Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Power: Conditions in the Donbas do not meet those required to hold elections

    During a UN Security Council meeting in New York, the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Samantha Power, stated that conditions in the Donbas are not sufficient to meet the standards of Ukrainian or international election laws.

    Power emphasized the importance of conducting local elections in the Donbas in accordance with Ukrainian legislation and international standards.

    “Citizens and observers who monitor the elections need sufficient security during the elections in order …

  • Poroshenko proposes ceasefire for Orthodox Easter

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko expects Russia and pro-Russian separatists to adhere to a ceasefire in the Donbas beginning April 29th in order to observe the Orthodox Easter holiday. Poroshenko said that the Ukrainian Armed Forces would agree to a “quiet mode” over the weekend if the separatists comply, Radio Svoboda reported.

    "This year Easter will be a test for Russia's membership in the Christian civilization. To pass this test, Russia and its puppets should unconditionally cease fire …

  • Ukrainian Intelligence: Russia is carrying out 'provacative exercises' in the Black Sea region

    The Chief Directorate of Intelligence of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense stated that Russia is carrying out “provocative exercises” in the Black Sea region, Krym.Realii reported.

    As reported on the Directorate’s website, “On April 28th, 2016, the Russian Air Forces practiced separate elements of air scout-attack missions against NATO member states in the air space above the Black Sea… Il-20 aircraft carried out an air reconnaissance missions with the aim of detecting and confirming the …

  • So-called DPR claims to have thwarted assassination attempt on their leader

    The Ministry of State Security of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) said that they had prevented an assassination attempt on the leader of the "republic", Oleksandr Zakharchenko, Interfax reported.

    "On April 28, 2016, as a result of operative-investigative measures, the staff of the Ministry of State Security detained a group of Ukrainian citizens who had arrived from the territory controlled by Kiev. They had a powerful explosive device with them disguised as a piece of …

  • The Hague begins examining report on Russian war crimes in the Donbas

    The International Criminal Court in The Hague has begun to examine a report on war crimes committed by Russia in eastern Ukraine, according to the document’s coauthor and Deputy of the Polish Sejm, Małgorzata Gosiewska, Interfax-Ukraine reported.

    The report entitled "Russian Crimes in the East of Ukraine" accuses Aleksandr Zakharchenko, Igor Strelkov, and others of committing war crimes in the Donbas.

    "Our information showed the involvement of Russian soldiers in the conflict using heavy …

  • Turkey, Ukraine, US and EU condemn the ban of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People

    Turkey, Ukraine, the United States and the European Union condemned the ban of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People. On Wednesday, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, and the Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Pavlo Klimkin, agreed to coordinate joint actions with international institutions for the protection of human rights in Crimea.

    According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the meeting of the ministers took place in the margins of the Conference …

  • Nuland: Sanctions against Russia will continue until Minsk Agreements are implemented and Crimea is returned

    The Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the United States Department of State, Victoria Nuland, has said that sanctions against Russia will continue until the Minsk Agreements are implemented. She stated that Russian sanctions related to the annexation of the Crimea will also continue.

    “We have assured the Ukrainian President and the Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs of these continuations, which were discussed during a meeting in Hanover with US President …

  • OSCE confirms four civilian deaths near Donetsk

    According to preliminary data from the monitoring mission, the OSCE has confirmed the deaths of four civilians at the Elenovka checkpoint in the Donetsk region last night. This was reported by the UNIAN news agency.

    OSCE observers arrived at the Elenovka checkpoint at approximately 10 am in response to media reports about the deaths. The observers then conducted a preliminary analysis which determined that “three vehicles were damaged, four civilians were killed and an unconfirmed number of …

  • Russia receives documents from Kiev to continue transit of goods through Ukrainian territory

    As reported by the Association of International Road Carriers, Russia received documents from Kiev approving the transit of goods through Ukraine.

    The Association noted that the documents have several limitations. In particular, the approval does not include cargo transportation through Ukraine to Italy or Turkey, and some of the permits are not valid for delivery of cargo to Germany.

    Carriers can get permits in designated offices. The Association of International Road Carriers recommends …

  • OSCE condemns threats against its observers in eastern Ukraine

    The Acting Head of the OSCE, German Minister of Foreign Affairs Frank-Walter Steinmeier, expressed concerns over the increase in ceasefire violations in eastern Ukraine including incidents involving OSCE observers.

    “The SMM is a civil, unarmed mission. It plays an important role in the implementation of the ceasefire agreement. SMM observers’ security should be guaranteed by both sides. The persons responsible for threats and use of force against observers must be brought to justice,” …