Contents tagged with crimea

  • State Border Guard Service of Ukraine records Russian helicopters over Crimea

    Ukrainian border guards again reported sightings of Russian helicopters flying over the territory of the Crimea, according to the service’s website.

    "Guards from the Berdyansk detachment on the administrative border recorded a flight of Russian Mi-8 helicopters over the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Cooperative units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have already been informed," the website noted.

    The day before, at administrative border with the …

  • Media: There is unexplained Russian military buildup in the Crimea

    According to witnesses, the Russian military has been increasing its presence in several areas in the annexed Crimea over the previous day. According to eye witness accounts, military roadblocks reinforced with armed soldiers have been established in the Razdonletsky district.

    The soldiers are stopping and inspecting the passing traffic. Similar roadblocks are reportedly set up in Chernomorsky district. When asked about the reasons for the road checks the soldiers state the “breach of the …

  • Ukrainian Intelligence: Russia deployed naval ship carrying cruise missiles to the Crimea

    On the 5th of August, the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine released data indicating the strengthening of the naval component of the Russian Armed Forces in the annexed Crimea. In particular, the Agency reported on the addition of ships with powerful missile complexes.

    According to the press service of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the inclusion of the Admiral Makarov frigate, which is armed with a Caliber-NK …

  • Ukraine: Russia is moving troops to the administrative border of Crimea

    On August 4, a representative of the State Border Guard service, Oleh Slobodian, stated that Ukrainian border guards had observed a rotation of Russian Federation Forces in the Crimea near the administrative border, Krym.Realii reports.

    “A rotation of Russian Armed Forces is taking place at the administrative border between the occupied Crimea and the Kherson region. From July 27 to July 30, a significant part of military equipment and personnel from the Russian Armed Forces moved from the …

  • Ukrainian Intelligence: Russia could use Crimea to launch a nuclear attack on Europe

    The representative of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Defense Ministry of Ukraine, Vadim Skibitsky, announced on Hromadske Radio on August 2nd that the Crimea could become an outpost from which Russia could conduct nuclear strikes on Europe.

    According Skibitsky, the Russian Black Sea Fleet annually trains on the use of nuclear weapons. He says that they are currently carrying out intensive retrofitting the fleet with new submarines, frigates, aircraft and other types of military …

  • Kerch Strait Bridge project is falling behind schedule

    The construction of the railway approaches to the Kerch Strait Bridge from Crimean side is six months behind schedule because officials forgot to identify the project’s customer in official reports.

    According to Forbes, the construction did not start because the state customer for this type of work wasn't identified in the federal targeted program on the development of Crimea and Sevastopol. The approaches must connect the railway part of the bridge with the railway network of Crimea. It will …

  • US Senator Bob Corker: The US should continue to respond to Russia’s aggression

    In response to Voice of America’s request for comment regarding US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s statement about Crimea and the Donbas, the US Senator from Tennessee, Bob Corker, stated that the United States should continue to respond to Russia’s aggression related to the invasion into eastern Ukraine and illegal annexation of Crimea.

    “I have supported providing lethal weapons to Ukraine and believe we should help our allies resist efforts to change borders by force,” Bob …

  • Despite visit by French MPs, French Foreign Ministry reaffirms stance that Crimea is Ukrainian territory

    A comment about the non-recognition of the Crimea’s annexation was published on the website of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs on August 1st as a response to last week’s visit by French deputies to the peninsula.

    "Redrawing the borders is contrary to international law. Therefore, the international community, the EU and France do not recognize the illegal annexation of the Crimea. This clear position can in no way be called into question neither by travels, nor by the statements which …

  • Russia to station three new warships in Sevastopol

    Three Project 11356 frigates will be included in the Russian Black Sea Fleet in the Crimea by the end of this year. This was said by the commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, Alexander Vitko.

    According to him, the second ship in the new series of Russian patrol ships will be added to the fleet in the fall.

    “It is planned that the second ship of this project, Admiral Essen, will be added to the fleet in the fall. This ship has passed all of the required tests. After taking part in the Day …

  • Ukrainian PACE delegate condemns visit of French MPs to Crimea

    The Ukrainian delegation to PACE spoke about the illegality of the visit of French deputies to Crimea.

    According to MP Volodymyr Ariev, the chairman of Ukraine’s permanent delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), the Ukrainian PACE delegation was disappointed to receive news about another visit of a group of French deputies headed by PACE delegate Thierry Mariani to Crimea.

    “On behalf of the Ukrainian delegation, I declare that we are outraged by the defiant …