Contents tagged with NATO

  • Swiss fighter jets approach Putin's delegation plane over Geneva

    The plane with the Russian delegation and Russian government media journalists was accompanied by two Swiss Air Force fighter jets over Geneva for several minutes, reports RIA Novosti.

    The Russian government delegation and journalists were on their way to cover the talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and French President Emmanuel Macron in France.

    Передовой самолёт с российской делегацией и журналистами кремлёвского пула, которые будут освещать переговоры Путина и Макрона на юге Ф …

  • NATO fighter jet approaches Russian Defense Minister’s plane

    In the afternoon of August 13, the F-18 fighter jet of NATO forces approached the Russian aircraft over the Baltic to identify it. The Alliance did not know that Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu is on board of that plane, reports TASS news agency with reference to the NATO's press service. NATO explained that the fighter jet approached the Russian plane because it was flying close to the Alliance's airspace.

    "As soon as the identification was carried out, the plane returned to the base. …

  • Over the past week NATO detected Russian military aircraft over the Baltic 9 times

    During the period between August 5-11, NATO air patrol aircraft detected and escorted Russian aircraft nine times over the Baltics, reports Radio Liberty.

    According to the Lithuanian Defense Ministry, in most cases, Russian warplanes crossed into the in the country's airspace with transponders turned off. It was only on August 6 that a Russian warplane flew into Lithuanian airspace over the Baltic sea because of the "bad weather conditions," notes Lithuanian Defense Ministry.

    The Russian side …

  • Latvia: Russia is practicing blocking the Baltic Sea during Ocean Shield exercises

    During the Ocean Shield military exercises Russian army practices drills to block the sea routes to complicate NATO’s access to the Baltic Sea, reports LETA news agency, with reference to the Latvian Defense Ministry.

    The Russian military exercises are taking place from August 1 to August 9 in the Baltics, Norwegian and North Seas. More than 10.5 thousand soldiers, 49 warships, 20 support ships, and more than 50 military aircraft are participating in drills. Some of the ships that were …

  • Russian Tu-95 aircraft intercepted by US Air Force fighters over Bering Sea

    “Two Russian Tu-95 strategic missile carriers flew over the neutral waters of the Bering Sea. They were accompanied by the American F-22 and F-18 fighter jets of US Air Force in some sections of the route,” reads the statement of the Russian Defense Ministry.

    The Russian Defense Ministry said that the flight was carried out within the Ocean Shield 2019 military exercises. The duration of the flight of strategic bombers was more than ten hours. "All aircraft flights are carried out in strict …

  • Russian S-400 missiles systems acquired by Turkey will not be integrated into NATO air defense system

    NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said that the Alliance has no plans to integrate Russian s-400 missile systems purchased by Turkey into its missile defense system.

    The Alliance has repeatedly stated that the S-400 is incompatible with NATO's air and missile systems.

    "Our answer is no. There are no plans to integrate Russian S-400 systems into a single anti-aircraft and anti-missile system," Stoltenberg told reporters in Brussels.

    Earlier, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said …

  • Kremlin: Russia offers NATO a moratorium on deployment of intermediate range missiles

    Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said that Moscow would like to offer the United States and NATO to declare a moratorium on the deployment of missiles of the shorter and medium range following the example of Russia, reports TASS news agency.

    "We offered the United States and other NATO countries to discuss the possibility of declaring the same moratorium on the deployment of medium-range and shorter-range weapons, as the moratorium declared by Vladimir Putin," Ryabkov said. The …

  • Two Russian bombers spotted near Latvian border

    The fighters of the NATO air policing mission detected two Russian bombers near the Latvian border, reads the message of the Latvian National Armed Forces on Twitter.

    NATO's fighters confirmed that these were Su-24 fighter jets.

    "On August 1, air policing aircraft identified two Russian Su-24 fighter jets over the Baltic Sea near the territorial waters of Latvia,"  reads the message.

    Russian bomber was also seen over the Sea of Japan at the end of July. It violated the Japanese airspace …

  • Ukraine's Special Operations Forces to stop using Soviet weapons

    The Commander of the Special Security Office (SSO) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Lieutenant-General Ihor Lunev at the briefing said that the Special Operations Forces are going to be integrated into NATO's collective security system in 3-4 years.

    "In the short and medium-term, it is planned to continue work on re-equipment of the SSO units for new models of weapons, military equipment, communications equipment, diving equipment, to carry out activities for certification of units for their …

  • Ukraine sends peacekeepers to Mali

    On June 23, The deputy head of the Central Directorate of Military Cooperation and Peacekeeping Operations of the General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine Valentin Levchik said that five peacekeepers from Ukraine joined the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali for the first time, reads the message of Ukrainian Ground Forces on Facebook page.

    At the moment, 61 representatives of Ukrainian national personnel perform tasks in UN, NATO and joint peacekeeping …