Contents tagged with italy

  • Prime Minister of Italy proposes a review of the sanctions against Russia

    Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said he was in favor of revising the system of European sanctions against Russia, ANSA news agency reported.

    "We will become advocates of openness towards Russia, which has strengthened its international role in resolving various geopolitical crises in recent years. We will become the initiators of a review of the sanctions system, starting with those that oppress civil society in Russia," Conte said, speaking in the Senate.

    He stressed that Italy intends …

  • Ukraine denied entry to three foreigners due to their pro-Russian activities

    Three foreigners were unable to enter Ukraine because of their pro-Russian activities. On May 1, the State Border Service of Ukraine refused to allow citizens of Italy, the Czech Republic and Russia into the territory of Ukraine, reported the department’s press service.

    "Two foreigners are not allowed to cross the border at Boryspil airport on the basis of information received from other law enforcement agencies. The citizens of Italy and the Czech Republic lied about events that took place …

  • Kyiv: 25 Italian citizens fought against Ukraine in the Donbas

    The Verkhovna Rada has prepared a list of 25 Italian citizens who fought against Ukraine in the Donbas, stated an MP of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc faction, Andriy Antonischak in comments to Ukrainian news outlet

    "A group of MPs sent an enquiry to the Military Prosecutor's offices and the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). We received a list with data including mobile phone numbers of 25 Italians, who have been taking part in the war against our state in the Donbas," he said, showing the …

  • Germany and Italy will not take part in military operation in Syria

    Germany does not intend to be involved in military action in Syria, German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced, as reported by Die Welt.

    Merkel also said that Berlin will nevertheless do all it can to demonstrate that the use of chemical weapons is inadmissible.

    The day before, head of Germany’s “Greens” party Jürgen Trittin urged the German government to oppose the United States’ military response to the chemical attack in Eastern Ghouta. This idea also received support by other Bundestag …

  • Top Russian official refused entry to Italy

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy refused to allow the First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council’s International Affairs Committee, Vladimir Dzhabarov, to be present at the elections as an observer as part of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, as he stated to RIA Novosti.

    “The Italians have not responded to the request for my participation as an observer  within the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly for a long time, as a result, I was refused,” Dzhabarov said.

    He assumed that such a step …

  • Italy calls for full implementation of the Minsk Agreements

    In 2018, Italy replaced Austria as Chair of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe or OSCE. As Italian Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano said on January 1, during its period of leadership, Rome plans to center its efforts mainly on resolving a refugee crisis in the Mediterranean region.

    Alfano also said that the organization will continue to closely monitor the situation in eastern Ukraine. The conflict in the Donbas and around Ukraine “challenges the very fundamental …

  • Russia and Italy agreed on supply of Sukhoi Superjet planes to Europe

    Russia and Italy have agreed to supply Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) aircraft to Europe, as the Russian Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsiya) reported in a statement posted on its website.

    In Rome, the head of the Rosaviatsiya, Aleksandr Neradko, and head the Italian Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC), Alessio Quaranta, signed the implementation timeline for a bilateral agreement on maintaining the airworthiness of the SSJ100 airliner.

    “By signing the document, the Italians have recognized …

  • Former Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi gives Putin duvet cover for his birthday

    Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi flew to Russia for President Vladimir Putin’s 65th birthday and presented the President with an embroidered handmade duvet cover, Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera reports.

    The gift has a picture of Putin and Berlusconi, shaking hands. The photo of the duvet cover was also published by La Stampa and La Republica.

    According to Italian media, Berlusconi congratulated Putin while they were in Sochi though the Kremlin made no official report of …

  • Ukraine protests the statement by Italian Ambassador to Russia about 'Crimea's vote for independence'

    Rome officially does not recognize the "annexation of the Crimea" and supports the integrity of Ukraine; however, the statement of Italian Ambassador to Russia Cesare Ragaglini contradicts the position of the Italian government.

    This was noted in a statement by the Ukrainian Ambassador to Italy Yevhen Perelygin, which was distributed by the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Ukraine.

    "Ragaglini stressed that" Crimea was not the first country to vote for its independence …

  • A Russian citizen accused of preparing a terrorist act in Belgium was detained in Italy

    According to Huffington Post, representatives of Italian prosecutors said that yesterday, July 7, a Chechen immigrant named Eli Bombataliev was arrested in Italy.

    Bombataliev has been accused of preparing a terrorist attack in Belgium. He and his wife Marina Kachmazova may have intended to commit a whole series of terrorist attacks.

    After studying the detainee’s phone, Italian law enforcement officers discovered that he had urged his wife to “blast herself.” The police found that Bombataliev …