Contents tagged with War in Ukraine

  • Ukrainian military command: liberation of Luhansk region will not be quick

    “The operation to liberate the Luhansk region will not be quick. The Russians have strengthened their positions using the militants of the so-called Luhansk People’s Republic and the forces previously deployed in the Kharkiv region, “said the speaker of the Eastern group of the Ukrainian Forces, Serhiy Cherevaty on the the Ukrainian TV channel 1+1."The enemy has a large formation there. This is the so-called LPR, which they used as a springboard for an attack on us, including creating this …

  • Ukrainian Defense Ministry: by end of December Ukrainian Forces will enter Crimea

    Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Defense Volodymyr Havrylov said that at the beginning of winter the Ukrainian Armed Forces can capture the temporarily occupied Crimea. The war between Ukraine and Russia may be over by the end of spring, he said in an interview with Sky News.

    According to Havrylov, the Ukrainian Armed Forces can take control over Crimea by the end of December.

    As for the prospect of peace talks with the Kremlin, the Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister noted that they will take …

  • Hundreds of newly mobilized Russians who refuse to fight held in cellars in Luhansk region

    As far as 300 newly mobilized Russians are being held in a cellar in Zaitsevo, Luhansk region, for refusing to go to the front line, write independent Russian journalists from the project ASTRA, citing the relatives of the detainees.

    "My husband says that there are already about 300 of them there (ASTRA managed to confirm the names of 42 of them). More people are constantly being brought in. This is a large cellar in the House of Culture in Zaitseve. They are fed once a day: one dry food …

  • Kyiv: Russia has moved its remaining most capable forces from Kherson to Luhansk region

    Russians are transferring their remaining most capable troops to the Luhansk region. Among them are paratroopers who were previously deployed in the Kherson region, said the head of the Luhansk regional military administration, Serhiy Haidai, on air of Ukrainian 1+1 channel.

    "We can say that these are the remaining best soldiers that the Russian Federation has, because the rest are newly mobilized, Kadyrov fighters, Wagner mercenaries whom Prigozhin recruited in prisons. These are paratroopers …

  • Reznikov: balance of power in the war has changed in favor of Ukrainian Forces

    The Ukrainian Defense Minister, Oleksiy Reznikov, said that the balance of power at the front has changed in favor of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Russia is doomed to be defeated in this war. However, he warned that a difficult period awaits Ukrainians ahead.

    "The enemy is resorting to terror to trigger a humanitarian crisis. But the balance has already changed. Russia is doomed to lose. Ukraine will win. We are working to ensure that the world perceives the Ukrainian vision of victory, and …

  • Zelensky: there will be no ‘behind the scenes’ negations with Putin

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he had received signals from the leaders of other countries that Russian president Vladimir Putin wants to start negotiations. But since the Russian Federation is waging a full-scale war of aggression against Ukraine, any negotiations should take place in public, not behind the scenes. Zelensky stressed that he does not want to have "any behind the scenes interactions “ with the Russian side.

    The Ukrainian President recalled that at the G20 summit he …

  • Kremlin is furious after UN adopts resolution which demands that Russia pays reparations to Ukraine

    Russia is categorically against the resolution of the UN General Assembly on Moscow's reparations to Ukraine, said the press secretary of the Russian President, Dmitry Peskov.

    "Naturally, the organizers of this process are trying to finish robbing us of our gold and foreign exchange, which were completely illegally frozen. Actually, this is the formalization of robbery using the UN. This decision is not legally binding, so we will treat it as such, " Interfax news agency quoted Peskov as …

  • Kyiv: Russia is running out of cruise missiles

    Russia is likely experiencing shortage of cruise missiles, which cannot be quickly replenished. The reduced number of missile strikes on Ukrainian infrastructure shows that Russia does not have enough missiles, said the speaker of the Ukrainian Air Force, Yuriy Ignat, at a briefing.

    According to Ignat, Russian continues to carry air missile strikes on Ukrainian troops daily, but the situation with cruise missiles is completely different.

    "Not so many missiles were used in October. Literally, …

  • Zelensky arrives in Kherson, Kremlin continues to call it Russian territory

    On Monday, November 14, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky arrived in Kherson.

    In the central square of Kherson, Zelensky thanked the Ukrainian military for liberating the city after several months of Russian occupation.

    "We are moving forward. We are ready for peace, peace for our entire country," the Ukrainian leader told soldiers standing in front of the city administration building.

    The President also thanked NATO and other allies for their support in the war against Russia and said …

  • Russian media blames oligarch Abramovich and the likes for 'Russia's national catastrophe'

    The author of the article entitled “Who prevents Surovikin from fighting", published by the pro-Kremlin newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets, writes about the role of the oligarch Roman Abramovich in Russia’s misfortunes.

    "It is obvious that Vladimir Vladimirovich [Putin] is not omnipotent. If all his decisions over the years were carried out as planned, we would already be living in a completely different Russia. But, sometimes, Putin says one thing, and a different outcome comes out of the …