Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Dutch Government Plans to Campaign for Ukraine before Association Vote

    The Dutch Government plans on conducting a campaign in support of Ukraine before the referendum on the Association Agreement (AA) between Ukraine and the EU, Mark Rutte, the Prime Minister of the Netherlands stated.

    As reported by EUobserver, an independent online newspaper, Rutte, who is currently the president of the EU Council of Ministers, stated at a press conference in Amsterdam on Thursday, January 7th, that the Association Agreement is positive for both Europe and the Netherlands.

    "I …

  • Ukrtransgaz: Ukraine Imports more Gas from Europe than from Russia

    As of the end of 2015, Ukraine had imported more gas from the European Union throughout the year than it has from Russia. The press center of the Public Joint Stock Company, Ukrtransgaz (a subsidiary of Naftogaz Ukraine) reported on January 6, 2016, that, "Ukraine has received 10.3 billion cubic meters of gas from European sources."

    "Most of the natural gas, 9.7 billion cubic meters, was imported through the ‘Slovak corridor’... while 6.1 billion cubic meters was imported from Russia to meet …

  • Ukrainian Positions come under Fire Eighteen Times

    The Ukrainian ATO press center has reported on its Facebook page that militants shelled Ukrainian Forces in the Donetsk region 18 times. The press center noted that militants are increasingly using weaponry prohibited by the Minsk Agreements. According to the report, militants launched attacks from tanks, armoured infantry vehicles and heavy machine guns on a Ukrainian team site in the Nevelskoye region.

    They also shelled Ukrainian Forces near Luganskoye from anti-tank mounted grenade …

  • Ukraine may File Counterclaim against Moscow over $3 Billion Debt

    Ukraine may be able to prove in court that the country cannot pay the debt owed to Russia due to ongoing attacks.

    According to an attorney, Kiev may even make a counterclaim against Russia. Ukraine may not only be able to overturn the $3 billion debt owed to Russia, which was borrowed by the government of the former president, Victor Yanukovch; but the country may make a counterclaim against Moscow due to the destruction and loss created during the military invasions in Crimea and the Donbas. …

  • Ukrainian Intelligence: There are 8,000 Russian Soldiers in Donbas

    According to various sources, the number of Russian soldiers within the territory of Ukraine has remained virtually unchanged for a quite some time. There are almost 7,700 Russian soldiers in the Donbas region, as reported by Vadym Skybytsky, representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, speaking on Ukrainian television.

    According to his data, in total there are 34,000 people in the so-called First and Second Army Corps.

    "The First and Second Army …

  • Ukraine Proposes New Trade Route to Bypass Russia

    Ukraine will try to circumvent the blockade of the transit of goods through Russian territory by using a "New Silk Road". The route will be put to the test on January 15th as a train departs from the city of Ilyichevsk for a demonstration. This information was provided by the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, as reported by Apostrophe.

    The Ministry stated that on January 15th the first train will ride the new "Silk Road" from Ukraine to China. The container train will leave from …

  • LPR Leader Promised To Release All Prisoners for Orthodox Christmas

    In a special message to the Luhansk Information Center, The head of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic, Igor Plotnitsky, promised the release of Ukrainian prisoners.

    "On Christmas eve, honoring the spirit of Christmas, I ordered the release of Ukrainian servicemen being held in the LPR. I am sure that the light of Bethlehem star and Christmas prayers will help Kiev come up with an appropriate reciprocating gesture. We are ready to resolve all differences at the negotiating table, …

  • More blackouts for Crimean Residents

    Residents of the Crimea are experiencing further electricity blackouts following the malfunction of two 22,500 MW gas turbine power stations which were recently delivered from eastern Russia in order to ensure the supply of power to the Crimean peninsula. The inhabitants of the annexed territory are now being asked to use electricity sparingly, reported.

    The city of Kerch will primarily be affected, as repair crews will have to shut off three to five power lines providing electricity …

  • Ukrainian Citizens Have Filed More Than 700 Human Rights Complaints against Russia

    According to the Justice Minister of Ukraine, Pavel Petrenko, the number of civil cases against Russia is constantly growing. Additionally, Kiev officials have filed three interstate suits against Russia.

    On Tuesday, January 5th, in an interview with national media, Petrenko announced that citizens of Ukraine have submitted to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) more than 700 lawsuits against Russia. Moreover, almost all of the lawsuits were filed by people from Crimea, Lugansk and …

  • Coca Cola Sparks Anger with Map Showing Crimea as Russian

    The U.S.-based, multinational beverage corporation Coca Cola has apologized for the use of a map of Russia that includes the territory of Crimea on a popular social network. They said the map was developed by a third party agency without the company's consent.

    On January 5th, Coca-Cola responded to a statement by the Ukrainian Embassy in the United States, which included the complaint about the corporation’s use of the map. The company claimed that the agency that developed the map "later …