Contents tagged with Zakharova

  • Russia threatens the West with a ‘devastating retaliatory strike’ if Crimea is attacked

    During a briefing on May 3, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova stated that in the event of an attack on Crimea, particularly on the Crimean Bridge, Moscow is prepared to deliver a retaliatory strike “of devastating impact.” Footage of Zakharova's remarks was published by the news outlet Izvestia.

    The Russian Foreign Ministry representative commented on the impending deliveries of F-16 multirole fighters to Ukraine, which could potentially be deployed in operations targeting …

  • Kremlin is upset Russia was not invited to Ukraine summit in Saudi Arabia

    The Russian Foreign Ministry commented on the results of the summit in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, which was held to discuss the "peace formula" tabled by Ukraine. The Kremlin said that Russia does not accept any negotiations without its participation.

    "We are convinced that a truly comprehensive, sustainable and fair settlement is possible only if the Kyiv regime stops hostilities and terrorist attacks, and its Western sponsors stop pumping weapons into the Ukrainian Armed Forces," said the …

  • Kremlin notes positive achievements in Russia-USA relations

    Moscow and Washington have reached positive achievements in the negotiation process, although a number of difficulties remain in relations between the tow countries, said the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova on air of Radio Rossiya.

    As an example, Zakharova pointed out to the joint draft resolution of Russia and the United States against the use of information and communication technologies for criminal purposes. "I think that a couple of months ago, if I had said …

  • U.S. puts Russians applying for American visas into ‘homeless nationalities’ category

    The U.S. Department of State has categorized Russians who want to apply for a U.S. visa as belonging to "homeless nationalities.". The list of ‘homeless nationalities’, in addition to Russia, includes Cuba, Eritrea, Iran, Libya, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen.

    American officials usually include in “homeless nationalities” citizens from those countries where there is no U.S. consular mission. The document prescribes those wishing to obtain an American visa to apply to the …

  • Romania's Foreign Ministry summons Russian ambassador over Kremlin’s comments about Romanian National Defense Strategy

    The Romanian Foreign Ministry summoned the Russian ambassador to Bucharest, Valery Kuzmin, because of a statement made by Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova about the Romanian National Defense Strategy.

    "The reference to Russia in the Romanian National Defense Strategy should not come as a surprise, as this is a consequence of the well-known behavior of the Russian side in the region in recent years. We consider this behavior as destabilizing," reads the statement on the …

  • Kremlin demands that New York Times and Financial Times retract articles about spread of COVID-19 in Russia

    The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has prepared letters to the editorial offices of the Financial Times and The New York Times demanding that they retract the articles stating that the real death rate from coronavirus in Russia is much higher than the official data, said the spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, as quoted by Interfax.

    Zakharova said the future of these news agencies in Russia "depends on whether they will publish refutations."

    The Russian State …

  • Russian Foreign Ministry threatens U.S. with nuclear strike

    Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova commented on reports of the rearmament of U.S. Trident-2 submarines with W76-2 missiles with low-yield nuclear warheads (5-6 kilotons). Any missile attack from the U.S. submarines of this class will be met with a nuclear strike by Russia, she said.

    "As we have explained many times, we consider such a step dangerous. We believe that it is an element of destabilization. U.S. actions are aimed at obscuring the boundaries between strategic and …

  • Kremlin: wealthy Russians have been deceived in the West

    Wealthy Russians have long been deceived in Western countries for their own money, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote on her Facebook page.

    "You've been fooled for years for your own money. You've been fooled and paid with gold for ruin, for the illusion," she said.

    According to her, "very rich" Russians informed her about the medical collapse in London amid the situation with coronavirus and asked for help with returning to Russia. In this regard, the representative …

  • Russia complains about ‘attempts to isolate’ annexed Crimea

    On March 18, on the sixth anniversary of the annexation of Crimea, the Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement by the Ministry's spokeswoman Maria Zakharova , which pointed to "attempts by opponents to continue isolating" the peninsula.

    "Attempts to isolate Crimea continue, but it is becoming more and more difficult for our opponents to follow this course. In 2019, more than 70 significant international events were held in the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol. Yalta International Economic …

  • Kremlin: publication of Zelensky and Trump conversation transcript shows the danger of negotiating with US

    Official Representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said on a Channel One Russia that the transcript publication of te telephone conversation between the US President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky showed that it is dangerous to negotiate with Washington, reports TASS news agency.

    "I agree with many assessments that this [publication of the transcript] certainly changes the form of relations between countries, between presidents, and between …