Contents tagged with War in Ukraine

  • Russia warns U.S. against delivering longer-range missiles to Ukraine

    The Russian Foreign Ministry said that if the United States provides Ukraine with long-range missiles, it will make Washington a "party to the conflict" and Russia will "adequately" respond to this.

    "If Washington decides to supply Kiev with longer-range missiles, it will cross the red line and become a direct party to the conflict. We reserve the right to defend our territory by all means available to us," said the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. …

  • Kyiv: All of Kherson region is now under Ukraine's fire control

    The Ukrainian military has established fire control over almost the entire territory of the temporarily occupied Kherson region, said the head of the Joint Press Center of the Ukrainian Defense Forces South, Natalia Humenyuk.

    "Almost the entire territory of the Kherson region is under our fire control. We continue our combat work, but it is too early to talk about victories. We need to gain a foothold in the liberated settlements," she said.

    According to her, the military operation of the …

  • Head of annexed Crimea threatens fans listening to Ukrainian music with criminal punishment

    The so-called "head" of the annexed Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov, recommended that fans listening to Ukrainian music move to Ukraine, otherwise they will face punishment, including criminal liability.

    Aksyonov said that videos from certain "public events in Crimea" appeared on social networks, where participants chanted pro-Ukrainian slogans and "sang nationalist songs." Hi did not indicate what kind of events they were but wrote that both the organizers and the participants of "such events" should …

  • General Marchenko: over the past 2 weeks Ukrainian Forces have advanced 12 km into Kherson region

    Ukrainian forces have advanced 12 km in the Kherson region, said Major General Dmytro Marchenko at a briefing in Voznesensk.

    The Ukrainian Armed Forces have liberated 13 settlements and cleared 500 square kilometers of Ukrainian land from the enemy.

    The Ukrainian Operational Command South reported that only over the past day 59 Russian soldiers were killed, a tank, 5 152nd caliber howitzers (among them Msta-B and Msta-S), a command and staff vehicle and, as well as 12 units of other armored …

  • Ukrainian Forces continue their offensive in Donetsk and Kherson regions

    The city of Svyatohirsk in the Donetsk region came under the control of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Ukrainian Telegram channels published a photo with the Ukrainian flag on the building of the Svyatohirsk City Council. There is no official confirmation from Ukrainian authorities of this information yet.

    According to Russian blogger Andrei Morozov ("Fighting Cat Murz"), the Ukrainian military occupied a bridgehead on the left bank of the Siverskyi Donets River and moved to the rear of the …

  • Kremlin: Putin is aware of the retreat of Russian troops from Kharkiv region of Ukraine

    Russian President Vladimir Putin is aware of the retreat of Russian troops from the Kharkiv region of Ukraine, but the "special military operation" continues and will continue until the goals that were originally set are achieved, said Putin’s spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov.

    According to him, "everything that happens, any actions that the military do during the "special operation", are reported to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief," and Putin is personally in constant contact with the Minister of …

  • Kremlin admits withdrawal of Russian troops from Kharkiv region

    The Russian Defense Ministry admitted that Russian troops lost of control over the city of Balakliya, Kharkiv region.

    On the map, which was shown during the briefing of the Russian Defemnse Ministry’s  spokesperson  Igor Konashenkov, Balakliya was removed from the zone showing the Russia controlled territory, while it was there the day before.

    "To achieve the stated goals of the special military operation to liberate the Donbas, it was decided to regroup Russian troops located in the areas of …

  • Russian troops leave Izyum

    The Russian troops have fled from Izyum in the Kharkiv region, leaving behind their weapons and equipment, reported by the commander of the battalion Svoboda, Petro Kuzyk, citing the soldiers of Freedom of Russia Legion.

    The legion consists of Russian volunteers who fight on the side of Ukraine.

    "The soldiers of the Legion report from Izyum that the Rashists [Russians]  fled the city and abandoned the equipment. There is no orc [Russian soldier] or separatist in the center! There has just …

  • Russia announces evacuation from Izyum and Kupyansk amid rapid advance of Ukrainian Forces in Kharkiv region

    Russia-installed authorities announced an "evacuation" in the occupied territories of the Kharkiv region due to the rapid counteroffensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces of Ukraine.

    "We are trying to concentrate all efforts to evacuate the local population for at least 3-4 days, until the situation is stabilized," said the “head” of the Kupyansk district, Maxim Gubin.

    He promised to organize road transport and buses that will take people to "temporary accommodation points" on the territory of …

  • Kyiv: Ukrainian Forces advance deep into Russian defense lines in Kharkiv region

    Ukrainian Armed Forces of Ukraine have taken control of more than 700 square kilometers (270.2 square miles) of the previously occupied territory in the Kharkiv region, said the Deputy Head of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksiy Gromov.

    According to him, in certain areas, Ukrainian units advanced deep into the enemy's defense lines, from 2 to dozens of kilometers. Several settlements have been liberated. At the moment, military units …