Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Savchenko's lawyer says letter sent to her client from Poroshenko is a fake

    Nadiya Savchenko’s lawyer, Mark Feygin, has reported that a letter sent to her from Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, is a fake. Feygin had previously published the letter.

    “This morning, the Consulate General of Ukraine, Vitaly Moskalenko, and I have been part of a special operation. The fake letter given to Nadiya, which was allegedly written by the President of Ukraine, was aimed at discouraging her from her dry hunger strike,” Feygin said.

    According to him, Moskalenko received a phone …

  • Dzhemilev: Turkish and Ukrainian cooperation may lead to the de-occupation of Crimea

    The national leader of Crimean Tatars, Mustafa Dzhemilev, said that Turkey has embarked on economic and military rapprochement with Ukraine. In his opinion, it may help the de-occupation of Crimea. Dzhemilev told Krym.Realli, commenting on the meeting of the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, and the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

    "We are heading towards economic and military rapprochement with Ukraine. It is certainly in our favor and I think in favor for de-occupation of …

  • Kremlin responds to Poroshenko's offer to exchange prisoners for Savchenko

    The Press Spokesman for the President of Russia, Dmitry Peskov, has responded to Ukrainian President, Petro Poroshenko, with regard to the release of Nadiya Savchenko. RBC reported that Poroshenko has officially stated his readiness to exchange Savchenko for Russian prisoners.

    “We have noted President Poroshenko’s statements regarding Savchenko. I am not ready to say more. I can however state that we have recorded the statements of Savchenko’s lawyer, Mark Feygin. He has said that the …

  • Poroshenko expressed his willingness to work with any potential Prime Minister

    The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, has announced an early election of the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian Parliament) and is ready to work with any potential Prime Minister. He said this in an interview with the Turkish channel TRT World, the Ukrainski Novini reported.

    "The Parliament should consist of the coalition. The coalition must be a majority. Three fractions have left the coalition. In accordance with the Constitution, a new coalition should be formed and, most likely, a new Prime …

  • Belarusian Foreign Ministry doesn't see a threat in Ukraine's cooperation with NATO

    As reported by RIA Novosti, according to the Belarusian Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, Pavel Muraveyko, Belarus is not concerned with Ukraine’s cooperation with NATO and does not see any threat from Ukraine.

    “What is happening in its territory and the involvement of NATO countries at this time is not critical or challenging for our country. We should have a good understanding of these processes which take place and know that NATO is interested in increasing the number …

  • OSCE reports movement of heavy weapons out of storage facilities in eastern Ukraine

    The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission has noted the disappearance of military equipment from storage facilities, as stated by the Deputy Chief of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine, Alexander Hug.

    “We see that weapons have been withdrawn from both sides and are now being kept where they should be. However, we are beginning to notice that the equipment is disappearing from those places. It is disappearing equally from both sides, nearly 30% of the equipment. We see that heavy weapons …

  • Greenpeace reveals that Ukrainian and Russian citizens are still being exposed to radiation from Chernobyl

    30 years after the infamous accident at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station the residents of the surrounding areas are still eating contaminated food, stated Greenpeace International.

    Greenpeace has carried out tests in the Russian region of Bryansk and the Ukrainian regions of Rovno and Kiev and found excessive amounts of Radiocaesium-137 in milk, mushrooms, grains, fish, and timber for fuel and construction, Rosbalt reported.

    Greenpeace Russia energy program project manager Rashid Alimov …

  • European Commission submits legislative proposal to abolish visas for Georgian citizens

    On Wednesday, the European Commission announced they had submitted a legislative proposal for the liberalization of visas for Georgian citizens.

    The European Commissioner for Migration, Dimitris Avramopoulos, said this at the press conference in Brussels, according to the Evropeyskaya Pravda newspaper.

    "The Commission proposed today to abolish visas for Georgian citizens. The Commission proposes to include Georgia in the list of countries with which the EU has a visa-free regime," he said. …

  • Erdoğan: Turkey will always support the territorial integrity of Ukraine, including the Crimea

    As stated by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Thursday, Turkey fully supports the territorial integrity of Ukraine, including the Crimea. This was stated by Erdoğan during a joint press conference with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko during the latter’s visit to Ankara, as reported by Glavnoe.

    “I said, Mr. President, Turkey will always support the territorial integrity of Ukraine, including the Crimea, and the political unity of Ukraine, and I will repeat it once again, Turkey has not …

  • EU decides to extend sanctions against Russians and separatists for another 6 months

    On March 9th, TASS reported that, according to a source in the EU Council, the ambassadors of the 28 EU countries at the planned meeting in Brussels decided to extend the blacklist sanctions against Russia and self-proclaimed republics in the East of Ukraine for another six months.

    "Permanent representatives to the EU today approved the extension of the sanctions for six months," the source said, noting that now the decision must be officially approved by all 28 EU member states, and then …