Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • UK and Ukraine sign 15-year defense partnership agreement

    As reported on Facebook, by the British Embassy press service in Kiev, the UK and Ukraine are to sign a 15-year defense partnership agreement.

    “The agreement will be in place for 15 years. Areas that are covered by the agreement are supposed to exchange information about potential threats, participate in joint exercises, train members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and to cooperate in the sphere of military equipment,” the Embassy reported.

    It was also stated that the UK is trying to increase …

  • Russian official: Ukraine is attempting to destabilize Crimea

    The Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation and the former head of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB), Nikolai Patrushev, spoke on Monday about the threat of destabilization in the Crimea. "The threat of destabilization of the political situation in the Crimean Federal District still remains. Primarily, this is due to the political challenges and the economic pressure from our western opponents," Patrushev said at a meeting in Yalta on Monday.

    The …

  • Ukrainian official: State losses caused by the annexation of Crimea amount to $38 billion

    The General Military Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine estimated the damage caused by the annexation of the Crimea to be 1 trillion hryvnia ($38 billion), as stated by the head of the agency, Anatolii Matios, at a briefing on March 21st, reported Krym.Realii.

    "According to the preliminary conclusions of the experts, the damage to the Ukrainian state caused by the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula by Russia amounts to more than 1 trillion hryvnia. This number takes onto account only the value of …

  • Ukrainian Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko confirms she is ready to become the next Prime Minister

    Ukrainian Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko confirmed on Tuesday that she is ready to head a technocratic government as Prime Minister, as long as that government serves the people of Ukraine and not political or oligarchical interests, Interfax-Ukraine reported.

    "I'm ready to form a team that right now will start working for Ukraine and its citizens, not for certain business or political groups," Jaresko wrote on Facebook.

    Two weeks ago it was reported that Jaresko tentatively agreed to …

  • Russia has charged Ukraine with penalty interest for Yanukovych's debt of $3 billion

    According to Russia, Ukraine's debt as of March 20th, together with the interest, amounts to 3.137 billion dollars. This follows the claim filed by the Law Debenture Trust Corporation company, which represents Russia, to the English Court against Ukraine, RBC reports.

    The lawsuit states that on December 21st, 2015, when the repayment of securities was due, Ukraine did not pay 3.075 billion dollars which violated the trust management agreement (Trust deed) with the Law Debenture Trust, the loan …

  • OSCE calls on both sides in Ukraine to open Horlivka-Donetsk route for civilian transport

    As was stated by the Deputy Chief Monitor of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe's (OSCE) Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine, Alexander Hug, all parties associated with the conflict in the Donbas region should reroute in the direction of Yasinovataya and withdraw their troops from the line of contact. Only after this can the Donetsk-Horlivka route be opened for civilian transport.

    "We observed intensive fighting on this territory. Civilians using this route would …

  • Savchenko sentenced to 22 years in prison

    A Russian court has found Ukrainian pilot Nadiya Savchenko guilty of complicity in the killing of two Russian journalists and sentenced her to 22 years in prison.

    The judge in the Russian town of Donetsk said Savchenko had been driven by "political hatred".

    "A propaganda machine is at work here, absent of justice and freedom," Savchenko’s lawyer wrote on Twitter.

    Nadiya Savchenko was found guilty of the murder of two Russian journalists. It is widely believed that Savchenko was in fact …

  • Poroshenko condemns Russian court's decision in Savchenko case

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko announced that sanctions will be imposed against those involved in the case of Nadiya Savchenko after a Russian court found her guilty of the murder of two Russian journalists and handed her a 22-year sentence, RBC reported. He also proposed to exchange two Russian servicemen being held in Ukraine for Savchenko.

    During a speech made earlier today in response to the court’s verdict, Poroshenko said that Ukraine will never recognize “the so-called sentence”. …

  • More than 100 people suspected of attempting to create illegally armed groups in Donetsk since January

    The Ukrainian National Police of the Donetsk region continue to document the activities of separatists groups - members of the illegally armed groups which occupied a part of the Donbas region, the head of the Regional Department of the National Police, Vyacheslav Abroskin, said.

    "In 2016, eight people among those detained in 2015, were sentenced to imprisonment. Since the beginning of 2016, 102 people are alleged to have been participants or supporters of illegally armed groups as per Article …

  • Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament doesn't recognize Savchenko verdict

    The Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament endorsed a joint statement on the release of Nadiya Savchenko as announced by the Batkivshchyna Party Deputy, Alyona Shkrum.

    "Just now the Chairman of the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs, Mr. Elmar Brok, released a statement concerning the verdict of the court of Donetsk, the Rostov region, the Russian Federation, on Nadiya Savchenko’s case," she noted.

    "The Committee does not recognize this verdict, considers the case …