Contents tagged with Donbas

  • Ukrainian Foreign Ministry demands that Russia cease provocations against OSCE SMM

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine demands that the Russian Federation cease provocations against observers of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM). Russia must also guarantee their access to all occupied territory of separate areas of Donetsk and Lugansk.“We demand that Russia implement its obligations within the Minsk Agreements, that they immediately cease provocations against OSCE observers and that they guarantee full, safe and unhindered access to all occupied territory of …

  • Ukrainian Azov and Donbas National Guard regiments will return to the front line

    The Adviser to the Ukrainian Interior Minister, Zorian Shkiriak, stated that the National Guard regiments Azov and Donbas will soon return to the frontline in eastern Ukraine.

    “First of all, it is about operative rapid brigades of the National Guard and the special-task regiments Azov and Donbas. They will return to the frontline and fulfill their functions of direct contact with the enemy,” the Ministry’s press service reported.

    According to Shkiriak, these regiments have repeatedly proved …

  • Ukraine expels JCCC officer for giving intel to separatists

    Colonel Vladimir Cheban informed separatists about the routes of OSCE Special Monitoring Mission

    The Security Service of Ukraine expelled the head of the Russian office of the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination (JCCC) of Cease-fire, Colonel Vladimir Cheban.As was reported on the website of the agency, Russian Colonel supplied the deputy staff commander of the so-called first army corps of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Pepublic called "Yakub" with the monthly schedules and routes …

  • Zakharchenko gives Kiev an ultimatum on election law in the Donbas

    Ukrainian authorities have until the 14th of July to adopt a law on local elections in the Donbas. This law must, however, be agreed to by representatives of the Donbas. If not, the date of the election process will be determined unilaterally. This was said by the head of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Alexander Zakharchenko, on the 21st of June.

    “Ukraine has to adopt a law on elections, which will also satisfy us, before the 14th of July. This law must be agreed to by …

  • OSCE discovers Russian radio interference system in the Donbas

    According to the OSCE mission’s Twitter feed, a Zhytel R-330ZH radio jamming station was found near Avdiivka, which is located 14 kilometers from Donetsk.

    “The Special Monitoring Mission’s (SMM) UAVs continue to record high-tech electronic warfare stations. Obstacles in our work should be removed,” a statement said.

    The Zhytel automated jamming station provides automated detection, direction finding and signal analysis of radio sources. It then creates interference of the user terminals for …

  • Security Service of Ukraine is negotiating for the release of 25 prisoners

    The advisor to the Chairman of the Security Service of Ukraine, Yuriy Tandit, said that Ukraine is negotiating the early release of 25 Ukrainian prisoners held in the Donbas. This was reported by Interfax-Ukraine with reference to the ICTV channel.

    "We are ready to compromise and the exchange of 25 hostages for 50 is now being discussed," Tandit said. According to him, Kiev is making a maximum effort to release the prisoners.

    Recently, there had been no progress in the negotiations on the …

  • Three Ukrainian soldiers killed in the Donbas

    On Saturday, three Ukrainian soldiers were killed in action and one was injured in the Donbas region, RBC-Ukraine reported.

    Alexander Motuzyanik, the head of the press center staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the conflict zone, said that the casualties occurred in the course of two separate incidents.

    "Over the past day three Ukrainian soldiers were killed. One soldier received fatal injuries during the shelling of positions near Talakovki. Two defenders were killed by an enemy mine …

  • WIthdrawal of heavy weapons agreed on in several areas in the Donbas

    Advisers to the heads of the sates of the Normandy quartet agreed on three pilot sites for troops and weaponry withdrawal in eastern Ukraine.

    The Deputy Head of Administration of the President of Ukraine, Kostiantyn Yeliseyev, met with the advisers to the heads of the Normandy Four states and an OSCE Representative in Minsk.

    "The meetings were held with the advisers to the heads of the Normandy Four states. Participating in the meeting with me were the advisers to the German Chancellor, the …

  • Ukraine wants UN response to calls for peacekeepers in the Donbas

    The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergey Kislitsa, stated during his speech on the 10th of June at the UN Security Council that Ukraine holds the United Nations accountable for ignoring the direct request for the deployment of a peacekeeping mission in the Donbas, Ukrinform reported.

    “It is difficult to explain the lack of response by the Council to the direct request concerning a United Nations peacekeeping mission in the Donbas, whose presence in the field would ensure the additional …

  • Ukrainian losses continue on the front line in eastern Ukraine

    According to a report released by the press service of the Ukrainian President’s administration, separatists continue ceasefire violations in eastern Ukraine.

    On Friday, two Ukrainian servicemen were killed and ten were injured, according to the press secretary of the administration of the Ukrainian President, Andriy Lysenko.

    “Over the previous day one Ukrainian soldier was killed in the course of the hostilities on the front line in eastern Ukraine. Another servicemen was killed as a result …