Contents tagged with grain deal

  • Ukrainian authorities seize ship involved in transporting grain from Crimea

    A ship captain operating under an African flag has been implicated in assisting Russians to smuggle grain from Crimea. The individual involved reportedly disabled the vessel’s GPS tracker to avoid detection and falsified records of the ship's routes and stops.

    A cargo ship and its captain, who reportedly worked for the Russian Federation, have been detained in the waters off the Odessa region. The captain aided the Russian side in transporting stolen Ukrainian grain from the occupied Crimean …

  • Erdogan decides to visit Moscow to talk with Putin about the grain deal

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is set to visit Russia for a meeting with his counterpart Vladimir Putin, reports Turkish newspaper Yeni Safak, citing sources within the Turkish leader's administration. The exact date of the visit is not specified, but the report notes that the main topic of discussion will be the grain agreement, from which Russia unilaterally withdrew in July.

    Sources quoted by the newspaper said that "significant progress" has been made in negotiations to resume the …

  • Turkish President Erdogan wants to meet with Putin in September to discuss the grain deal

    President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, who had hoped for a visit from Russian president Vladimir Putin in Ankara in August, is now planning a personal meeting with him in September on the sidelines of the G20 summit. "In September, there will be a G20 meeting in India. A meeting of the United Nations General Assembly is scheduled in the US. We will discuss the 'grain deal' with Mr. Putin if there is an opportunity due to our tight schedule," Erdogan said on August 21, answering questions …