Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Ukraine bans charter flights to Russia

    On Wednesday, April 3, Ukrainian authorities decided to impose a ban on direct charter flights between Ukraine and Russia, with the exception of those flights that are necessary to support the activities of the UN, OSCE and Red Cross missions. The idea to introduce such was proposed by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Arsen Avakov.

    According to him, Kyiv made this decision after Ukrainian politicians Yuriy Boyko and Viktor Medvedchuk took advantage of the “loophole” to fly to …

  • NATO to guarantee safe passage for Ukrainian ships through Kerch Strait

    The North-Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) plans to take steps to ensure that Ukrainian ships have safe passage through the Kerch Strait, US Ambassador to NATO Kay Bailey Hutchison told foreign reporters on Tuesday 2 April.

    Hutchison confirmed that a corresponding package of measures should be approved during a two-day conference in Washington starting on Wednesday.

    “The package will step up aerial surveillance, and will involve sending more NATO ships to the Black Sea in order to …

  • Ukrainian President Poroshenko orders polygraph test for Ukroboronprom leadership after corruption scandal

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has instructed the Cabinet of Ministers to have the leaders of the state-owned defense concern Ukroboronprom take polygraph tests, the president’s press service reported on Tuesday.

    The decision was made by Poroshenko during a meeting with Oleksandr Turchynov, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, and his deputy Serhiy Kryvonos.

    “We ask the government to ensure that a polygraph test is organized for all of the leaders of the state concern …

  • Ukraine's Naftogaz to pay 14 million euros to Norwegian lawyers for assistance in lawsuit against Gazprom

    Ukrainian national oil company Naftogaz has signed a contract for legal services in a lawsuit against the Russian gas giant Gazprom. Naftogaz will pay the lawyers of the Norwegian law firm Wikborg Rein Advokatfirma AS 14 million euros, according to Ukrainian Prozorro e-procurement system.

    The cost of the services includes attorneys' fees and the costs of involving witnesses in the court proceeding.

    At the end of January, in Stockholm, the initial hearing in the suit of Naftogaz against the …

  • Moldovan consul in Odessa arrested for bribery

    Sergey Sheptelich, the Moldovan consul in Odessa, was arrested on Tuesday by members of the Moldovan Anticorruption Prosecution and National Anticorruption Center (NAC), the NAC announced in a press release.

    Before the arrest, the consulate offices in Odessa and the consul’s apartment were searched by law enforcement.

    The consul has been accused of passive corruption. On 6 April 2018, he is believed to have illegally issued a citizen of an Arab country a 60-day Moldovan visa in exchange for a …

  • Ukrainian President Poroshenko plans to visit Germany

    The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko could be visiting Germany before the second round of elections, Reported news outlet in the article, “Elections in Ukraine: The Stakes and the Reactions around the World”.

    “According to the article posted to, Poroshenko’s visit to Berlin is being planned as a manifestation of Germany’s support for his election campaign.”

    The media agency recalled that Poroshenko and Merkel had spoken on the phone immediately following the first round of …

  • Two NATO ships dock at Ukrainian Port of Odessa

    On the morning of Monday 1 April, two NATO ships entered the Port of Odessa. The Spanish frigate Santa Maria (F81) and the Canadian frigate HMCS Toronto (FHH333) were moored at berths 18 and 19, the local news outlet Dumskaya reported.

    Santa Maria and Toronto will remain in Odessa until the evening of 3 April at the latest. Both vessels were opened to visitors on Monday afternoon.

    After their stay in Odessa, the ships will take part in a PASSEX (passing exercise) with ships from the Ukrainian …

  • Ukrainian POWs made to undergo psychiatric examinations in Russia

    Second rank Captain Denys Hrytsenko, one of the Ukrainian sailors captured by Russia off the coast of Crimea, said that he and his fellow prisoners of war Mykhailo Vlasyuk, Andriy Drach and Vyacheslav Zynchenko were taken to the Serbsky Center in Moscow to undergo psychiatric examinations.

    Hrytsenko’s account reaches us through his Russian attorney, Nikolai Polozov.

    “During the examination, Denys Hrytsenko responded to the experts’ questions in accordance with Article 17 of the Third Geneva …

  • Zelensky ready to meet with Putin after the return of occupied territories

    Ukrainian Presidential candidate, Vladimir Zelensky, said he would meet with Vladimir Putin after the return of the "occupied territories".

     “If I will meet with Mr. Putin, I will tell him: finally, you have returned our territories. How much are you willing to compensate for the money that Russia took from our territories and for helping the people who took part in the escalation of the Crimea and Donbas situation in this terrible, cruel, disgusting way? ", said Zelensky during a media …

  • Ukrainian elections: One third of Ukrainians voted for Zelensky

    After announcing his candidacy on New Year’s Eve, Volodymyr Zelensky needed only three months to come first out of 40 other candidates in the first round of Ukraine’s presidential elections on 31 March. According to three authoritative sociological services, the results are unprecedented in Ukraine’s recent history. A comedian and political debutant, Zelensky received roughly 30.4% of the votes, whereas current president and candidate Petro Poroshenko came second with only 16.4%. Former prime …