Contents tagged with NATO

  • Ukraine to take part in NATO military exercises Agile Spirit 2018 held in Georgia

    Ukrainian soldiers will take part in the exercises Agile Spirit 2018 which has begun in Georgia, reported by the press service of the Georgian Defense Ministry.

    237 servicemen from the United States, Bulgaria, Romania, Latvia, Greece, Turkey, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Georgia, and Ukraine take part in these exercises.

    NATO countries and partners of the Alliance, as well as US Marine Corps, participate in the drills which will be held at the Georgian military base Senaki and led by the …

  • NATO to help Ukraine in mine clearance of the Donbas

    The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is preparing to sign the Agreement between NATO and the Ukrainian Government on the creation of the NATO Trust Fund on explosive ordnance disposal and countering improvised explosive devices. The Cabinet of Ministers has already agreed to the project.

    "Yesterday, we decided on Ukraine’s signing the Agreement. We have only to sign it with NATO,” Maxim Komissarov, the head of the Department of Ecological Safety and Mine Action of the Ministry of Defense of …

  • NATO confirms buildup of Russian warships near Syria

    NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu confirmed that Russia is amassing warships off the coast of Syria.

    “The Russian Navy has dispatched substantial naval forces to the Mediterranean, including several ships equipped with modern cruise missiles,” she said.

    On Tuesday, the Russian media reported on Moscow’s largest amassing of naval forces since the start of the Syrian conflict in 2015.

    The reinforcements coincide with a statement by Moscow’s ally, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, that …

  • Merkel denies possibility that Georgia will join NATO soon

    The German Chancellor Angela Merkel excluded the possibility that Georgia could join NATO soon, reported the Voice of America. "I do not see any possibility of Georgia’s joining NATO. This is Germany’s position,” Merkel stated at a meeting with the students of Tbilisi State University. 

    "Such things happen gradually,” she said while commenting on the possibility of Georgia’s membership in NATO.

    At the Summit Bucharest in 2008, the leaders of NATO stated that at some point, Georgia will become …

  • US-led coalition to stay in Iraq

    The US-led international counter-terrorist coalition will maintain its presence in Iraq as long as it considers necessary, the alliance’s official spokesperson Colonel Sean Ryan announced at a press conference in Abu Dhabi on Sunday.

    “We will leave our forces in Iraq for as long as we consider necessary,” the military TV channel Al Hadath cites Ryan as saying. “After the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist group was defeated from a military perspective, the primary reason [for maintaining the …

  • Ukraine may ask NATO to escort ships in the sea of Azov

    Georgiy Tuka, Deputy Minister for the temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced persons, said that that Kyiv may ask the UN Security Council or NATO to convoy Ukrainian ships in the Sea of Azov, 112 Ukraine reports.

    According to Tuka, two solutions are being considered. The first option is to ask the UN Security Council for ship escorts. “The second option, which is less likely from my point of view, implies the use of NATO forces to escort ships in the Sea of Azov,” Tuka said. …

  • Ukrainian Security Service to conduct anti-terrorist exercises in Transcarpathia

    From August 15 to 17, large-scale, special-tactic, anti-terrorist exercises will be conducted in the Transcarpathian region, reported the press center of the regional department of the State Security Service of Ukraine (SBU).

    Training will be held in Velykobereznyansky, Perechynsky and Uzhhorod regions in conditions as realistic as possible and using special equipment and weapons. The National Police, National Guard, Armed Forces of Ukraine, State Border Service, State Emergency Service of …

  • Poroshenko prepares Constitution amendments for Ukraine to join EU and NATO

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has prepared amendments to the Constitution with respect to Ukraine joining the European Union and the North Atlantic Alliance. He plans to submit them for consideration by parliament at the start of the Verkhovna Rada’s autumn session.

    “Changes to the Constitution with respect to reinforcing our ambitions for Ukraine to join the EU and NATO are long overdue. I have drafted amendments to the Constitution, which I will give to the Ukrainian parliament for …

  • Ukrainian President plans to expand Sea Breeze multinational exercises

    The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko stated on Facebook that next year’s multinational Sea Breeze exercises  would be conducted in more regions and will have more troops taking part in them. "We plan to increase the number of the military taking part in the exercises, especially from the naval forces, and to expand the territories for the Sea Breeze 2019 exercises next year,” he said.

    In 2018, Sea Breeze exercises were conducted from July 9 to July 21 in the Odessa and Mykolaiv regions …

  • NATO forces withdraw from Kosovo border with Serbia

    NATO military personnel from the International Peacekeeping Force in Kosovo (KFOR) left the Gazivoda Lake reservoir on the border with Serbia on Sunday, August 5, where they were stationed for over thirteen hours.

    According to local media, there are no more vehicles and NATO soldiers on the access roads to the reservoir and hydroelectric power station. They resumed patrolling the main road in Zubin Potok and the northern part of Kosovo.

    KFOR explained to reporters that regular exercises were …