Contents tagged with conscription

  • Russia's military recruitment skyrockets in 2024 amid new financial incentives

    The rate of recruitment for contracted soldiers in Russia to fight in Ukraine has surged six fold, Russian media reports. Between April and June, lump-sum payments were made to 92.8 thousand individuals under these contracts. The recruitment rate for 2024 has increased by at least six times compared to last year, according to data on the Russian federal budget expenditures for these lump-sum signing bonuses, as reported by the news outlet Important Stories.

    The recruitment pace has notably …

  • Russian Defense Ministry: More than two thousand Crimeans will be drafted into the Russian army

    In annexed Crimea, more than 2,000 citizens will be drafted into the Russian army for military service, as announced on October 2 by the press service of the Southern Military District of the Russian Defense Ministry.

    The military department says that the recruits "will fulfill their military duty on ships and units of coastal troops of the Black Sea Fleet."

    "According to the schedule, the first dispatch of recruits into the army is planned for the middle of October," the Ministry’s press …

  • Russian Army draft campaign begins in Crimea

    Since October 1, the Crimean authorities are launching an autumn conscription campaign in Sevastopol, following which 400 residents of Sevastopol will be sent for service in the Russian army, as reported by the Crimean Human Rights Group (HRG) on Facebook.

    On September 27, the website of the government of Sevastopol reported that this was announced at the   meeting of the conscription commission chaired by the Deputy Governor of Sevastopol, Yuri Krivov. Out of 400 drafted, more than 100 people …

  • Russia sends 1,500 newly drafted soldiers to Abkhazia

    About 1,500 Russian conscripts have arrived at the Russian military base in Abkhazia for further military service, as reported by the press service of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

    According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the manning of the personnel units at the Russian military base in Abkhazia has been completed as part of the 2017 spring draft campaign.

    "Before arriving at the military base, the recruits received a course in combined arms training and took a military oath on the …

  • Over 1,700 residents of the Crimea were conscripted into the Russian military this year

    As of June 23, more nearly two thousand Crimean residents have arrived at the units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for military service, Krym.Realii reported with the reference to the data of the Southern Military District of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

    “The Military Registration and Enlistment Offices of the annexed Crimea have met more than 80% of the goal of springtime conscription into the Russian Army. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation …

  • Russian Defense Ministry: Nearly 2,000 spring conscripts arrived at Sevastopol to serve in the Russian Black Sea Fleet

    More than 1,700 recruits or about 65% of the total number of conscripts have already arrived for the spring draft-campaign to serve in the Black Sea Fleet of Russia, the press service of the Southern Military District of the Russian Defense Ministry reports.

    The Ministry also reported that the recruits from the military commissariats went through a medical examination and psychological and sociological testing in Sevastopol.

    "The questionnaire showed that more than 95% of young people came to …

  • Russian Minister of Defense: Conscripts from Crimea will serve in all regions of Russia

    This year, for the first time in the spring conscription, Crimeans will pass military service in all regions of Russia, as announced by the Russian Defense Minister, Army General Sergey Shoygu during a conference call.

    “I want to start by saying that tomorrow starts the next draft campaign, which will last until July 15. In accordance with the decree of the Russian president, we plan to call 142,000 people. Among them will be citizens of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, who will perform …

  • Putin signs decree on military conscription

    Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree to draft 142,000 people into the military. The document was published on the official portal of legal information.

    Russian citizens between 18 and 27 years old who are “not in the reserves and not subject to military service in accordance with federal law” are subject to the decree, titled “Military Duty and Military Conscription,” the document says. The decree goes into effect on March 30th. The government, regional authorities, and …

  • Sweden revives conscription policy due to Russian threat

    The Swedish Government has decided to bring back its compulsory military draft, which was canceled in 2010. This was stated by the press-secretary of the country's Defense Ministry, Marinette Nyh Radebo, according to the BBC. One of the reasons for this decision is "Russian military activity."

    Starting on January 1, 2018, about four thousand young men and women will be called up for service. They will be chosen from a pool of thirteen thousand people born in 1999 who will then be offered …

  • 152,000 Russians drafted during fall conscription

    More than 620,000 recruits arrived at the military registration and enlistment offices during the autumn conscription. 152,000 of them were sent into military service, according to the head of the Main Organization and Mobilization Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Colonel-General Vasily Tonkoshkurov.

    "623,000 conscripts came to the commission meetings. Decisions regarding entry into service were made on 152,000 of them, with more than 470,000 being granted draft …