Contents tagged with Zelensky

  • Zelensky: Ukraine working on dual citizenship reform

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told the American news outlet Newsweek in an interview that Ukraine is working on a dual citizenship reform, Ukrainski Novyny News Agency reports.

    “We are happy that people are going [abroad] and gaining experience, but we also want our diaspora in the US to be able to return, and so we are working on a dual citizenship reform,” Zelensky said.

    In the president’s opinion, in order to encourage Ukrainians to remain in the country or to return, Ukraine …

  • Ukrainian Prime Minister submits resignation letter

    Ukrainian Prime Minister Oleksiy Honcharuk has submitted a resignation letter.

    "I took this post to carry out the program of the president. He represents for me a model of openness and decency. To remove any doubts of our respect and trust in the President, I wrote a resignation letter and handed it to the President so that he could present it to the parliament. He is a person to whom Ukrainians have given unprecedented trust. And he has every right to evaluate the effectiveness of each member …

  • Kyiv receives ‘important information’ from the U.S. about Ukrainian airliner crash in Iran

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko met with the US representatives and received information about the crash of the Ukrainian airliner in Iran.

    In particular, there was a meeting with the head of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, Kristina Kvien, Prystaiko reported on Twitter.

    "We have received important data that will be analyzed by our specialists," the minister added.

    Earlier, Zelensky called on all international partners - especially the …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Minister: Zelensky hoping to receive military aid from Germany

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko believes that President Volodymyr Zelensky is hoping to receive military assistance from Germany.

    “Of course! It’s not my personal opinion. Only a few countries in the world are providing military support to Ukraine. Germany is one of the most powerful arms exporters in the world, despite its peaceful foreign policy. We need those weapons too. However, every time our firms try to sign contracts with German enterprises, those agreements fall through at …

  • First time in 6 years Putin calls Ukrainian President to wish Happy New Year

    Russian President Vladimir Putin held a telephone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on December 31, reports the Kremlin's press service. According to the Kremlin, the conversation was initiated by the Ukrainian side.

    Putin and Zelensky noted the importance of the new gas transit contract and the recent exchange of prisoners between Kyiv and the territories of the Donbas that are not controlled by Ukraine. They also wished each other a Happy New Year.

    Putin has not …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Minister: Merkel is not offended after she was mentioned in Zelensky-Trump conversation

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko said that no one should be surprised because of the words that leaders of different countries use in confidential telephone conversations, reports German news agency RND.

    According to Prystaiko, Trump "reminded" Zelensky that "because of their geographical proximity, the Europeans should do more for the security" of Ukraine, and the Ukrainian President agreed with Trump.

    Prystaiko also said that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is not offended by the …

  • Ukrainian President Zelensky signs bill prohibiting purchase of electricity from Russia

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky approved changes to the bill "on the electricity market," which prohibits the import of electricity from the Russian Federation to Ukraine, reports the press service of the Ukrainian President.

    The new law establishes a ban on the sale and supply of electricity imported from the Russian Federation based on bilateral agreements, as well as on the commercial  market.

    However, the government has the right to cancel the ban to avoid an emergency in the …

  • Kremlin: Macron interrupted conversation between Putin and Zelensky at Normandy Four Summit

    Putin's Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said on the TV program “The Great Game” on Channel One Russia that during the Normandy Four Summit, French President Emmanuel Macron interrupted a personal conversation between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

    According to Peskov, Putin and Zelensky talked together for 10-15 minutes, which is "not so short." "Then they were interrupted by President Macron, who insisted on continuing the work at the Normandy Four …

  • Ukrainian President Zelensky to Russia-1 TV channel: we want to end war in Donbas

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a comment to the Russian State Russia-1 TV channel that Ukraine has "slightly different views" on the Minsk agreements than Russia. Still, the work in the Normandy Four is aimed at ending the war in the Donbas.

    He noted that the Normandy Four meetings provide an opportunity "to achieve a result and to end the war in Ukraine."

    "I believe that by holding a meeting of such format, we have the opportunity to achieve results and to end the war in …

  • Zelensky speaks against construction of wall on Donbas border

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said during the broadcast of the "Pravo na Vladu" program on the 1+1 TV channel that he doesn't want to allow the construction of a wall on the border with the Donbas and called it "the last option."

    The Ukrainian President recalled that Kyiv had approved five scenarios for the reintegration of the Donbas territories. "The wall is not a plan "B," personally for me it is a plan Z," said Zelensky. According to the Ukrainian President, he would not want this …