Contents tagged with crimea

  • Ukraine's Oschadbank to sue Russia over lost assets in the Crimea

    Ukrainian Oschadbank aims to receive indemnification worth more than $1 billion from Russia for the assets in annexed Crimea, the bank’s press service reported.

    “On August 26 Oschadbank filed a lawsuit with all the evidence attached. The required compensation includes the cost of the loss of assets, the value of business losses, as well as interest rates that will be charged before the tribunal’s final decision and before the actual acceptance of the payment at the commercial rate determined …

  • French Foreign Ministry says its position on the Crimea remains unchanged

    A representative from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Romain Nadal, stated that the official position of France on the Crimea remains unchanged – the accession of the peninsula was illegal. Nadal noted that attempts by the Russian authorities to legitimize the accession of the Crimea by electing representatives from the peninsula to the Russian State Duma will not change France’s position.

    “On the 16th of August, the president of the republic recalled the consistent position of France …

  • Kiev urges Ukrainian citizens not to participate in Russian elections in the Crimea

    Kiev officials urge Ukrainian citizens in the territory of the annexed Crimea to boycott the elections of deputies to the State Duma of Russia, according to a statement by the press-service of the Ministry of Temporarily Occupied Territories.

    "We call on Ukrainian citizens who are in the territory ofthe  occupied Crimea not to participate in the elections to the State Duma of Russia. Such a procedure in the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula is illegitimate and will not be …

  • Russia's Black Sea Fleet begins naval exercises

    The Black Sea Fleet of Russia has started naval exercises. Their press service announced on Wednesday that the exercises would last until August 27th. According to their press release, “At the initial stage, Naval Forces will perform anti-submarine tasks, deploy anti-mine forces and carry out minefield operations.”

    Crews of the mine-sweepers Turbinist and Ivan Golubets will search and destroy minefields mainly by shooting at floating mines. The guard ship Admiral Grigorovich and small anti- …

  • Merkel: The situation with the Minsk Agreements remains complicated

    The situation with the regard to the implementation of the Minsk Agreements remains complicated. This was announced by German Chancellor Angela Merkel at a joint press conference with Estonian Prime Minister Taavi Rõivas in Tallinn on the 24th of August.

    “The situation with the implementation of the Minsk Agreements is extremely complicated. We have not achieved everything that we wanted,” she said, adding that “it's necessary to find a way out together and I hope that with joint efforts, …

  • OSCE will not send observers to Russian elections in Crimea

    The Ukrainian Ambassador to the OSCE, Ihor Prokopchuk, stated in an interview with journalists in Kiev that the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) will not send observers to Russian parliamentary elections that will take place in the Crimea, as reported by a correspondent of Ukrayinska Pravda. According to ODIHR, those elections, which are held in the territory of the Russian Federation, don’t concern the Crimea.

    “Countries can invite the OSCE Office for …

  • Authorities in Crimea intend to distribute the assets of Ukraine state-owned company as salaries

    The local authorities of the Russian-occupied Crimea intend to pay wage arrears to employees of the recently liquidated Radio Communication Design Bureau. Until 2014 the company was a part of the Ukraine state-owned enterprise, Ukroboronprom (Ukrainian Defense Industry).

    The Governor of Sevastopol, Dmitry Ovsyannikov, said that the salaries could be repaid out of the income from the sale of the company’s property, Krym.Realii reports.

    “Please note the number of workers who should get the …

  • Klimkin: UN tribunal will consider Ukraine's claim against Russia regarding Crimea

    The government of Ukraine will appeal to the UN International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) concerning violations of the relevant UN Convention by the Russian Federation. This was announced by the Foreign Minister of Ukraine, Pavlo Klimkin, while opening a general meeting of the ambassadors in Kiev.

    "In the coming days we are going to submit our case regarding The Russian Federation’s violation of its obligations under the International Convention on the Law of the Sea,” he said. …

  • Protests against Russian government were broken up in the Crimea

    Police in the Crimea dispersed a protest called “Deceived Crimea”, Ekho Moskvii reported.

    The protest’s organizers hoped to attract 1,000 to the rally in opposition of the actions of the Russian-Crimean authorities.

    Information about the protest was published in local newspapers before the event was held. The media, however, also published notices issued by the authorities stating that the demonstration was prohibited. Ultimately, several dozen participants gathered in front of the Palace of …

  • Erdogan tells Poroshenko Turkey doesn't recognize Russia's annexation of Crimea

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his Ukrainian counterpart Petro Poroshenko have discussed the situation in the Crimea during a telephone conversation, the press service of Ukrainian President reported.

    “Recep Tayyip Erdoğan assured Petro Poroshenko of the stance of Turkish authorities on support of independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine in its internationally recognized borders. Erdoğan also stated that the Republic of Turkey doesn’t recognize the occupation of the …