Contents tagged with Donbas

  • Girkin's interview with Gordon to be included in MH17 trial materials

    The court in the Netherlands in the case of the downed Boeing flight MH17 over the Donbas in 2014 intends to include into the case materials an interview of one of the former commanders of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic, Igor Girkin, with Ukrainian journalist Dmytro Gordon, reports Deutsche Welle, citing the presiding judge, Hendrik Steenhuis.

    This is an interview that Gordon posted on his YouTube channel on May 18.

    In a nearly four-hour conversation with the journalist, Girkin …

  • MH17 trial resumes in the Netherlands

    On Monday, June 8, the court hearings in the case of the flight MH17 downed over the Donbas have resumed in the Netherlands.

    "As planned, the criminal case of MH17 will resume on Monday, June 8. However, due to the current coronavirus and relevant national guidelines, the court hearing block has been amended to allow a limited number of people to attend the courtroom at Schiphol Judicial Complex. Naturally, everyone can follow the hearings live," the court said in a statement.

    In addition to …

  • Ukraine calls for establishing security zone on both sides of Russian border in Donbas

    Ukraine calls for the creation of a security zone in the border areas with Russia with monitoring and verification by the OSCE. Kyiv also proposes to create a working subgroup in the Trilateral Contact Group on border issues, stated Ukraine's Deputy Permanent Representative to International Organizations in Vienna Igor Lossovsky during an online meeting of the OSCE Security Cooperation Forum, Ukrinform reports.

    According to him, the restoration of control over the border remains a key element …

  • Kyiv confirms Ukraine's readiness for acceptable compromises on Donbas

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba at the talks in Berlin confirmed Ukraine's readiness for broad compromises on Donbas provided that they do not cross the "red lines".

    According to Kuleba, Ukraine, with the mediation of Germany and France, continues to look for solutions that would lead to progress in the peace settlement in the Donbas, but would not lead to the crossing of the "red lines".

    "Ukraine is open to the search for the widest possible compromises, but will not go as far as …

  • Kyiv: Russia demands lifting of sanctions as condition for ceasefire in Donbas

    At a meeting of the UN Security Council on the protection of civilians in armed conflicts, the Russian Federation stated that without the lifting of sanctions there would be no global ceasefire, said the speaker of the Ukrainian mission to the United Nations Oleg Nikolenko, commenting on the statement of the Russian delegation.

    "In this regard, we consider the Secretary-General's call for a global ceasefire of 23 March 2020 to be very relevant. But his call will be incomplete outside of his …

  • Merkel: Sanctions against Russia should remain

    Sanctions pressure on Russia must be maintained. However, the EU needs to communicate more intensively with Russia, said German Chancellor Angela Merkel, reports RBC-Ukraine.

    Speaking at a forum organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, she noted that fundamental violations of international law should be called by their names. Thus, anti-Russian restrictions will remain in force until progress is made in the situation in the Donbass.

    "If there is no progress in the Minsk process, we will …

  • Russia threatens Ukraine with ‘irreparable consequences’ if Kyiv attempts to change Minsk agreements

    If Ukraine tries to amend the Minsk agreements, it will face "irreparable consequences", stated the representative of Russia in the Trilateral Contact Group on Donbass (TCG) Boris Gryzlov, RIA Novosti reports.

    "Any attempts by Kyiv to change the Minsk agreements, including changing the order of steps to be implemented, can lead to irreparable consequences," he said.

    In addition, the Russian representative made it clear that control over the Russian-Ukrainian border before the elections in the …

  • Kyiv: Russia has exported $4.7 billion worth of coal from Donbas

    Since the beginning of the military conflict in the Donbas, about 68 million tons of coal of various grades were exported from the territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions which are not under Ukraine’s control, reported the press service of the Ukrainian Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories, citing data from the Eastern Human Rights Group.

    It is emphasized that during this period almost 68 million tons of coal of various brands worth approximately 4.7 billion U.S. …

  • Captive Ukrainian escapes from DPR prison

    Police of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic announced the search for Ukrainian Grigory Sinchenko, arrested by militants in October 2019 in Donetsk, his mother Tatiana Gulevskaya told the Ukrainian news agency Ukrinform by phone.

    "According to the local TV channel, the reports about the escape are shown in the video news of the DPR Interior Ministry. Those who provide the information about the hiding place are promised a reward. Representatives of the special services were at my mother's …

  • Kyiv: DPR and LPR leaders with Russian citizenship will not be able to take part in Donbas elections

    All the leaders of the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics have received Russian citizenship, which means that under Ukrainian law they will not be able to participate in the elections if they are held in October, deputy prime minister for the reintegration of temporarily occupied territories Oleksii Reznikov said on the talk show " Savik Shuster’s Freedom of Speech"

    According to him, Russia is no longer hiding and confirmed on their TV channels that about 200,000 Ukrainian …