Contents tagged with crimea

  • Dozens of Russian aircraft arrive in Crimea for military exercises

    Carrier-based aircraft from Russia’s Northern Fleet will hold exercises at the aviation training complex NITKA in the Crimea, Krym.Realii reported, with reference to the press service of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

    “About ten decked Su-33s and Su-25UTGs arrived in Crimea. Also, the An-12, An-26, and An-72 naval aviation of the Northern Fleet delivered engineering and technical personnel and equipment for aircraft maintenance to the Peninsula,” the press service stated.

    Many experts have …

  • Russia officially bans Crimean Tatar Mejlis

    The Russian Supreme Court has approved a petition submitted by Russian-Crimean Prosecutor Natalia Poklonskaya to label the Crimean Tatar Mejlis an "extremist organization", and has officially banned it. The decision was announced by the Chairperson of the Board of Judges, Natalia Terentyev, TASS reported.

    Previously, the activities of the Mejlis were suspended in order to “prevent violations of the law” in Russia.

    As explained by Poklonskaya, the Mejlis are prohibited from using any type of …

  • Chubarov: A military solution to the occupation of Crimea is unrealistic

    The liberation of Crimea from Russian annexation is possible provided that several factors come together, not the least of which is the role of the military. This opinion was expressed by the head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, Refat Chubarov, Krym.Realii reported.

    "I am one of those people who reject the liberation of the Crimea through military action. This should be a combination of a few, but very important factors: political, economic, diplomatic and military too. But only the …

  • Russia to develop naval air base in Crimea

    The commander of the Russian Airspace Forces, Viktor Bondarev, told journalists that the Chauda landfill in annexed Crimea will be the first Russian naval air base where a variety of exercises will be conducted, including training for pilots of Tu-22M3 long-range bomber aircraft, TASS reports.

    "In the future, this site will serve as a training facility for fight personnel of Chkalov's State Flight Tests Center. The site will work all year round, pilots will train there using all types of …

  • Kuban Cossacks receive awards for ‘protecting the Crimean referendum’

    Nine Cossacks of the Kuban Cossack Army received awards personally from Sergey Aksyonov, the de facto head of Crimea, on the 25th anniversary of the rehabilitation of the Cossacks. During a parade in Krasnodar, honorary watches were presented to them for the protection of the "referendum" in the annexed Crimea, TASS reports.

    Aksyonov presented the honors "for the conscientious execution of the official duties and active participation in ensuring of law and order during the preparation and …

  • OSCE to consider creating monitoring mission in Crimea

    The question of creating an OSCE monitoring mission in the Crimea will be discussed when the Organization’s Representative on Freedom of the Media, Dunja Mijatović, visits Ukraine, Krym.Realii reported.

    According to the First Secretary of the National Union of Journalists (NUJU), Sergey Tomilenko, the issue was discussed at the congress of the European Federation of Journalists in Sarajevo.

    “Dunja Mijatović will soon visit Ukraine and the mission in the Crimea will be a key issue in the …

  • Kiev issues note of protest to Berlin over German politicians’ visit to Crimea

    The Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany, Andrey Melnik, wrote on Twitter that Ukraine sent a note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany protesting the visit of the Chairman of the youth wing of the anti-migrant Alternative for Germany party, Marcus Frohnmayer, and Alternative for Germany Member of the European Parliament, Marcus Pretzell.

    “We sent note of protest to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany because of illegal visit of German politicians to Crimea,” Melnik wrote.

    “The …

  • Media: Kerch resident angered by Russian anti-terrorist exercises

    Kerch media published a video with the commentary by a perturbed local resident, who claimed to be a victim of the anti-terrorist exercises of Russian special services.

    Accorting to website, in one of the recreational areas in Kerch on Kirov Street, near the Cherepashka beach, Russian intelligence officers with machine guns carried out military exercises on the 22nd of April. Civilians who passed by, people of different ages, including children, the elderly and anyone who happened …

  • Monument to energy blackouts to be erected in Crimea

    It was decided to immortalize the memory of energy cutoffs in Yalta. A sculpture made of two huge bulbs will be mounted in one of the city squares, as reported by the head of city administration, Andrey Rostenko.

    "It is the initiative of a local businessman, quite an interesting and creative project," he explained and added that the construction will be an automatic watering system, and the "bulbs" will become an original "monument to the blackouts," tells Kryminform.

    According to Rostenko, …

  • Peskov: Decisions regarding the Crimean Tatar Mejlis are ‘internal matters’

    Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the US State Department’s call for Russia to revoke the decision to suspend the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, said that the matter is an internal affair of the Russian Federation.

    “This is an issue that concerns exclusively Russian jurisdiction, that is why we don’t consider it possible and necessary to listen to the opinion of other countries,” Peskov stated.

    Earlier, the Spokesperson for the United States Department of State, John …