Contents tagged with prisoner exchange

  • Advisors to the heads of countries taking part in Normandy talks met in Minsk behind closed doors

    Negotiations among the advisers of the leaders of the Normandy format countries ended in Minsk, as reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus.The Press Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country, Dmitry Mironchik, relayed to BelTA, the meeting was held behind closed doors and lasted about four hours.

    He did not give any other details and the parties have not yet commented on the course and results of the meeting.

    The night before the talks, the Minister of Foreign …

  • New leader of LPR promised not to disrupt prisoner exchange with Ukraine

    The successor of the former head of LPR (Luhansk People’s Republic), Igor Plotnitsky’s, Leonid Pasechnik said that he will not prevent the exchange of prisoners.

    "Of course, the resignation of Igor Venediktovich will not impact the exchange of prisoners, the process continues. The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the People's Militia verified our people who are detained, who are on our territory, and are subject for an exchange. I will be given a list on Monday and will …

  • Peskov speaks of problems in prisoner exchange between Ukraine and separatist republics

    Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov has spoken of issues in the exchange of prisoners between Ukraine and the two unrecognized republics, the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) and Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR).  "There are many problems that complicate the exchange itself," TASS reports.

     “The leaders of the unrecognized republics, [while] agreeing in general with this initiative (by Medvedchuk), noted that all details of the exchange with Kyiv still need to be agreed upon. And …

  • Russian lawyer: in prisoner exchange with separatists, Ukraine is ready to hand over former Berkut members and mercenaries from Russia

    In an interview with Radio Liberty, Russian lawyer Mark Feygin said that the exchange of prisoners between Ukraine and separatists in the Donbas will continue until the end of 2017 "because of Kyiv’s political reasons".

    Feygin reiterated that the agreement on the exchange of prisoners under the "300 for 80" plan had been achieved as early as 2016. The exchange was planned for the autumn summit of the Normandy Four countries in Berlin. At that moment, the lawyer notes, a "principled agreement …

  • After speaking with Putin heads of LPR and DPR agreed to prisoner exchange with Ukraine

    DPR leader Alexander Zakharchenko and LPR leader Igor Plotnitsky expressed support for a prisoner exchange with Ukraine, which was proposed by "Ukrainian Choice" movement leader Viktor Medvedchuk, during a conversation with President Vladimir Putin, as reported by the Kremlin’s Press Service.

    In their support for the initiative, the heads of the unrecognized LPR and DPR noted that they would need to work out this issue with Kyiv, the report said.

    It became known earlier that Russian President …

  • Herashchenko: Ukraine is ready to exchange 313 separatists for 88 Ukrainian prisoners

    Ukraine is ready to hand over 313 people to separatists in exchange for 88 Ukrainian Ukrainian prisoners who are in captivity in the separatist-held territory of the Donbas, as stated at a briefing by the Ukrainian representative to the subgroup on humanitarian issues of the Trilateral Contact Group on the settlement of the situation in the Donbas, Iryna Herashchenko.

    "We managed to establish the location 88 of our hostages out of 144. We are ready to hand over 313 people in exchange for their …