Contents tagged with crimea

  • Putin invites Turkish President Erdogan to visit annexed Crimea

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has invited his counterpart Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to visit the annexed Crimea to take part in the opening of the Cathedral Mosque in Simferopol. The head of the Kremlin also proposed inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the opening of a synagogue in annexed Sevastopol, Russian state agencies reported.

    Not a single foreign leader has visited the Crimea during the five years of the annexation of the peninsula by Russia. The …

  • Kremlin: Russia deployed long-range bombers in Crimea

    The Chairman of the Federation Committee on Defense and Security, Viktor Bondarev, announced that Russia has deployed Tupolev Tu-22M3 strategic bombers with nuclear weapons in the Crimea. The bombers are capable of hitting air defense systems and missile defense systems "anywhere in Europe,” reports RIA Novosti.

    Bondarev noted that these bombers will be upgraded in the next few years and will become "universal means for strikes on all types of targets at a distance of thousands of kilometers." …

  • Ukraine sentences Putin’s representative to 13 years in prison in absentia

    Kyiv Svyatoshinsky district administration sentenced the authorized representative of the President of the Russian Federation, Oleg Belaventsev, to 13 years in prison in the so-called "Crimean Federal District" trial in absentia, reported Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko on Facebook.

    The court found Belaventsev guilty of committing an encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine, incitement to high treason and waging an aggressive war against Ukraine.

    The …

  • On the fifth anniversary of Crimea's annexation Poland pledges continued support to Ukraine

    On the fifth anniversary of the Crimea’s annexation, Poland expresses its support to Ukraine and Ukrainians who live in the Crimea, wrote the Polish Embassy to Ukraine on Twitter.

    Polish diplomats stressed that forcible change of the borders should not be allowed. "Poland and Poles remember Ukraine and its citizens who remained in annexed Crimea. We will not stop our efforts to return Ukraine's territorial integrity. We cannot allow the forcible change of state borders to be legalized,” the …

  • German Foreign Minister: Russia's annexation of Crimea a ‘fatal violation of international law’

    On the anniversary of the Crimea’s annexation by Russia, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas deplored Russia’s actions in the peninsula. “This fatal violation of law is now in its fifth year. Russia tried to shift boundaries by resorting to military force. Those who act like this destroy trust and put in question basic principles of peaceful coexistence,” Maas stated on Twitter.

    Earlier, the Foreign Ministry of the Czech Republic stated that although the Crimea has been annexed by Russia, it is …

  • President Poroshenko promises to do everything possible to return Crimea to Ukraine after elections

    President Petro Poroshenko, in an interview with the TV channel Ukraina, stressed that there is no more important task for the Ukrainian government than to ensure the restoration of the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of the Ukrainian state, reports the press service of the head of state.

    “We need to understand who we are facing. One of the largest military machines in the world is totalitarian, and today it has set the task of the illegal annexation of the Crimea. And the …

  • Washington: Russia's 'referendum' in Crimea 'a farce at the barrel of a gun'

    The so-called “’referendum’ at the barrel of a gun”, conducted by Russia in the Crimea five years ago, was a farce, wrote State Department Deputy Spokesperson Robert Palladino on Twitter. He remarked that it was “rightfully condemned by the international community”.

    On July 25, 2018, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo issued the Crimea Declaration whereby the United States rejected Russia’s annexation of the Crimea. Pompeo stated that the United States pledged to maintain this policy until …

  • Russia promises ‘a practical response’ to new U.S. and Canadian sanctions

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation responded to the new sanctions against Russia, imposed by the US and Canada because of Moscow’s actions against Ukraine, promising a “practical response”, which “will certainly ensue”.

    "At the same time for everyone except, perhaps, the authors of such decisions, it is obvious that the sanctions, no matter how many, do not lead to the desired results for the United States and Canada. By believing in their own infallibility, they …

  • Stoltenberg: NATO will continue to support Ukraine

    In the annual report published on NATO’s website on March 14, 2019, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg  stated the members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization reaffirm their decisions regarding Ukraine’s desire to join the alliance.

    “In light of Ukraine’s restated aspirations for NATO membership, the Allies also stand by their decisions taken at the Bucharest Summit and subsequent Summits,” stated the section “NATO’s Open Door.”

    The NATO Secretary General recalls that the Alliance …

  • Ukraine at EU Parliament: Russia setting stage to attack Ukraine by sea

    Russia’s actions in the Kerch Strait and the Azov Sea are designed to “kill the economy of Ukraine’s Azov coast and set the military stage for attacking Ukraine from the sea,” said Oleksii Makeiev, director of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry’s political department, during a special joint session of the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Subcommittee on Security and Defense in Strasbourg.

    At the special session on the 5th anniversary of Russia’s annexation of Crimea and …