Contents tagged with crimea

  • Russia considers raising gas prices for Crimea and Sevastopol

    According to a bill published on the Russian government’s website of legal information, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia suggested to raise the price of gas for residents of the Crimea and Sevastopol.  

    The authors of the document indicate that the bill aims to solve the problem of the gap between the gas prices in the Crimea and Sevastopol and the prices in the southern regions of neighboring Russia.

    The document does not specify what gas prices are being referred to – for …

  • Turkey has not decided whether it should participate in the opening of the central mosque in Crimea

    At present, Turkey has not made a concrete decision on whether or not it should participate in the opening of the central mosque in Simferopol, TASS reports with reference to a statement by a high-ranking source in the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    “As I understand it, Russian President Vladimir Putin made the proposal during one-on-one negotiations with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan. At the moment, Turkey has not made any decision regarding this matter,” the agency reported the …

  • Zelensky claims he prepares several possible responses to Russia’s passport aggression

    Ukrainian President-elect Volodymyr Zelensky said that he is working on several possible responses to Russia’s initiative to issue passports to residents of the occupied parts of the Donbas.

    “We are preparing. Let’s just say we have several approaches. In this regard, we need to be creative, we need to be quick, clever, what we are – young. And so for now we will make preparations, and later we will show you,” Zelensky told reporters when asked whether he had any suggestions for parliament …

  • The Hague court to broadcast Ukraine against Russia dispute over violations in the Black Sea

    On June 10, 2019, the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague will begin a hearing of Ukraine and Russia dispute over the rights in the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov and the Kerch Strait. This information has been published on the court’s website.

    On the day of the hearing, the representatives of Russia will speak from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 14:30 to 17:30 with the possibility of additional time from 17:30 to 18:00. Ukraine’s representatives will speak on a similar schedule on June 11.

    The …

  • EU condemns human rights violations in annexed Crimea

    At the OSCE Permanent Council meeting in Vienna, the EU delegation made a statement condemning the human rights situation in the annexed Crimea.

    "We remain deeply concerned about the deterioration of the human rights situation in the illegally annexed Crimea. We support the statement of the OSCE representative on freedom of the media Harlem Désir of April 17, which condemns the deterioration of the situation with freedom of speech and security of journalists on the peninsula," the statement …

  • Zelensky meets with muftis and calls for dialog with Donbas and Crimea

    On Thursday 2 May, Ukraine’s President-elect Volodymyr Zelensky met with local muftis and other Muslim religious figures, according to a Facebook post by Ismagilov, the Mufti of the Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine “Ummah”.

    The mufti says he received a phone call from Zelensky’s assistant, inviting him to the meeting.

    “Volodymyr Zelensky gave each person a turn to express their views. When I spoke, I emphasized the importance of the highest religious rights and freedoms declared …

  • Czech Constitutional Court condones refusal to accommodate Russians who support annexation of Crimea

    The Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic overruled the verdict of the country's Supreme Court, ruling that the Brioni Boutique Hotel in Ostrava’s decision to refuse accommodation to Russians approving of Russia’s annexation of Crimea is not an act of discrimination.

    As reported by Echo24, in April 2014, the hotel administration announced that it would not accommodate Russian tourists who would not denounce the seizure of the peninsula in writing.

    The hotel owners’ demarche did not …

  • Kremlin publishes decree on simplified issuance of Russian passports to Ukrainians

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree regarding the simplified procedure for granting Russian citizenship and passports for migrants from the Crimea and the Donbas.

    According to the document published on the official Kremlin website, the simplified procedure will apply to Ukrainian citizens as well as their children, spouses and parents, and stateless persons who were born and permanently resided in the Crimea and Sevastopol, but left these territories before March 18, 2014. …

  • Putin: Russia and Ukraine could agree on joint citizenship

    Commenting on journalists’ questions about Russia's plans to issue passports to the Ukrainian citizens and the response of the elected president of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, Russian President Vladimir Putin once again called the Ukrainians and Russians one nation and stated the need for common citizenship.  

    “I have said many times that Ukrainians and Russians are brotherly nations. Moreover, I believe that this is one nation with their own cultural, linguistic, historical features, but in …

  • Media: Zelensky intends to replace five government ministers

    The team of Ukraine’s president-elect Vladimir Zelensky intends to carry out a reshuffle in the administration, reported the Ukrainian publication “Apostrophe” citing a source in the Verkhovna Rada.

    According to the source, “Over the past two days, Zelensky’s  representatives have been seeking to replace five ministers: Iryna Friz, Minister of Veterans Affairs; Volodymyr Omelyan, Minister of Infrastructure; Hennadiy Zubko, Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Public …