Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Ukraine starts gas transit to EU under new contract with Russia

    New Ukrainian national gas transit company, Operator of Gas Transit System of Ukraine (GTS), announced the beginning of the transit of Russian gas to the European Union under a new contract with Gazprom. The first cubic meters of gas have already been transported to the EU, reads the company's message on Facebook.

    The head of the company Sergey Makogon, in turn, said that the GTS has started working on a regular schedule and transports gas under the signed agreements. "We have proved that we …

  • Thousands of Ukrainians rally on Stepan Bandera’s birthday

    Ukrainians have rallied in a number of cities across Ukraine on what would have been the 111th birthday of one of the ideologists of the Ukrainian nationalist movement.

    The traditional torchlight procession on the 111th birthday of Stepan Bandera involved, according to various estimates, between one and several thousand nationalists and sympathizers. Participants bore torches, flags of the All-Ukrainian Union “Freedom”, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, and various Cossack …

  • First time in 6 years Putin calls Ukrainian President to wish Happy New Year

    Russian President Vladimir Putin held a telephone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on December 31, reports the Kremlin's press service. According to the Kremlin, the conversation was initiated by the Ukrainian side.

    Putin and Zelensky noted the importance of the new gas transit contract and the recent exchange of prisoners between Kyiv and the territories of the Donbas that are not controlled by Ukraine. They also wished each other a Happy New Year.

    Putin has not …

  • Ukraine signs contract for gas transit from Russia to Europe

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that a contract was signed for the transit of Russian gas to Europe from Russia through the territory of Ukraine for five years.

    "This is the end of the year, but not the end of our achievements. Ukraine has signed a gas transit contract for five years, during which we will receive at least over $7 billion. The parties can extend the contract for another ten years," wrote Zelensky on his Facebook page.

    "The Ukrainian gas transit system will be given …

  • Washington: ‘Serious’ US companies are considering buying Ukraine’s Motor Sich

    William Taylor, Chargé d’Affaires of the US Embassy in Kyiv, said that “serious American” companies are investigating the possibility of buying the Ukrainian aerospace company Motor Sich, KyivPost reports.

    “There are several serious American and other companies interested in Motor Sich. They’re doing legal due diligence, looking at financial reports, visiting the plant, and talking to the owners. They’re doing a serious analysis,” Taylor told a number of Ukrainian media outlets.

    Taylor did …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Minister: Germany declined to provide military assistance to Kyiv

    The German news agency RND has cited Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko as saying that Germany refused to provide Ukraine with military assistance “needed for opposing Russian aggression”.

    The Ukrainian Foreign Minister said that Kyiv is gratef l to Berlin for financial aid and for support on the international level, but must nevertheless note that the German government declined Ukraine’s request for military aid.

    “I am still expecting official Berlin to revise its stance on this …

  • Merkel and Macron welcome exchange of prisoners in Donbas

    German government deputy spokesperson Martina Fitz wrote on her Twitter that Berlin and Paris welcome the exchange of prisoners between the parties involved in the military conflict in the Donbas.

    As Fitz noted, the exchange should help restore trust between the parties and establish a ceasefire. "Amid the celebration of the New Year and Orthodox Christmas, today's exchange has become a humanitarian gesture that everyone was expecting for a long time," said Fitz.

    The exchange is the proof of …

  • Kyiv carries out prisoner exchange with DPR and LPR

    The mutual exchange of prisoners by Ukraine and the separatists in the Donbas, agreed on within the Trilateral Contact Group (TCG), took place on Sunday, December 29, near the Mayorsk checkpoint on the demarcation line in the Donetsk region. The Office of the President of Ukraine announced that the swap had been completed successfully. According to the report, 76 people were given back to Kyiv, and 124 people were returned to the self-proclaimed separatist republics of the Donbas.

    The press …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Minister: Merkel is not offended after she was mentioned in Zelensky-Trump conversation

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko said that no one should be surprised because of the words that leaders of different countries use in confidential telephone conversations, reports German news agency RND.

    According to Prystaiko, Trump "reminded" Zelensky that "because of their geographical proximity, the Europeans should do more for the security" of Ukraine, and the Ukrainian President agreed with Trump.

    Prystaiko also said that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is not offended by the …

  • Kyiv eases citizenship requirements for foreigners who fought on Ukraine's side in Donbas

    Ukrainian Prime Minister Oleksiy Honcharuk wrote on his Twitter that the Ukrainian government has simplified the procedure for obtaining Ukrainian citizenship for foreign citizens who fought in the Donbas on the side of Ukrainian Armed Forces.

    According to Honcharuk, the Ukrainian government approved the mechanism for foreign citizens to obtain a residence permit in Ukraine. The Ukrainian Prime Minister stressed that this would be the first step for obtaining Ukrainian citizenship.

    Earlier, …