Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Media: Trudeau will visit Kiev to sign a Free Trade Agreement between Canada and Ukraine

    Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is planning an official state visit to Ukraine, Ukrinform reported, citing several sources involved in the preparation of the visit.

    According to sources, Trudeau plans to sign an agreement on a free trade agreement while in Kiev.

    "Now, the agreement on a free trade zone between Ukraine and Canada must pass legal and linguistic proofreading, and then it will be ready for signing,” the source stated.

    Details of the visit have yet to be approved, but most …

  • Heavy artillery bombardment reported near Avdiivka

    Ukrainian military command reported that on Saturday, at around 11:00 pm Kiev time, heavy bombardment of the Ukrainian positions began near Avdiivka.  According to the reports, several mortars hit residential area near Avdiivka, setting several houses on fire.

    "Today around 11 pm the enemy opened intense fire on our positions near Avdiivka. Several shells hit houses in residential area causing them [the houses] to catch fire," a statement issued by Ukrainian Command read.

    The statement, …

  • Russia is ready to begin talks on restoring air travel with Ukraine

    As was stated by the head of the Russian Ministry of Transportation, Maxim Sokolov, the Russian Federation is ready to resume the dialogue regarding flight connections with Ukraine, RIA Novosti reports.

    "We are open to this dialogue. There have been no discussions with Ukrainian authorities concerning the development of flight connections since the end of last year," Sokolov said.

    Earlier it was reported that losses for Russian airports caused by the suspension of flights to Ukraine, Egypt …

  • US to provide over 28 million dollars in humanitarian assistance to Ukraine

    Nancy Jackson, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the U.S. State Department Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration and Rob Jenkins, Deputy Assistant Administrator for the USAID Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance, stated during a meeting in Kiev that the U.S.A. will provide an additional $28 million in humanitarian assistance to support those affected by the conflict in the Donbas and the annexed Crimea.

    According to them, this assistance will help to address the needs …

  • Estonian court approves extradition of former separatist fighter to Ukraine

    The Tallinn District Court granted an appeal filed by the Government of Estonia against the decision of the lower court and now, Estonian citizen Vladimir Polyakov, suspected of terrorist activity in the Luhansk region of Ukraine, can be extradited to Kiev, BaltNews reported. On May 19th, the Tallinn District Court granted the appeal filed by the Government of Estonia and overturned the decision of Tallinn Administrative Court of 3rd of February 2016.

    The Court issued a new decision, according …

  • Ukrainian cities of Dnipropetrovsk and Dniprodzerzhynsk were given new names

    Ukrainian Parliamentarians decided to rename the major Ukrainian regional center Dnipropetrovsk to “Dnipro” and Dniprodzerzhynsk to “Kamianske” within the adopted law on de-communization. The MPs of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine voted in favor of renaming both cities and a number of others under the said law. According to the website, the draft of this resolution was approved by 247 Parliamentarians after much lively debate.

    The People’s Deputy from the Opposition Bloc, Oleksandr Vilkul …

  • Ukrainian politician: Peaceful de-occupation of the Donbas will take five years

    The Deputy Minister for the Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons of Ukraine, George Tuka, said that Ukraine will have to wait five years for a peaceful end to the occupation of the Donbas. As he stated in an interview on Channel 5, an OSCE police mission should be put in place in the Donbas to ensure the return of the occupied territories.

    "We are not talking about a three to five year war, rather a de-occupation time frame. One of the ways the President says we …

  • Crimean Tatar flag was hoisted on the Ontario Parliament

    For the first time in history the Crimean Tatar flag was raised over the Ontario Parliament. The President of Crimean Tatar Community of Ontario, Rustem Irsay, raised the flag, stating that this event shows significant support from Canada for Crimean Tatars who suffered from genocide, Krym.Realii reports.

    According to him, the association requested the former President of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress in Ontario, Yvan Baker, who is currently a member of the legislative assembly, to raise the …

  • NATO Secretary General promised further support and practical assistance to Ukraine

    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the July meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission will endeavor to show a “very strong expression of political support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine”.

    The meeting will also be a platform to discuss how to provide practical support to Ukraine. This was stated by Stoltenberg at a press conference at the NATO headquarters, after a meeting of the Foreign Ministers of member states.

    The NATO-Ukraine Commission will, for the …

  • Ukraine is preparing to submit a new lawsuit against Russia with the European Court of Human Rights

    The Ukrainian Ministry of Justice is preparing to submit a lawsuit to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) against Russia for banning the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People. According to Interfax-Ukraine, this was said by the Ukrainian Minister of Justice, Pavlo Petrenko, at a press conference in Kiev.

    “Based on the events surrounding the Mejlis, we have prepared a draft interstate titled ‘Ukraine against Russia’. It details the unlawfulness of the Mejlis’ prohibition by Russian …