Contents tagged with War in Ukraine

  • Putin and Lukashenko agree to deploy joint group of troops on Ukrainian border

    The self-proclaimed president of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, and Russian president Vladimir Putin, agreed to deploy a joint regional grouping of troops.

    "In connection with the escalating situation on the western borders of the Union State, we agreed to deploy a regional grouping of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. This is all according to our documents. If the threat level reaches the current level, as it is now, we begin to use the Union State grouping," Lukashenka said …

  • Russian officials complain about ‘war without rules’ after explosion on Crimean Bridge

    Vladimir Putin's administration has promptly  sent out a "manual" to the Russian media and state news agencies on how to cover the situation with the Crimean bridge which shows that the Kremlin is trying to avoid panic among Russians. But the Russian parliament, the State Duma, seems to have other plans. A deputy from the pro-presidential United Russia party, Oleg Morozov, called the incident a declaration of "war without rules."

    "The terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge, announced long ago, …

  • Estonian Foreign Minister congratulates Ukrainian Special Services on destroying Crimean bridge

    Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu suggested that Ukraine may be behind the explosions on the Crimean bridge and congratulated the "Ukrainian special forces" on this event.

    "Estonia certainly welcomes this (the explosion on the Crimean bridge) and congratulates the Ukrainian special forces units that are probably behind this operation," said the Estonian Foreign Minister.

    He added that the Crimean bridge has an important symbolic value for Russia, since it connects Russia and Crimea and …

  • Ukrainian President Zelenksky calls on NATO to carry out a preemptive nuclear strike on Russia

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called on NATO countries to deliver a preemptive strike against Russia. "What should NATO do? To eliminate the possibility of Russia's use of nuclear weapons, preemptive strikes so they know what will happen to them if these weapons are used. And not the other way around, to wait for Russia's nuclear strikes, and then to say: "Ah, that’s how you are! well, here is one from us! Reconsider the use of your pressure. This is what NATO should do - revise the …

  • Ukrainian Defense Minister: Russia has attempted to purchase large shipment of body armor and winter uniforms through Turkey

    The Russian Federation tried to order through third countries 200 thousand sets of body armor and 500 thousand sets of winter uniforms, said the Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov at a press conference.

    "We have accurate information from our partners in Turkey that the Russians tried to order 200,000 sets of body armor and 500,000 sets of winter clothes through third countries. That means they are having trouble with it. By the way, the Turkish partners refused them," the Minister …

  • Kyiv: Russia is not allowing Ukrainians with Russian passports to leave its territory

    A large number of Ukrainian citizens are at the Russian borders with Latvia and Estonia, trying to leave the territory of Russia, reported the Ukrainian Ministry for the Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories.

    According to the Ministry, that waiting time to cross the border are from two to six days.

    "The FSB checks Ukrainian citizens for Russian passports at special filtration points. According to our information, if a citizen of Ukraine does not have a Russian passport, this …

  • Russia vows to take back territories liberated by Ukraine

    The spokesperson of the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov, said that Russia will take back the territories which were liberated by Ukrainian Armed Forces.

    The Russian troops will try once again to capture the territories of Ukraine where the Kremlin previously held "accession referendums", said Peskov answering a question whether there is a contradiction between Putin's words that the annexed territories are "with Russia forever" and the fact that the Russian troops are retreating from some of …

  • 700,000 Russians have left the country since Putin's mobilization announcement

    After Russian president Vladimir Putin announced mobilization, 600,000 to 700,000 Russians left Russia, reports Forbes, citing a source in Putin’s administration.

    According to Forbes, it is not possible to estimate how many left the Russian Federation for tourist purposes.

    At the same time, another interlocutor familiar with the Kremlin's estimates said that almost 1 million people had left Russia since the beginning of the mobilization.

    Immediately after the mobilization was announced on …

  • Shoygu: more than 200 thousand people conscripted to Russian army since the beginning of mobilization

    Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoygu said that more than 200 thousand people have joined the armed forces of the Russian Federation as part of partial mobilization.

    "In accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, partial mobilization has been carried out in the country since September 21. To date, more than 200,000 people have joined the Armed Forces," he said, adding that the training of the newly conscripted is carried out at 80 training sites and six training …

  • Kremlin: borders of Russia-annexed territories of Ukraine will be established after consultations with local population

    The so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics will become part of the Russian Federation within the borders of 2014, the borders the Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions will be established after discussions with the residents of the regions, said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov at a press conference.

    "We have got some clarity," Putin's spokesman told reporters. “I will tell you in less legal language: the LPR and the DPR are within the borders of 2014. Kherson and Zaporizhzhia - we will …