Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Putin's approval rating hits new high.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin's approval rating has hit a record high of almost 90 percent, primarily as a result of his decision to launch air strikes against Islamist militants in Syria, Russia's state pollster said on Thursday.

    It is slightly smaller than the rating of the president of Romania, Nicolae Ceausescu, shortly before his execution, but higher than the rating of Hosni Mubarak, a few years before the Revolution of 2011, which resulted in Egypt's President resignation and trial. …

  • U.S. to Ship Modified Radar Systems to Ukraine.

    As reported by The Wall Street Journal, advanced radar systems being shipped to Ukraine to counter artillery strikes by pro-Russia separatists have been modified to prevent them from peering into Russia.

    The modifications drew fire from a leading Republican critic of the Obama administration, who called it a misguided attempt to mollify Vladimir Putin.

    President Barack Obama signed an order on Sept. 29 to give Ukraine two radar systems worth $10 million each. U.S. officials said this week …

  • Moscow's ultimatum for mercenaries in Eastern Ukraine.

    As reported by The Informational Resistance group, Russian citizens taking part in the coflict in east Ukraine, both the Russian armed forces servicemen and mercenaries have received Kremlin's conditions for the return to their homeland. It is only through the signing of the contract with the Russian Defence Ministry for further deployment to Syria that they would be allowed return entry to Russia.

    For the signing of the contract such persons supposedly will have to provide three photos and …

  • Ukraine ceasefire helps volunteers bring dead soldiers home.

    As reported by Reuters,A ceasefire in eastern Ukraine means more work for the volunteer group Black Tulip, which can now collect remains of Ukrainian soldiers killed in action without the risk of being caught in crossfire between rebels and government troops.

    The group used to locate and rebury soldiers killed in World War Two, but when hundreds of Ukrainian troops were killed in the battle of Ilovaisk last year, the volunteers decided their skills could help more recent victims of conflict. …

  • Stalin portraits go on displays in Donetsk.

    Portraits of former Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin emerged on displays in the center of Donetsk, the pro-russian rebel capital of eastern Ukraine. as the separatist authorities fuel a mood of Soviet nostalgia.The rebels revive Soviet customs to cement their Moscow-backed rule and fuel a mood of Soviet nostalgia.The horrors of Stalin's repressions and the deaths of up to five million Ukrainians in the 1930s due to famine caused by forced collectivization go unmentioned.The Donetsk rebel leader …

  • OSCE asks Russia why TOS-1 rocket launchers are in Ukraine

    British delegation to OSCE has requested from Russia an explanation on how TOS-1 thermobaric rocket launcher ended up in Kruglik village of  Luhansk which is under control of  pro-Russian separatists.

    Sian MacLeod, the Head of UK Delegation to the OSCE , says that there has  not been any official reply yet.

    The TOS1 Rocket launcher, known as Buratino, is manufactured in Russia and they have never been exported to Ukraine.

    On September 26th OSCE observers have found at least 36 tanks of an …

  • Ukraine terminates all air traffic with Russia.

    The Ukrainian Ministry of Infrastructure has announced a complete cessation of air communication with Russia.

    This comes after a continued lack of response from the Russian air communication department regarding the restrictions imposed on the Ukrainian airlines.

    Ukrainian infrastructure department has decided to suspend all air traffic starting October 25th.

    The Ukrainian ministry confirmed that the ban will be imposed on all the Russian airlines.

    On September 25th Russian Prime Minister, …

  • NATO Parliamentary assembly adopts Resolution on Solidarity with Ukraine

    A resolution of Solidarity with Ukraine has been adopted by the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

    Ukrainian MP, Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze reports on her Facebook page that the resolution has been adopted with all the revisions requested by the Ukrainian delegation.

    It has been adopted unanimously by all the delegations of the NATO countries.

    The document condemns in strongest of terms the illegal annexation of Crimea and the continuing intervention in Eastern Ukraine by the Russians.

    The …

  • Leaflets advocating joining Russian military in Syria spotted in Donetsk.

    In some areas of Donetsk, which is currently controlled by Pro-Russian separatist, leaflets have begun to appear promoting the advantages of joining the Russian military in Syria.

    The leaflets compare the benefits of serving in Syria as opposed to Eastern Ukraine

    The anonymous leaflets emphasize that the soldiers fighting in Syria get a higher pay and can also receive an official status having participated in Military operations.  This status in Russia provides extra social assistance and …

  • Russian 'humanitarian convoys' bring toy bombs to Ukraine.

    While Moscow claims its "humanitarian aid" trucks are carrying aid for people in Ukraine's Donbas, the true purpose of the convoys remained delivery of ammunition and supplies for the Kremlin's unmarked troops and mercenaries.These days the truce continues to hold, but the explosives units of Ukraine's armed forces are busy taking care of those "gifts" delivered by the russians.

    Over 42,000 mines and other explosives have been detected and defused by Ukrainian military in the war torn areas in …