Contents tagged with War in Ukraine

  • Ukrainian forces advance deeper into the Donbas as the situation in Eastern Ukraine escalates

    On June 7-8 there was fierce fighting for the Zholobok settlement in the Luhansk region. Both the Ukrainian side and the separatists reported dozens of killed and injured.

    As early as June 2, one of the battalions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) of the 93rd Mechanized Brigade suddenly moved forward into the gray zone from the Krymskoye settlement in the south towards the separatists’ position along the Bakhmut route. The Ukrainian military managed to advance half a kilometer directly …

  • Separatist bombardment of Krasnohorivka in Eastern Ukraine causes massive destruction in the town

    On the morning of May 28, separatists fired on the city of Krasnohorivka in the Donetsk region. Pavlo Zhebrivskyi, head of the Donetsk civil-military administration, said on his Facebook page that separatists used fired with Grad multiple rocket launch systems, tanks and mortars. He reported that during the bombardment, a hospital was half destroyed, and two ambulances and a Niva hospital vehicle were smashed. According to him, several peaceful civilians received shrapnel wounds. However, the …

  • Ukrainian Military Command: three Ukrainian soldiers were killed at Svitlodarsk salient

    Three Ukrainian soldiers died in the vicinity of the Svitlodarsk salient in eastern Ukraine, rescuing the wounded friend, reported the Headquarters of the Ukrainian Military Command.

    "Three of our guys, while rescuing their wounded friend, died heroically at the Svitlodarsk salient. One of them, while being injured, in order to avoid being captured and in trying to destroy the enemy was trying to detonate a hand grenade. However, he was unable to carry out his plan. He died on the spot from …

  • Teenaged girl snipers are in the ranks of pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine

    Author: Dmytro Snegiryov, Head of Prava Sprava public initiative.

    At a recent meeting with Igor Plotnitsky, the leader of the self-proclaimed LPR, Alexandra Soroka reported about the direct involvement of a fifteen-year-old girl sniper in the fighting against the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

    "A fifteen-year-old girl sniper was killed. When she was still alive, she decided to take her father's name. Her mother left for Ukraine," Soroka said during the meeting.

    On September 10, 2016, the …

  • Muzhenko’s ex-counselor: No one in the General Staff and the Ministry of Defense can solve the Donbas problem

    The shelling of the AFU (Armed Forces of Ukraine) by separatists in the Donbas does not pursue any strategic interests, as was stated in a commentary for InfoResist by the former adviser to the chief of the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, volunteer Nathan Hazin.

    “All these shellings have no strategic interests. These are not structures, not roads. It's just to keep us tense and alert. The deaths of our soldiers, all this makes you angry, and then someone will break the order and …

  • Heavy fighting reported near Mariupol in eastern Ukraine

    The fighting near the city of Mariupol has intensified, as reported by Ukrainian volunteers organization “Come back alive” on their Facebook page.

    “The enemy continues intensive shelling of Ukrainian front line positions using large caliber mortars and artillery. According to confirmed information, at around 12:00 am [Kyiv time] the enemy used MLRS Grad systems. The shelling is so intensive that the sound of explosions can be heard in Mariupol. The first ambulances bringing wounded started to …

  • Prava Sprava: Ukrainian intelligence does not provide information on some Russian military units that were deployed to Ukraine

    Author: Dmytro Snegiryov, Head of Prava Sprava public initiative.

    On March 7, 2017, the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center published data on the deployment sites for the Russian Armed Forces that took part in the conflict in eastern Ukraine during 2014-2015. It was noted that the participation of these Russian military units in the war in eastern Ukraine was confirmed by the Chief Directorate of Intelligence of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

    According to the Chief Directorate of Intelligence …

  • Lithuanian Foreign Minister: EU is partially responsible for annexation of the Crimea

    Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius believes that the EU bears partial responsibility for the annexation of the Crimea by Russia and the war in the east of Ukraine. According to him, the European Union, and the West could have reacted more quickly and done more.

    "We are not consistently consistent, we reacted inappropriately. Sometimes our reaction is too late, sometimes too weak, "he said.

    Linkevičius believes that the West has chosen a comfortable position, the "golden mean," for …

  • The United Nations: The number of victims in the Donbas has doubled compared with late 2016

    In the first two months of 2017, the number of killed and injured civilians as a result of the conflict in the Donbas has doubled in comparison with November-December 2016, according to a report by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

    “Since the beginning of 2017, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has confirmed 111 civilian casualties (20 killed and 91 injured) compared with 51 casualties in November-December 2016,” …

  • Who is next in chain of assassinations of separatist leaders

    Author: Dmytro Snegiryov, Head of Prava Sprava public initiative.

    The sudden death of the former head of the Luhansk People’s Republic, Valery Bolotov, and the assassination of the Chief of the LPR (Luhansk People’s Republic) People’s Militia, Colonel Oleg Anaschenko, in a car explosion, are connected with purges that have been taking place in the separatist republic after the failed coup.

    In September 2016, during interrogations, the Deputy Commander of the LPR People’s Militia, Vitaly …