Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • John McCain: The US will never recognize the annexation of the Crimea

    US Senator John McCain said the United States will continue to support the territorial integrity of Ukraine and Crimea as part of it. He said this in a video which was broadcasted in the Seimas of Lithuania on the occasion of the World Congress of the Crimean Tatars.

    This was reported by the press service of the Presidential Commissioner on the Crimean Tatar Affairs, Mustafa Dzhemilev, on April 11th.

    "I wish I was able to be there with you today and express gratitude for the efforts on …

  • Ukraine delivers first batch of dairy products to EU countries

    Ukraine has sent the first shipment of dairy products to the EU, as reported by citing, the Press Service of the Milk Alliance group of companies. The products were received by the Ukrainian Trading House Nadezhda (Hope) and were sent to the city of Varna, Bulgaria.

    "The order is a trial run to study the demand and consumer preferences. Products will be available in specialty stores that serve people from CIS countries," the head of the group’s governing board, Sergiy …

  • Speaker of the Lithuanian Seimas: The annexation of Crimea violated the peaceful life of the Crimean Tatars

    After the Russian annexation of the Crimean peninsula, "peaceful life of the Crimean Tatars in their homeland has been violated," the Speaker of the Lithuanian Seimas, Loreta Graužinienė, said during the meeting of the Coordination Council of the World Congress of Crimean Tatars, which started on April 11 in Vilnius (Lithuania), Krym.Realii reported, with reference to the press service of the Commissioner of the President of Ukraine on the Crimean Tatar Affairs, Mustafa Dzhemilev.

    According to …

  • Separatist Commander: We are in a difficult situation in Avdiivka

    Alexander Khodakovsky, the commander of the separatist Vostok battalion, says that in many ways the fighting in the Avdiivka industrial zone can be compared to the battle for the Donetsk Airport*, though the current situation is unique.

    "The strategic difference between the fight in Avdiivka and the Airport is that then we had to only even the curve of the front in a more favorable way for us. We had to push the enemy further from the city," Khodakovsky wrote on his LiveJournal page.

    "Here, …

  • Poroshenko: Consultations on a new Prosecutor General will take place once a new Prime Minister takes office

    Consultations on the candidature of a new Prosecutor General of Ukraine will begin immediately after a new Prime Minister and government are approved by the Verkhovna Rada. This was stated by President Petro Poroshenko in an interview with Ukrainian TV channels.

    "Immediately after the Prime Minister's and the government elections, I will begin consultations with the leaders of all parliamentary parties on the candidature of a new Prosecutor General," Poroshenko said.

    Earlier, the MPs said …

  • Kiev: Russia has blocked the transit of Ukrainian sweets

    Russia has blocked the transit of Ukrainian confectionery products to Georgia and Azerbaijan, the president of the association Ukrkondprom, Alexander Baldynyuk, said on Saturday, April 9th, Deutsche Welle reported.

    "Almost fifty wagons of Ukrainian products destined for Azerbaijan stood for more than a month at the customs station Derbent in Dagestan, and only at the beginning of April were they turned around back to Ukraine. A few days ago Russian customs stopped all shipments at the customs …

  • Ukrainian Intelligence: Russia allocates budget funds to support separatists in Donbas

    Ukrainian Intelligence stated that Russia continues to allocate funds from the state budget to support separatists in the occupied part of Ukraine.

    "It has been established that in the beginning of April, occupied territories received about 800 million rubles from the Russian budget. Of these, 775 million was allocated for the administrative apparatus and the security forces of the so-called DPR and LPR, where local residents are under the control of the Russian occupying power," the press …

  • JCCC: Separatists attempt to intimidate OSCE Observers

    The Ukrainian representative of Joint Center on Control and Coordination for issues related to the ceasefire and the stabilization of the contact line, stated that Russian-backed separatists are trying to intimidate OSCE SMM observers.

    “The shelling of OSCE representatives is nothing more than another attempt by the militants to intimidate the OSCE SMM observers and force them to abandon the practice of mirror patrolling proposed by the Ukrainian representatives in the JCCC,” the press-officer …

  • Poroshenko announces a number of steps to deter individuals from creating offshore accounts

    In an interview with Ukrainian media, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko announced a number of steps for “deoffshorization.”

    “Attempts to prohibit the creation of and transfer of assets to offshore companies only led to an increase in their numbers. It is absolutely a dead end. I would like to present new steps which we should take to implement an effective, rapid and deep ‘deoffshorization’ process,” he said.

    President Poroshenko announced that he assigned the Ministry of Finance, State …

  • German diplomat: The situation in eastern Ukraine 'excites concern'

    Gernot Erler, the Special Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany for Russian policy, noted that the threats to the members of the special OSCE monitoring mission are "unacceptable." Erler reiterated his call for the fulfilment of the Minsk agreements.Reports of observers of the special monitoring mission (SMM) of the OSCE about the increased ceasefire violations in the east of Ukraine, as well as the presence of heavy weapons there "excite concern,” Erler said. "I urge all parties to …