Contents tagged with crimea

  • Ukraine: DHL Express, Adidas and Puma illegally operate in annexed Crimea

    Ukrainian Ministry of Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons notes that the German companies DHL Express, Adidas and Puma are illegally working in Russian-annexed Crimea, the ministry's website reports.

    "While monitoring compliance with the legal regime of the temporarily occupied territory, the Ministry of Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons found evidence of activities by German companies DHL Express, Adidas AG, Puma SE on the …

  • American warplane conducts reconnaissance flight near annexed Crimea

    On Saturday, a U.S. Navy anti-submarine aircraft made a reconnaissance flight near the Crimean peninsula on the Black Sea, reports Interfax, citing aviation websites.

    According to their information, the U.S. Navy P-8A Poseidon aircraft, with tail number 168437 and call sign PS026, departed from the Naval Air Base Sigonella on the Italian island of Sicily and patrolled in the area to the southwest of Sevastopol for several hours.

    After taking off from Italy, the plane’s route took it over …

  • Russia armed the Black Sea Fleet with more than 50 warships since annexation of Crimea

    During an interview with the Interfax news agency, Aleksandr Vitko, Commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, stated that Moscow has transferred more than 50 new warships, boats and auxiliary vessels for "tasks in the Mediterranean and Black Seas” since 2014.

    "Over the past three years, we have received more than 50 new warships, boats and auxiliary vessels, which without a long commissioning period immediately began realization of tasks ", Interfax quotes Vitko as saying.

    According to Vitko, …

  • Crimean Tatar leader Umerov: Our release from Russian prison was a result of an agreement between Putin and Erdogan

    The deputies of the Mejlis Chairman of the Crimean Tatar people, Ilmi Umerov and Ahtem Chiygoz, who were released from detention in the annexed Crimea, were not informed of the terms of possible agreements between Presidents Vladimir Putin and Recep Erdogan, Ilmi Umerov indicated to Krym.Realii.

    "We were not told about it. This is an agreement between Erdogan and Putin. We have not yet seen the decrees on our release. We do not know on what basis, under what conditions it has been done. It is …

  • Russia to deploy Voronezh radar station in Crimea

    Russia plans to deploy the Voronezh radar missile attack warning system in Crimea, the Director of Russian “Radio Technology and Information Systems” company, Sergey Boyev told Russa’s Interfax.

    “The main client, the Defense Ministry, has decided to deploy the Voronezh VHF station in Crimea. Work is currently underway to determine the place where it will be installed,” he said.

    According to Boyev, the construction will begin in 2019.

    On November 7, Chief of Russia’s General Staff Valery …

  • Russian Media: German Foreign Minister calls for friendship with Russia despite annexation of Crimea

    German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel is convinced that, despite the European Union's position on the annexation of the Crimea, Russia and Europe need to stabilize relations.

    He said this at the 10th Russian-German Raw Material Conference that took place in St. Petersburg, Interfax reports.

    "The annexation of the Crimea is a step that is contrary to international law. However, we are all responsible for peace and stability in Europe. Our relations should not develop in a spiral of distrust, …

  • Media: Turkey exchanged Crimean Tatar leaders Chiygoz and Umerov for two Russian agents

    The Turkish government has exchanged Akhtem Chiygoz, deputy head of the Crimean Tatar people’s Mejlis, and Ilmi Umerov for two Russians accused of espionage, as announced on the Turkish TV channel Haberturk with reference to court documents.

    The Russians Alexander Smirnov and Yury Anisimov were arrested in Turkey in April 2016. They were accused of planning the murder of Chechen dissidents and have been in custody until recently.

    On October 25, the Russian authorities handed Umerov and …

  • Moscow court rejects Seimens’ request to seize turbines in Crimea

    A Moscow arbitration court refused to impound four gas turbines which were manufactured by Siemens and sent by Technopromexport to the annexed Crimea in violation of sanctions,TASS reported, referring to the court’s decision.

    “The court refuses to approve the application of Siemens Gas Turbine Technologies (a Siemens subsidiary),” TASS quoted the court as saying.

    The Siemens subsidiary demanded the seizure of the gas turbines and wanted Technopromexport and other parties to be prohibited from …

  • Russia concerned by unemployment rates in Crimea

    The Russian Ministry of Labor and Social Protection released information on November 27 listing the annexed Crimea among regions with an increase in the number of unemployed citizens.

    At the same time, the Russian Ministry did not release exact data on the Crimea. It did note that the education, industry, construction, agriculture, and healthcare industries have the greatest staffing demand.The Kremlin-controlled Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Crimea did not directly report on …

  • Russia plans to file complaint with the UN over restrictions for obtaining US, EU and Canadian visas by Crimean residents with Russian passports

    Tatyana Moskalkova, Russia’s Commissioner for Human Rights intends to appeal to the UN Secretary General and the Council of Europe regarding the restriction of the rights of Crimea residents to receive visas for travel to the EU, the United States and Canada on Russian passports, TASS reports.

    “I will appeal to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and to the Council of Europe on this issue, because such a defeat in rights is completely illegal, immoral and unreasonable," said Moskalkova. …