Contents tagged with UN

  • Ukrainian Parliament is urging the world to condemn Russia’s ban of Crimean Tatar Mejlis

    The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has appealed to international organizations and parliaments not to recognize the decision of the Russian courts to ban the activities of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatars. The Ukrainian parliamentarians are also requesting to consider the possibility of imposing sanctions against the judges who made the verdict. A total of 248 deputies voted in favor of this decision on the 5th of October.

    The Ukrainian Parliament called for measures that “will indicate the non- …

  • At the UN, Sweden stressed that Russia's actions in eastern Ukraine are illegal

    The annexation of the Crimea by Russia and its continued military presence in eastern Ukraine is contrary to international law and OSCE principles, as was stated during a speech at the UN General Assembly by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, Margot Wallström, Ukrinform reported.

    "The illegal annexation of the Crimea by Russia and their military presence in eastern Ukraine undermines international law and the principles of European security agreed upon by all OSCE countries," she said. …

  • Samantha Power criticizes Russia for calling emergency Security Council meeting

    US Permanent Representative to the UN Samantha Power heavily criticized the Russian initiative to hold an emergency Security Council conference on Saturday to discuss an incident connected with the air raid on Deir ez-Zor, during which 62 Syrian soldiers were killed. The US claims that positions of the so-called Islamic State were targeted, and the deaths of the Syrian soldiers was an accident. Power has told reporters that Russia's actions are a ruse, the real purpose of which is to distract …

  • Poroshenko expects UN to adopt declaration on human rights violations in Crimea

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said that he expects the UN General Assembly to adopt a declaration recognizing human rights violations in the Crimea, particularly in regards to Crimean Tatars, Evropeyskaya Pravda reported.

    Poroshenko said as much during his speech at the annual meeting of Yalta European Strategy in Kyiv.

    "For two and a half days, I'll have a lot of meetings at the UN. We hope that the UN General Assembly will adopt a declaration on the violation of core human rights in …

  • Russia refuses to recognize UN Commission's conclusions on chemical weapons in Syria

    Russia supported its ally Syrian President Bashar al-Assad at the UN Security Council on August 30 in New York. Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN Vitaly Churkin refused to accept the facts provided in the report of the UN and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

    After the meeting of the UN Security Council, he rejected the US and other countries demands to condemn the chemical attacks and punish al-Assad's regime for the use of chemical weapons. The …

  • Ukraine prepares draft documents to send UN peacekeepers to the Donbas

    Ukraine has drafted documents regarding an official decision to send United Nations (UN) peacekeepers to the Donbas and is looking forward to constructive cooperation with the new UN secretary general, stated Volodymyr Yelchenko, Ukraine’s permanent representative to the UN.

    “Everything is ready. We even have draft documents ready for approval – on a UN support office in Ukraine, on a special representative to the secretary general, and on a mediatory mission from the UN secretary general – we …

  • Russia says it did not violate UN resolution by using airfield in Iran

    The accusations against Russia of violating UN Security Council resolution 2231 for using an Iranian airfield are absolutely groundless, said a source at the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “Americans should read UN Security Council resolution 2231 more attentively,” he advised, as reported by TASS.

    According to the Russian official the wording of the relevant paragraph, about supplying weapons to Tehran, has nothing to do with Russian aircraft in Iran. Later, the Russian Minister of …

  • The US State Department suspects Russia of violating UN Security Council Resoltuion

    Reuters reports that Russia’s use of an Iranian military base for launching attacks against positions of Islamic State militants may contradict resolution number 2231 of the UN Security Council, according to State Department spokesman Mark Toner.

    Toner noted that the USA continues to explore data about the Hamadan Air Base. He stressed that the use of the base in Iran will not prevent the USA and Russia from reaching an agreement on the common fight against terrorist groups in Syria.

    The …

  • UN: The number of victims in the Donbas has risen sharply

    The number of people who suffered from hostilities in eastern Ukraine during the last two months is comparable to the number of killed and wounded in April 2015 during fierce fighting in the region.

    The number of civilians affected by the hostilities in eastern Ukraine has increased rapidly in the past two months. In June, according to UN data, 12 people were killed in this region and 57 were wounded. This was reported on Wednesday, August 3rd, in Geneva by UN High Commissioner for Human …

  • UN: Elections should be held in the Donbas only after the issue of human rights has been resolved

    The Donbas elections should be held when the human rights issues are resolved and not just when the technical and political aspects are organized, as stated by the UN Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights, Ivan Šimonović, said during an interview with Novoye Vremya.

    “If you want to hold free and fair elections, you must ensure that there is freedom of expression and media, as well as freedom of assembly and association. This is not happening now,” Šimonović said.

    He also stressed the …