Contents tagged with INF

  • Kremlin vows to respond to US military expansion in Europe, Asia and Pacific

    Moscow will take symmetrical measures in response to the US withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (IMF) only when the U.S. begins deploying new missiles in Europe and Asia, said Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoygu in an interview with Russia 24 TV channel.

    "We will not be there until they [the US] get to Asia and the Asia-Pacific region," he added.

    At the same time, Shoygu said that Moscow is ready to continue dialogue with Washington on medium and shorter-range …

  • Kremlin: Russia offers NATO a moratorium on deployment of intermediate range missiles

    Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said that Moscow would like to offer the United States and NATO to declare a moratorium on the deployment of missiles of the shorter and medium range following the example of Russia, reports TASS news agency.

    "We offered the United States and other NATO countries to discuss the possibility of declaring the same moratorium on the deployment of medium-range and shorter-range weapons, as the moratorium declared by Vladimir Putin," Ryabkov said. The …

  • Kremlin threatens to deploy nuclear missiles near the US

    Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov assumed possibility that Russia can deploy missiles banned by the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) closer to the United States. In this way, reports Interfax news agency.

    According to Ryabkov, the critical point in the decision will be the flight time of the missiles. He added that this decision is "speculative-abstract." The representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry referred to the Caribbean crisis, but noted that the analogy …

  • NATO Secretary General warns Russia of Alliance's 'defensive measures'

    Secretary-General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg warned Russia that the Alliance would take defensive measures if Russia does not return to compliance with the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF).

    He noted that "there are no signs of Moscow's desire to fulfill the terms of the missile deal so far, although "time is running out."

    "The allies call on Russia again to fully and transparently comply with the Treaty," said Stoltenberg at a meeting of the NATO-Russia Council, reports Interfax …

  • Russian Defense Minister warns Europe of 'serious consequences' if the US withdraws from Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

    Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu stated that the withdrawal of the US from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty would have serious consequences primarily for Europe, Interfax reports.  

    “We are interested to see the reaction of Europe to the US decision to withdraw from the INF. And I would like Europe to know and understand the consequences that would follow in the case of the deployment of medium-range missiles in Europe, ”said Shoygu.

    The decision of the United States will …