Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Pentagon: More than 400 Ukrainian servicemen have died since the Minsk Agreements were signed

    Over 400 Ukrainian soldiers were killed in clashes over the last year after the ceasefire agreement was signed in Minsk and subsequently implemented.  It has been said that Russia plays an important role in the conflict.

    During an interview with Voice of America correspondant Carla Babb, the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense in charge of issues relating to Ukraine, Russia and Eurasia, Michael Carpenter, stated that the US is seeing a “significant” increase in conflict in eastern Ukraine. …

  • US Intelligence: Russia's intervention in Syria is an attempt to divert attention from Ukraine

    The Head of the Intelligence Department of the Pentagon, Lieutenant General Vincent Stewart, has stated that Russia’s intervention in Syria is an attempt to divert attention away from its actions in Ukraine.

    According to Defense News, Stewart said the military action in the Middle East is a part of the "Grand Plan" to obtain concessions from the international community in the conflict with Ukraine.

    "The recent snap exercises have been realistic, they have been threatening, they have shown a …

  • Court proceedings to ban Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people have begun

    On March 3rd, 2016, the trial which aims to prohibit the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatars on the peninsula, began in the Supreme Court of Crimea.

     “Traditionally, the quarter of the courthouse is surrounded by police officers.  The court itself is fenced with turnstiles. Entrance to the building is allowed through the framework of metal detectors. People are searched,” the Head of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Kurultay of the Crimean Tatars, Zaire Smedlyaev, reported to Krym.Realii .

    " …

  • The Kremlin declines to comment on Savchenko's hunger strike

    Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov declined to comment on the hunger strike declared by Nadiya Savchenko, the Ukrainian pilot being charged in a Russian court.

    “I do not want to comment on it. It is not a question that relates to our agenda. Moreover, there is a trial, and certainly some comments from our side would not be allowed,” Peskov said, as reported by Interfax.

    Savchenko declared a hunger strike starting March 3rd after the Donetsk City Court in the Rostov region …

  • Poroshenko pardoned Russian citizen to ensure release of imprisoned Ukrainian journalist

    The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, has pardoned a Russian citizen in order to ensure the release of Ukrainian journalist, Maria Varfolomeyeva.  This was announced on Facebook by the Press Secretary of the Head of State, Svyatoslav Tsegolko.

    “The militants continuously delayed or refused to make the exchange.  With the aim of facilitating the release of Varfolomeyeva, the President pardoned a Russian citizen who was transferred to the occupied territory today,” Tsegolko said.

    Irina …

  • Ukraine to hold discussion on human rights on March 22nd

    The Head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Pavlo Klimkin, said there will be a discussion on human rights in Ukraine on the 22nd of March.  He invited foreign delegations to join the conversation.

    "I invite all interested delegations to participate in the interactive dialogue to discuss challenges in the field of human rights in my country which will be held on the 22nd of March, 2016," Pavlo Klimkin said during his speech at the 1st session of the UN Council on Human Rights in Geneva.

    The …

  • Klimkin hands statement from relatives of Ukrainian prisoners to Normandy Four Foreign Ministers

    The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Pavlo Klimkin, handed a statement written by the mothers and relatives of Ukrainian prisoners to the Foreign Ministers of the Normandy Four.

    “I have sent an letter written by the mothers and relatives of our prisoners. It is about their relatives, who should be released immediately,” he wrote in his Twitter account following the results of the Normandy Four meeting in Paris.

    Earlier, Klimkin reported that no conclusions were agreed on by the participants of …

  • Dzhemilev: Putin has no choice but to return Crimea to Ukraine

    “Putin's plan to put the puppet government in Kiev has fallen. Crimea will have to return”, the leader of the Crimean Tatar People, Mustafa Dzhemilev, said during an open lecture at the Kyiv Institute of International Relations.   

    Dzhemilev recalled that during the annexation of the peninsula, Putin asked for support from the Crimean Tatars, promising them a bright future.

    "In conversation with Putin on the 12th of March, 2014, he told us how happy we will be living in the Russian Federation …

  • FIDH: The Mejlis ban may lead to a wave of persecution of Crimean Tatars

    The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the Ukrainian Helsinki Union for Human Rights condemn the persecution of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People in Crimea.  This was stated in an official statement on the International Federation for Human Rights website on Wednesday, March 2, as reported by Krym.Realii.  The report also reviewed the actions of the Russian authorities in Crimea and the case scheduled for the 3rd of March in court, which aims to prohibit the Mejlis on the …

  • Former Pentagon adviser: The US should have given anti-tank missiles to Ukraine two years ago

    According to Evelyn Farkas, the former US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia, if Ukraine had received Javelin anti-tank missiles two years ago, the country would not be experiencing the current conflict. 

    As the former Pentagon adviser explained to Golos Ameriki, the US could still provide Ukraine with these ani-tank missiles, which would help to change the balance of power in the region, as well as send a clear message to Moscow that if the current conflict …