Contents tagged with crimea

  • EU extends sanctions against Russia over annexation of Crimea

    The European Union has decided to extend sanctions against Russia because of the annexation of Ukrainian Crimea, reported the press service of the European Council.

    "The EU does not recognize the illegal annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol by the Russian Federation and continues to condemn this violation of international law, in line with the declaration by the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on behalf of the EU on 25 February 2021," said the European Council in a …

  • Crimean authorities: Water found under the Sea of Azov is not suitable for consumption

    Russia's plan to use fresh water supplies found under the Sea of Azov to supply Crimea failed. The water is unsuitable for consumption, said the Head of Crimea, Sergey Aksenov.

    "There is some fresh water there," Aksenov said.

    He specified that the water reserves are not located very deep, and it would be easy to extract them. However, there is a serious problem. The water contains a lot of minerals.

    "How can it be used? It has to be cleaned up," Aksenov said.

    He added that water treatment …

  • Russia begins aviation and air defense exercises in Crimea

    Russia has started aviation and air defense exercises in the annexed Crimea, reports the Russian Defense Ministry.

    "In accordance with the combat training schedule, the anti-aircraft missile units of the Black Sea Fleet Army Corps have begun to work out joint tasks in the area of intensive aviation flights. Combat training activities are being carried out in the airbases and permanent deployment bases of Black Sea Fleet air defense units,” the statement reads.

    According to the Russian Defense …

  • Claims against Russia in international courts have reached $99 billion

    The amount of claims against the Russian government, brought in foreign arbitration courts, continues to grow by leaps and bounds.

    To date, the total amount of lawsuits is approaching the $100 billion dollar mark, said the Russian Presidential representative, Harry Minh, speaking in the State Duma.

    "Currently, 37 trials are underway in arbitration courts, and as part of these claims, lawsuits totaling $99 billion have been brought against the Russian Federation," Minh said.

    The number of …

  • EU extends sanctions against Crimea

    The EU Permanent Representatives Committee (COREPER) extended for a year without any discussions restrictive measures against Crimea as part of the EU's strategy to reject Crimea's annexation by Russia, adopted in 2014, TASS reports, citing a diplomatic source in Brussels.

    "COREPER has decided to extend for 12 months restrictive measures against Crimea and Sevastopol," TASS’ source said. The decision will be formally approved by the EU Council next week and will then come into force. …

  • Kremlin: Putin is ready to discuss Crimea with Zelensky

    Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to discuss cooperation on Crimea with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky not the ownership of Crimea, said the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov on air of Rossiya 1 TV channel.

    "If we discuss Crimea in terms of the development of cross-border cooperation, you know, Russia has cross-border cooperation with other countries, in this regard, I am sure that Putin will be ready," Peskov said.

    Peskov added that "no one will ever …

  • European water equipment installed in Crimea despite sanctions

    Water supply equipment manufactured by German company Siemens and Danish company Grundfos was installed in annexed Crimea, despite the ban on the supply of such equipment, established by a resolution of the Council of Europe back in 2014, reports the Current Time.

    The presence of European equipment in the peninsula was shown on Russian television.

    "It is 100% incomprehensible how these pumps got to Crimea. We see the statement of Siemens and Grundfos that they followed all the rules, that …

  • Yeltsin’s associate: Ukraine was forced to take Crimea in 1954

    The first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, when offered to conclude a deal with Kyiv, under which Crimea would be given to Russia, and Ukraine, in turn, would receive free gas for ten years, said: "Whey do we need this Crimea, this Sevastopol. We have free piers in St. Petersburg, we will move the fleet there," said Mikhail Poltoranin, a well-known Soviet and Russian politician, in an interview with Ukrainian journalist Dmitry Gordon.

    "It was a good deal, not only to snatch Crimea for free, …

  • Russia closes three areas of the Black Sea

    Russia suspends the right of free passage for foreign ships in three areas of the Black Sea for six months. The restrictions will take effect on the evening of Thursday, April 24, reported the Russian newspaper Kommersant with a reference to the bulletin issued by the Office of Navigation and Oceanography of the Russian Defense Ministry.

    From 21:00 on 24 April to 21:00 on October 31, Russia suspends the right of free passage through the waters of the Russian Federation "for foreign warships …

  • Russia begins large-scale military exercises in annexed Crimea

    Large-scale military exercises have begun in Crimea. According to TASS, more than 10,000 military personnel, 1,200 weapons and military equipment, as well as more than 40 warships take part in them.

    Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu arrived in Crimea to check the readiness of naval and land groups for exercises as part of a snap combat readiness inspection, according to a press release of the Russian Defense Ministry.

    High Representative of the European Union Josep Borrell said earlier …