Contents tagged with Zelensky

  • Poroshenko offers to debate Zelensky at Olimpiyskiy Stadium on 14 April

    Ukraine’s incumbent president and candidate for reelection Petro Poroshenko has agreed to debate his rival Volodymyr Zelensky on 14 April, 112 Ukraine reports.

    “On 14 April, next Sunday, I will be at the Republican (Olimpiyskiy) Stadium, precisely where Mr Zelensky proposed, I will be waiting for him to debate. I think that 19:00 or 20:00 would be the optimal time. I also invite spectators and all channels, so that the debates do take place, as Volodymyr wanted it, in order to prevent him from …

  • Zelensky's advisor outlines plans for reforms in Ukraine

    Oleksandr Danylyuk, the advisor to Ukrainain elections front-runner Volodymyr Zelensky, and the country's former finance minister, stated that Zelensky, if he wins the second round of elections, intends to begin his term with reforms in the judicial sector and the anti-corruption sphere.

    “Of course, it will be necessary to begin with a real implementation of those reforms that were in fact only imitated. Which reforms? The first is judicial reform. We will start with the Supreme Court and the …

  • Zelensky challenges Ukrainian President Poroshenko to debate in Olimpiyskiy stadium

    Volodymyr Zelensky, who won the first round of Ukraine’s presidential elections with 30.2% of the votes, has announced that he is willing to publicly debate the incumbent president Petro Poroshenko before they face off in the second round of elections.

    “I will go to debates. I’m speaking to Petro Poroshenko, you challenge me to debates, dreaming that I’ll run away and hide. No. I am not you in 2014. I will accept the challenge,” Zelensky said in a video posted on Facebook.

    However, the …

  • Zelensky ready to meet with Putin after the return of occupied territories

    Ukrainian Presidential candidate, Vladimir Zelensky, said he would meet with Vladimir Putin after the return of the "occupied territories".

     “If I will meet with Mr. Putin, I will tell him: finally, you have returned our territories. How much are you willing to compensate for the money that Russia took from our territories and for helping the people who took part in the escalation of the Crimea and Donbas situation in this terrible, cruel, disgusting way? ", said Zelensky during a media …

  • Ukrainian elections: One third of Ukrainians voted for Zelensky

    After announcing his candidacy on New Year’s Eve, Volodymyr Zelensky needed only three months to come first out of 40 other candidates in the first round of Ukraine’s presidential elections on 31 March. According to three authoritative sociological services, the results are unprecedented in Ukraine’s recent history. A comedian and political debutant, Zelensky received roughly 30.4% of the votes, whereas current president and candidate Petro Poroshenko came second with only 16.4%. Former prime …

  • Ukraine accuses Russia of attempts to buy elector votes for food

    The Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine (also known as SZRU, Sluzhba Zovnishnoi Rozvidky Ukrainy) has uncovered Russia’s methods aimed at influencing the presidential election results, reads the report published on its official website.

    According to the SZRU, the Russian special services want to collect passport data of deceased persons or persons who went missing in the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, in order to use their votes under the guise of Ukrainian …

  • Ukrainian President Poroshenko to aim for MP status if not reelected as president

    If Ukraine’s current president Petro Poroshenko does not win a second term in the upcoming presidential elections, he will rename his party and focus on being elected into Ukraine’s parliament, Ukrayinska Pravda reports, citing sources in Poroshenko’s close circle.

    If Poroshenko loses, the presidential electoral campaign will “automatically transition” into a parliamentary campaign, explained one of the sources who had participated in an election meeting with Poroshenko. According to the …

  • Front-runner in Ukraine’s election race names condition for returning Crimea

    The front-runner in the election race in Ukraine, showman and politician, Volodymyr Zelensky, speaking about his views on the Crimea and Donbas issue in an interview with the ICTV channel, announced that he considers a change of power in Moscow to be the only condition for returning the Crimea to Kyiv's control.

    “Crimea will return only when power changes in Russia. There is no other choice, “said Zelensky.

    Speaking about the status of Donbas, Zelensky stressed that he does not believe in the …

  • Ukrainian presidential elections front-runner Zelensky would consider negotiating with Moscow over Donbas

    Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian actor who is one of the leading candidates in the 2019 Ukrainian presidential election, would be willing to negotiate with Moscow in order to obtain a ceasefire in the Donbas.

    “I would like to do everything in order to stop the shooting in eastern Ukraine, so that our people stop being killed… On the diplomatic front we must lead the attack, and not wait until this is done for us. We need to negotiate. We need to reestablish meetings in the Normandy Format and …