Contents tagged with UN

  • UN: Donbas has become the region with the most land mines in the world

    Donbas has become the region with the most land mines in the world, as stated at a briefing on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine by U.N. Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Ursula Mueller.

    “Eastern Ukraine is facing problems with protection. It is rapidly becoming one of the region with the most land mines in the world, and if the problem is not resolved, it will stop the region’s development for many years to come. Demining and mine risk education are needed in all …

  • Russia opposes UN proposal to limit the veto power of permanent members of the Security Council

    According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Liechtenstein, Aurelia Frick, 114 countries have already supported the initiative of ​​limiting the veto power of the permanent members of the Security Council, reports RIA Novosti.

    According to Frick, "the response to this initiative was exceptional."

     "This initiative is based on voluntary self-restraint of the permanent members of the Council in situations when it comes to mass atrocities. It is based on our deep conviction that a Veto is not …

  • Transnistria asks to join the UN, calls Moldova an aggressor

    The Parliament of the unrecognized Transnistria has adopted an appeal to the United Nations asking the United Nations to provide the unrecognized republic with the status of observer state in the organization,  Deschide news agency reports.

    The document is addressed to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and UN President of the General Assembly Miroslav Lajcak. The appeal was written on behalf of the leader of Transnistria, Vadim Krasnoselsky, and the so-called chairman of the Supreme …

  • Russian UN delegation leaves before Lithuanian President’s speech

    The Russian delegation left the session of the UN General Assembly before the speech of Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite. Before her speech, First Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations Pyotr Ilyichev and the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutsky left the hall. On Tuesday, Grybauskaite met with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.

    The press service of the Lithuanian president reported that during this …

  • Russian representative to UN: Russia may not sign US declaration on UN reform

    Russia may not sign a US-proposed political declaration on UN reform, stated Vasily Nebenzya, the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the organization.

    The document was drafted by the administration of American leader Donald Trump. On September 18, the UN Headquarters will host a summit of world leaders on a change in the work of the UN.

    "I'm not sure that we will sign this declaration ... The declaration on UN reform will not be passed through [the UN], and the UN will not …

  • UN delays discussion on withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria

    According to UN Press-Secretary Brenden Varma, consideration of including an item on the withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria in the agenda of the UN General Assembly has been postponed until October.

    The General Committee decided to postpone discussions on this issue in connection with an agreement between the parties concerned. Varma said that the "concerned parties" are Russia and Moldova.

    In August, Moldova asked the UN Secretary General in an official letter to include the …

  • Ukraine’s representative to UN: The Russian delegation to the United Nations has dramatically changed its style

    The new Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenzya, does not have any negative emotions towards Ukraine, believes Ukrainian Permanent Representative to the UN Volodymyr Yelchenko.

    "It is still too early to talk about changing tactics, [as] the new permanent representative of Russia has been working only a month. However, it is noticeable that the style has changed dramatically, and I would say for the better. This, of course, does not mean a change in Russia's …

  • Polish Foreign Ministry: UN peacekeepers in Donbas need to be deployed on the border with Russia

    The deployment of UN peacekeeping forces in the Donbas is possible only with the consent of and close cooperation with the Ukrainian authorities, as stated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland, reports

    "The appropriate place for the presentation and preparation of such initiatives is the UN Security Council, and we expect concrete proposals at the Council meeting ... A necessary condition for the success of such a mission would be the preparation of a mandate [of the UN …

  • Moldovan Prime Minister: Chisinau will not change its position on the withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria

    Moldovan Prime Minister Pavel Filip said in an interview with RIA Novosti that Chisinau will not change its position regarding the inclusion of the issue of withdrawing foreign military personnel from the territory of the republic to the UN General Assembly’s agenda.

    Earlier, the permanent representative of Moldova to the United Nations, Victor Moraru, sent a letter to the UN Secretary General stating that the country expects to include the issue of withdrawing foreign military personnel in …

  • Ukrainian Official: Russia will block any UN resolutions on deployment of peacekeepers in Donbas

    For the UN peacekeeping mission introduction to the Donbass, the consent  of all sides is necessary, we doubt that Russia will agree to it and will block the voting in the UN Security Council, said the representative of Ukraine in the subgroup on security of the Trilateral Contact Group Yevhen Marchuk. According to him, a number of items on this issue must be taken into account.

    "The invitation of foreign military units with weapons to the territory of Ukraine is possible only with the …