Contents tagged with crimea

  • Kyiv: Russia conceals COVID-19 cases among military in Crimea

    Russian authorities hide information about COVID-19 cases among the military stationed in annexed Crimea, stated the Ministry of Reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

    "In all temporarily occupied territories - both in the Donbass and in Crimea - there is an acute shortage of medical personnel to treat patients. The spread of coronavirus among military contingent is carefully concealed," the statement reads.

    As the Ukrainian Ministry noted, representatives of the …

  • Owner of one of the Ukraine’s largest internet providers indicted for treason

    The owner of one of the largest Ukrainian internet providers has been indicted for treason (Article 111 of the Ukrainian Criminal Code).

    He is accused of helping the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) to gain access to personal correspondence of Ukrainians in Crimea, which could be further used by the FSB to prosecute them, reported the press service of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine.

    According to the investigation, the owner of the company, assisted by a lawyer and a Russian citizen, …

  • Missing high-ranking Moscow official found dead in Crimea

    Leonid Osharin, deputy head of Moscow's culture department, was found dead in Crimea, reported TASS citing a source in law enforcement agencies.

    "The deputy head of the capital's Department of Culture Leonid Osharin was found dead in Crimea. The cause of his death is being investigated," the source said, adding that no traces of violent death were found on the official's body.

    Osharin disappeared on March 26. According to the search and rescue team "MoscowSpas", at the end of March, they were …

  • Head of annexed Crimea asks Russians not to come to peninsula

    The head of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov urged Russians not to come to the peninsula either on vacation or on business trips.

    "I never thought that I would make such a request, but there is no other way today. I urge all our citizens to refrain from coming to the territory of the Republic of Crimea both for business and for recreation purposes, as all Crimean resorts and all recreation places are closed. As our president said, self-distancing is the only medicine for today," Aksyonov said in a video …

  • Russian aviation prepares for military parade in Crimea despite COVID-19 pandemic

    The Russian army continues to prepare for a military parade on May 9 in annexed Crimea, despite the coronavirus pandemic.

    According to the website of the Russian Defense Ministry, crews of aircraft and helicopters of naval aviation and air defense of the Russian Black Sea Fleet have begun to prepare flight shifts for the air part of the parade.

    "During the first stage of training, pilots practice flying in pairs. Crews of aircraft and helicopters conduct training on keeping the interval …

  • 10,000 land plots owned by Ukrainians in Crimea fall under Putin's decree banning ‘foreign’ ownership

    In the annexed Crimea, 9,747 plots of land in the "border territories of Russia" belong to the citizens of Ukraine, reported RosReestr (The Russian Federal Service for State Registration, Cadaster and Cartography).

    Their owners will be required to sell them to Russian citizens or Russian companies, or they can be bought by Russian government.

    "According to RosReestr, more than 11,500 plots of land in Crimea in the border territories of Russia belong to foreigners. This list did not include …

  • France condemns conscription of Crimeans into Russian army and Putin's decree on land in Crimea

    The French Embassy in Ukraine condemns the conscription of Crimean residents into the Russian army and the decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin banning "foreigners" from owning land in the "border territories of Russia" in the annexed Crimea, stated the French Embassy in Ukraine on Twitter.

    "These two measures (forced conscription and prohibition of foreigners to own land in Crimea), adopted by the Russian authorities  in a matter of several days, perfectly illustrate the strategy of …

  • Crews of 2 Russian warships quarantined after returning from Syria

    Crews of two Russian warships, the frigate Admiral Makarov and the frigate Admiral Essen, which arrived in Crimea, will be placed on two weeks quarantine. These are about 400 sailors who have just returned from Syria.

    "The frigates Admiral Makarov and Admiral Essen have returned to Sevastopol after a long voyage in the Mediterranean Sea but are not yet allowed to enter the bay. The command of the Black Sea Fleet ordered the sailors, who came into contact with foreign nationals during the …

  • Russia conducts tank drills in annexed Crimea

    Russian troops are conducting exercises involving tank units in annexed Crimea.

    Exercises of the coastal defense units and marine corps of the Russian Black Sea Fleet are held at the Opuk, Angar and Kozachiy training ranges, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

    The exercises involve firing drills from T-72B3 tanks and BTR-82A armored personnel carriers . According to the Russian Defense Ministry, 40 armored vehicles were brought to the firing ranges.

    It is reported that Russian tankers have …

  • Ukrainian Security Service: Russian special services tried to recruit high-ranking Ukrainian Navy officer

    The Russian Federal Security Service tried to recruit a Ukrainian serviceman with access to classified defense information, reported the press service of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU).

    Law enforcement officers recorded the fact that the Officer of the Ukrainian Navy has been maintaining constant contacts with the personnel of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB).

    "Among them, in particular, traitors, former SBU servicemen Andrei Gaponenko, Pyotr Zima, Dmitry Pilipchenko, who in 2 …