Contents tagged with nuclear doctrine

  • Kremlin: Putin's call to revise Russia's nuclear doctrine serves as stark warning to Western powers

    Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov stated that President Vladimir Putin's proposal to amend Russia’s nuclear doctrine should be viewed as a signal to the West and "a warning about the consequences of any potential attack" on Russia, reports TASS.

    Peskov highlighted the deterrent role played by Russia's nuclear arsenal, which, he noted, "the entire world is well aware of." However, he refrained from answering questions regarding whether Russia plans to lift its moratorium on nuclear tests.

    On …

  • Russia calls new US nuclear doctrine hypocritical

    The Russian Foreign Ministry has released a comment on the new US nuclear doctrine; this official commentary has been posted on the Russian Foreign Ministry’s website.

    "The content of the new nuclear doctrine (the so-called ‘Nuclear Posture Review’), which was unveiled in the United States on February 2, caused us deep disappointment. Already, upon first acquaintance, the confrontational charge and anti-Russian orientation of this document are striking. With regret we note that the US has …