Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Savchenko visits Ukrainian soldiers in the Donbas

    Ukrainian pilot Nadiya Savchenko, who was recently released from a Russian prison, met with soldiers in the war zone in eastern Ukraine, as reported on the Facebook page of the Ukrainian Armed Forces headquarters.

    “During the night the Hero of Ukraine Nadiya Savchenko visited the area of the ATO [Donbas region] and was a real surprise for all. The People’s Deputy of Ukraine was able to talk with a number of military personnel, meet with former comrades in the service, and sit at the helm of a …

  • DART-450 aircraft with Ukrainian engine will be exhibited at the Air Show in Farnborough

    A DART-450 twin-engine aircraft manufactured by Austrian company Diamond with a Ukrainian AI-450S engine has been successfully tested and will be exhibited at the Air Show in Farnborough. The announcement was made by the press-service of public joint-stock company FED (Kharkiv), a participant of the AI-450S engine project reported.

    “The DART-450 aircraft will be exhibited at the International Air Show in Farnborough that will take place in July 2016. The certification procedure will be …

  • Head of Crimea: We need to defend the 'Russian World'

    “The Crimea is at the forefront of the informational, ideological and economic wars started against ‘the Russian world',” the head of Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov, said at the forum “Russian World: problems and prospects” held in the Levada Palace in Yalta.

    "We need to mobilize our ideology and spirit. We need to unite around the traditional values, around the program of our national leader, Vladimir Putin,” Aksyonov stated.

    He explained that spirituality and morality are the basis of the “Russian …

  • Mass layoffs expected in Ukraine's Prosecutor General's office

    The newly appointed Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine, Valentyna Telychenko, who is responsible for the office reform, announced that there will be mass lay-offs of the staff, starting with those that have taken bribes.  

    "We want to have a Prosecutor’s Office of the European standard…Salary is a very important element of the reforms but first of all the Prosecutor’s Offices need to get rid of those who have shamed it in the eyes of society. By that, I mean, non-professionals who are living …

  • Ukrainian police to begin training in Turkey

    On Sunday, the first group of Ukrainian police officers left for training in Turkey, UNIAN reported with reference to the National Police of Ukraine.

    Twenty-two police officers will spend a week in Turkey training with Turkish law enforcement agencies.

    The exercises will focus on tactics during mass events.

    According to one Ukrainian officer, Olesya Emelyanovich, it is very important that Ukrainian police possess such skills.

    Approximately 3,000 Ukrainian police officers will be trained in …

  • Ukraine's General Prosecutor says case against Yanukovych should be brought to an end

    Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko stated during a meeting with representatives of the U.S. Congress on the 4th of June, that he believes that GPU should bring old cases, especially the case of the former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, to an end, the press service of regulatory agency reports.

    It was stated that Lutsenko fully supports the transfer of all investigative functions of the Prosecutor’s Office to the newly-established National Anti-Corruption Bureau and the State …

  • Lavrov: OSCE monitors can be allowed to carry personal firearms

    Moscow does not mind if OSCE observers carry personal firearms, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

    “Russia is ready to offer a compromise and agree that the OSCE observers stationed at the front line in eastern Ukraine carry personal arms,” Lavrov said during an interview with the Russian “Saturday News” TV program.

    “We said, as long as this helps the common objective, we are ready to give our consent that the group of observers who will be monitoring the contact line and the …

  • Netherlands to present report on weapon used to bring down MH17

    According to a press release by the international investigation team, Holland’s Prosecutor’s office, which is heading the joint investigation team determining the cause of the Malaysian passenger plane crash in the Donbas, will present a report on the weapon which was used to attack the airliner.

    The report will not constitute the final results of the investigation, Prosecutors said. Despite the noticeable progress in the investigation, they still don’t have enough information to provide a …

  • Merkel: Sanctions against Russia will be lifted when Ukraine gains control over its borders

    Sanctions against Russia will be lifter only after Ukraine gains full control over its borders, as stated by German Chancellor Angela Merkel during the Congress of the Christian Democratic Union,  Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung rerported.

    “I am convinced that Russia is slowly moving towards integration into the common European economic zone from Vladivostok to Lisbon,” Merkel said.

    “At the same time, despite the aspirations of the EU to accept Russia into the common European economy, we …

  • Ukraine and NATO held joint seminar on defense industry reform

    For the first time Ukraine and NATO held a joint seminar on defense industry reform, during which the transformation of the domestic military-industrial complex and the possibility of Ukraine's cooperation with the Alliance were discussed, as reported by the press service for Ukroboronprom.

    The seminar was held on June 1st at the Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy. The event was attended by the members of the NATO International Staff, representatives of Ukroboronprom, the …