyn, stated at a briefing that the international organization Transparency International Ukraine calls on authorities to initiate a trial in absentia of the former President Viktor Yanukovych in the autumn of this year.

    "We hope that...we will witness the conviction of Yanukovych and key figures of his regime, albeit at the initial stage...We will do everything to ensure proceedings begin this autumn," Yurchyshyn said.

    He …

  • Ukrainian Naval cadets to train with Polish Navy

    Cadets from the Faculty of Naval Forces of the Ukrainian National University, Odessa Maritime Academy, have started an internship aboard a Polish Naval training ship, Radio Svoboda reported with reference to a statement issued by the Navy Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

    "The internship, the purpose of which is to train future naval officers in specialty skills, runs until the end of July this year. As planned, in accordance with the route, Ukrainian cadets will travel together with …