Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Sanctions over Ukraine to be extended despite Russian cooperation in Syria

    As reported by The Wall Street Journal, US and EU are prepared to keep pressure on Kremlin and renew their sanctions despite new Russian cooperation in the wake of the Paris attacks.The sanctions are expected to be discussed at EU leaders mid-December summit, and the decision must be backed by all 28 member states.

    Officials say there is a broad agreement that economic pressure should be kept on Russia until the peace is fully implemented. The options discussed are: extending the sanctions …

  • NASA top official visits Ukraine

    William H. Gerstenmaier, the Associate Administrator for Human Exploration and Operations Directorate at NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Headquarters  will pay an official visit to Ukraine today.

  • Ukrainian Prime Minister: Russian embargo will cost Ukraine $600 million

    At the Cabinet meeting, the Ukrainian Prime Minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, stated that Ukraine has to get ready for Russian embargo . “We are also getting ready for new import restrictions imposed by Russia to come into effect. Our preliminary estimate for 2016 is that Ukraine will lose $600 millions of export to the Russian Federation" – stated the Prime Minister. Arseniy Yatsenyuk said that three years ago Ukraine was almost 35% dependent on the Russian market, and now the number has been …

  • Will Ukraine accept Russia's debt restructuring offer ?

    Putin has agreed to restructure Ukrainian debt but Kiev may reject his offer. After a long period of negotiations, Russia has agreed to restructure the Ukrainian debt, which the previous government, headed by Viktor Yanukovich and Nikolay Azarov, loaned from Moscow at the end of 2013. Russian President, Vladimir Putin has proposed the restructuring scheme and called it “the best conditions”.

    Experts believe that Ukraine, which refused to pay the debt earlier, will reject Putin’s offer. However, …

  • Increased risk of renewed fighting in Eastern Ukraine

    The situation in the East of Ukraine remains tense. Militants shelled Ukrainian positions 25 times in the last 24 hours. The majority of the attacks occurred in Donetsk area. Towns of Marinka, Troitskoe, Verhnetoretskoe, Krasnogorovka, Peskov and Avdeevka were shelled with anti-aircraft systems, mortars, grenade launchers, heavy machine guns and small arms. The Ukrainian positions in the towns of Shirokino, Zaitseve and Novgorodskoe also came under direct fire.

    After 20 pm, the towns of …

  • Ukraine may return heavy weaponry if situation escalates.

    According to Ukrainian military spokesman Andriy Lysenko, Ukraine could return its heavy weaponry to the frontlines if fighting with pro-Russian separatists escalates further. "Our military commanders will be forced to return artillery and mortars to defend Ukrainian positions and protect the lives of our servicemen," he said in a daily televised briefing.

    Five Ukrainian soldiers have been killed in the past 24 hours during fighting in the east of Ukraine, its highest death toll since a …

  • Ukrainian accused of plotting to blow up Russian Embassy has been acquitted

    Ukrainian citizen, Vadim Bezkorovainy, who was accused of preparing terrorist acts against the Russian embassy in London, has been aquitted by a jury trial. The case hearing took place in the Central Criminal Court of London on November 13. However, he has not been released yet as it appears he has been staying in Great Britain illegally using a Polish passport under the name of Karol Beletski. Now he is facing a deportation.

    Bezkorovainy was arrested in March 2014 in the suburb of London and …

  • US Government is planning to provide another $1 billion to Ukraine

    According to Jacob Lew, the Secretary of the Treasury of the US, the Department of Treasury is considering the possibility of financial support amounting to $1 billion to Ukraine – reported Interfax-Ukraine.

    “We are working on the provision of the third billion of credit guarantees within the next months. “It’s extremely important for Ukraine to follow up with the reforms in the tax and energy areas and to strengthen the anti-corruption measures” – stated Jacob Lew after the meeting with the …

  • Ukraine recognised Soviet deportation of Crimean Tatars as genocide

    On November 12, the Ukrainian Parliament, Verkhovna Rada, approved a resolution recognising the deportation of Crimean Tatars in 1944, as genocide. 245 Ukrainian MPs voted for the resolution. According to the document, May 18 will be marked as the Memorial Days for the victims of the genocide.The explanatory note to the resolution provides information about forced evictions of more than 180 thousand Crimean Tatars directed by the Soviet Union’s State Defence Committee. As stated in the document, …

  • New Russian banknote marks annexation of Crimea

    According to reports of the TASS news agency, a 100 ruble banknote commemorating Moscow's annexation of Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 will appear in Russia next month.This comes as an act of defiance against world opinion. 

    Russia's annexation of Crimea followed the ouster of Ukraine's pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych in 2014, and has been widely condemned as an illegal act by world leaders. This, and a prolonged fighting between Ukraine and Russian-backed separatists in the east of the …