Contents tagged with NATO

  • Russia begins testing new naval surveillance system in the Black Sea

    Russia is testing a new surface surveillance system in the Black Sea, reports RIA Novosti with reference to the Scientific and Research Institute for Long-Distance Radio Communications (NIIDAR), which was involved in the development of this tracking system.

    The institute noted that the system was given the working name "Strategy" and is currently monitoring the surface situation in the Black Sea. The system uses "satellite and ground-based automatic information systems, data from various radar …

  • Secret equipment stolen from Russian 'Doomsday Plane'

    On Monday afternoon, Russian TV channel REN TV reported that important components were stolen during a planned repair of  Il-80 aicraft, which experts have nicknamed the "Doomsday Plane".

    According to the TV channel, on Friday the head of the security service of the Taganrog Aviation Scientific Technical Complex spoke to the police. He allegedly reported that during the inspection of IL-80, the plant officials noticed that the hatch to the cargo compartment was opened. 39 radio station blocks …

  • American M-9 Reaper drones will try to penetrate Ukrainian air space during joint drills

    Ukrainian air defense for the first time will try to intercept the American drones M-9 Reaper. As part of the joint drills, the Ukrainian military want to see whether the drones will be able to overcome Ukrainian air defenses, reported the Air Force Command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

    The exercises will take place in the area of responsibility of the Air Command West. The Ukrainian Armed Forces noted that these drills are an extremely important element of cooperation with air defense …

  • Russia to create new motorized division in Kaliningrad region

    According to TASS, a new motorized division will be created as part of the 11th Army Corps of Land and Coastal Defense Forces of the Baltic Fleet, which is stationed in the Kaliningrad Oblast not far from the Polish border.

    According to the agency's information, the division will be created partly on the basis of the units previously under the command of the 11th Corps.

    The new division would include a motorized regiment, an armored regiment, and a motorized brigade, which previously were …

  • Lukashenko accuses NATO of planning to seize Western territories of Belarus

    NATO is creating a military group in order to seize Western Belarusian territories, stated Alexander Lukashenko during the session of the Collective Security Council of the CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organisation).

    The self-proclaimed head of Belarus expressed serious concern about the increase in the military presence of the United States and NATO near the western borders of the country.

    "The case, I quote, is in the historical affiliation of the Belarusian lands to Poland. This is …

  • Stoltenberg: Russian troops in Transnistria violate Moldova's territorial integrity

    The presence of the Russian military in Transnistria is a violation of Moldova's territorial integrity, stated NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at a press conference in Brussels, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

    "Russia illegally annexed Crimea. It continues to destabilize eastern Ukraine. Russian troops are in parts of Georgia and Moldovan Transnistria. This is a violation of Moldova's territorial integrity, and it is another example of how Russia very often fails to comply with international …

  • Stoltenberg: NATO must strengthen its presence in the Black Sea region

    NATO should continue to strengthen its positions in the Black Sea region in light of the "growing Russian military presence in the annexed Crimea", said by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at a press conference in Brussels, ahead of the NATO Foreign Ministers' Council, which will be held on December 1-2 over video link.

    "We see that Russia is increasing its military presence (in the Black Sea region), and especially in Crimea. This is the reason why we should continue to increase our …

  • Lithuania: Ukraine can apply for NATO membership in 7 years

    Lithuanian Ambassador to Ukraine Valdemaras Sarapinas believes that if the necessary reforms are successfully implemented by 2027, Ukraine will be able to apply not only to the European Union, but also to NATO.

    "I think it's a realistic scenario. I would like to say the same about Ukraine's membership in NATO. I believe that nothing is impossible. I can say for sure: I don't know, maybe during this time you will be able to do it, maybe faster and you can probably become not only our active …

  • Lithuanian Foreign Minister: Donbas and Crimea are obstacles to Ukraine’s accession to NATO

    Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevicius believes that the obstacle to Ukraine's accession to NATO is not only the conflict in the Donbas, but also the Russian annexation of Crimea.

    "Of course, the current situation, the war with Russia, is not playing in your favor. NATO's rules are such that the Alliance will not invite a state on whose borders there is a war, regardless of who is the aggressor and who is the victim," Linkevicius said in an interview with Evropeyskaya Pravda.

    According …

  • Putin offers NATO concessions in Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

    Russia is ready to abandon the deployment of 9M729 missiles in its European part, provided that NATO countries take similar steps, said Russian President Vladimir Putin in a statement published by the Kremlin's press service.

    According to Putin, Moscow invites "all interested parties to consider specific options for reciprocal verification measures to address existing concerns." The President noted that Russia adheres to the position that the 9M729 missile meets the requirements of the …