Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Ukrainian oligarch Kolomoisky promises to return to Ukraine if Zelensky wins elections

    In an interview with journalists from the program “Schemes: Corruption in detail”, exiled Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky promised to return to Ukraine if Volodymyr Zelensky wins the second round of Ukraine’s presidential elections.

    When asked whether he would return if the actor Zelensky is elected president, Kolomoisky responded: “Well of course. I was already intending to return, but now there are all kinds of situations… I had plans to return to Ukraine between the first and second …

  • Ukrainian general: Ukraine needs missiles covering the entire territory of Russia

    The former Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Lieutenant-General Ihor Romanenko, believes that Kyiv should follow the example of the United States, which withdrew from the Treaty on the Elimination of Medium and Short Range Missiles, and do the same by withdrawing from the Budapest Memorandum signed with Russia.

    According to Romanenko, this agreement deprives Ukraine of, not only nuclear, but also missile weapons, which could serve as a deterrent.

    “The only …

  • Poroshenko claims his ratings are rising ahead of second round of Ukrainian presidential election

    Poroshenko took part in the live broadcast on 112 Ukraine TV channel during which the audience was shown the results of a public opinion poll. According to the results, on April 12-13, the current president lagged behind Volodymyr Zelensky by 27% of the votes, and then two days later this difference was reduced to 23% of the votes. Based on this, Poroshenko said that he has a chance to win the second round.

    “Seeing these figures, one can say that my support among citizens is growing, and the …

  • Russian Gazprom ramps up gas transit through Ukraine by 25%

    The Russian company Gazprom has recently increased the volume of gas it is transporting to Europe through Ukraine by 25%, according to a Facebook post by Andriy Kobolyev, CEO of Naftogaz of Ukraine.

    “The reason for this is the renovation of the Yamal-Europe pipeline (which passes through Belarus)… annually this is the equivalent of around 110 billion cubic meters of gas per year,” he wrote.

    In a matter of days, the daily volume of gas pumped through the Ukrainian gas transport system rose by 6 …

  • Russia to dispute arbitration court verdict on Ukrnafta lawsuit

    Russia has not yet received the International Court of Arbitration’s ruling on the Ukrnafta lawsuit through the official diplomatic channels, but it plans to dispute the ruling at the Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland, RBC reported citing the Russian Justice Ministry.

    “The Russian Federation plans to dispute the current decision and to use all the available legal protection mechanisms provided by international law and Swiss legislation,” the ministry said in a statement.

    On 12 April, the …

  • Poroshenko and Zelensky agree to hold a debate on April 19

    The representative of the election campaign staff of the Ukrainian leader Petro Poroshenko, Oleg Medvedev announced that presidential candidates Petro Poroshenko and Volodymyr Zelensky signed an agreement to hold a debate in the Olympic Stadium on April 19.

    On Tuesday, at a briefing in Kyiv, Medvedev said that “a lease agreement has been signed with the stadium” for the evening of April 19.

    “Talks between the election campaign staff should continue tonight. At these negotiations, our …

  • Poroshenko: Normandy Format session possible in June

    A Normandy Format meeting may take place in June on the date commemorating the anti-Hitler coalition’s landing in Normandy, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko told the TV channel 112 Ukraine.

    “French President Emmanuel Macron… and German Chancellor Angela Merkel will contact Putin in May already, coordinate with the US and directly with US President Donald Trump, and, I consider it possible… that Russian President Vladimir Putin will be invited to the commemoration of the opening of the …

  • Poroshenko claims to have sold all businesses there were buyers for

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said that over the last five years he has sold all of the businesses for which there were buyers.

    “Wherever there was a buyer, even if they didn’t have the money now or if it had to be paid off over many years, I sold my assets. This was the case with Kuznya na Rybalskomu. There is a new owner, the relevant decisions have been made,” Poroshenko told journalists in the press center of the Olimpiyskiy Stadium in Kyiv at an event that was supposed to be a …

  • In the event of a victory Poroshenko will only keep 2 of his current ministers

    The current president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, said that he does not intend to dismiss Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak or Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin at the conclusion of the presidential election.  

    “I am not planning to have either the Minister of Defense or the Minister of Foreign Affairs resign,” said Poroshenko who had come to face off in a debate against Zelensky at Olympiyskiy stadium.

    He emphasized that the country has a parliamentary-presidential form of government in which …

  • Poroshenko wants Zelensky to explain why Russian politicians support him

    The presidential candidate Volodymyr Zelensky would do well to explain why he is being supported by Russian politicians and officials who served during Viktor Yanukovych’s presidency and fled Ukraine, said President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, reports “Interfax-Ukraine”.

    “I do not like it when we have everyone, from Zhirinovsky to Azarov, from Yanukovych to Zyuganov, lending support to my country's president. I do not like it. But I am not blaming anyone - I believe that the candidate should …